
  • 网络Agricultural Science and Technology Management;Management of Agriculture Science and Technology;Agricultural Technology Management
  1. 农业科技管理人员的岗位考核

    Assessment on personnel of agricultural science and technology management

  2. 我国农业科技管理中发挥知识产权的导向作用仍很薄弱。

    It is still week to exert guide function of intellectual property in agricultural scientific management in China .

  3. 深化农业科技管理体制改革,建立农业科技创新的长效机制;

    Deepening the reform of management structure and constructing the long effect mechanism of agricultural scientific and technological innovation ;

  4. 本文就农业科技管理工作在当前发展农业,振兴农业的新形势下,存在的问题和解决问题的方法,提出了自己的见解,旨在尽快将科技兴农工作落到实处。

    Abstract The author put forward some opinions about agricultural scientific and technological management under the new situation of developing agriculture .

  5. 建立新型的农业科技管理体制,使管理模式更加适应现代农业发展的要求;

    The new management system should be established under their new development directions to be suited to the requirements of agricultural modernization .

  6. 回顾了我国农业科技管理创作园地的历程,列举了各阶段的主要著作,探索了创作过程中的某些规律,并展望创作园地的未来。

    Abstract The author of this Paper reviewed the history of the garden of agricultural scientific and technological management and listed main works of every stage and explored some regularities in the course of creation and looked forward to the future of the garden .

  7. 农业科技园管理系统建立的研究

    Studies on Constructing management system of agricultural Science and Technology garden

  8. 论市场经济与农业科技档案管理

    A Discussion on Market Economy and the Management of Agricultural Sci-Tech Achives

  9. 木兰县现代农业科技园区管理运行模式研究

    Research on Management Model of Modern Agricultural Technology Park in Mulan County

  10. 我国农业科技项目管理研究农业产业化项目管理模式初探

    Research on Agricultural Industrialization Project Management Mode

  11. 农业科技园区管理机制及其评价指标体系研究

    Study on the Management Mechanism and Evaluation Index System of the Agricultural Science and Technology Park

  12. 加强两国农业科技与管理人员的交流,进一步探讨扩大农业合作的具体途径和方式。

    The two sides will enhance exchanges between technical and managerial personnel of agriculture , and further explore the specific ways and means of expanding agricultural cooperation .

  13. 在变化趋势上,能源、区域规划、农业、科技管理、人口呈下降趋势,环境生态领域是唯一一项呈上升趋势的实践领域,其余各项则表现出了不规则的波动性。

    The researches on energy , regional planning , agriculture , science and technology management , population have declined trends ; the environmental and ecological fields is the only practice area which appears upward trend : the rest areas manifest irregular fluctuation .

  14. 本文研究了美国、德国、日本研究型大学科技管理体制的基本框架和科研组织机构,概述了国外研究型农业大学科技管理运行机制的现状和特点,从中学习经验、得出启示;

    The article studied the frameworks and organizations of science and technology management system of America 、 Germany and Japan , summarized the statues and characteristics of science and technology running mechanism of foreign countries , concluded the enlightenments which based on the research above .

  15. 同时,随着企业技术创新复杂性和不确定性的增加,仅仅依靠企业自身的有限资源无法满足企业技术创新的需要,农业科技企业管理者的社会网络对资源获取和整合过程具有非常重要的影响。

    Meanwhile , with the complexity of enterprise technology innovation and uncertainty increases , relying solely on their own limited resources cannot meet the needs of enterprise technology innovation , agricultural science and technology enterprise managers ' social network has a very important impact on resource acquisition and integration process .

  16. 区域农业科技投资项目管理信息系统的设计

    Design of Regional Agricultural Sci-tech Investment Projects Management Information System

  17. 培养了一批农业科技人才和管理人才;

    A lot of qualified agrotechnicians and managing personnel have been trained ;

  18. 福建省农业科技综合信息管理系统构建研究

    Construction of Fujian Agriculture Sci-tech Integrated Information Management System

  19. 我国工厂化农业的科技与管理创新机制研究

    Research on the scientific technological and management innovations mechanism of industrialized agriculture in China

  20. 转制型农业科技企业财务管理存在的若干问题浅析

    Analysis on Problems in Financial Management of Agricultural Science and Technology Enterprises after the Management System Transferred

  21. 本文分析了农业高校科技档案管理存在的问题,提出实现科技档案规范化管理的对策建议。

    This article analyzed the existing problems of research archives in higher agricultural institutions . Furthermore , some countermeasures are proposed in order to realize the management of research archives .

  22. 随着科学技术研究在高校地位不断强化,农业高校科技档案管理整体滞后已成为制约科学研究的重要因素。

    However , the mismanagement of research archives in higher agricultural institutions has become the important factors of restricting scientific research under the new situation of further strengthening of science & technology research activities in universities .

  23. 区域农业发展中的科技管理研究

    Research on Scientific and Technological Projects Management in Regional Agriculture Development

  24. 关于我国农业科技园区建设和管理的探讨

    Discussion of Construction and Management of Agricultural Hi-tech Demonstration Garden in China

  25. 农业科研院所科技管理全程信息化实践与探讨

    Practice and Discussions on Science and Technology MIS in Integrated Agricultural Scientific and Research Institutes

  26. 本文的研究目的是通过建立评价指标体系,实现对农业科技园区的科学管理。

    The article aims at setting up an evaluation index system to realize scientific management of the high-tech farm .

  27. 论农业产业化经营中的技术创新农业科技管理人员的岗位考核

    On Innovation of Technology in Agricultural Industrialization Management ASSESSMENT ON PERSONNEL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT

  28. 当时兴农思想的核心是巩固农业的基础地位,引进、推广西方农业科技和经营管理方式,实现中国农业近代化。

    The vitalization thoughts are centered on the consolidation of agri-foundation status , the introduction and extension of western agri-science and management approaches and China 's agriculture ' keeping pace with the modern times .

  29. 本文提出农业科技信息具有直接为农业生产服务、是科研的重要组成部分。采取下列措施对农业科技资料管理和开发,转变观念由对内部服务转向服务于社会;

    The article brings forward that the agriculture science and technology communication can serve for the agriculture produce directly , one of the most important part of science research .