
nónɡ kē suǒ
  • agricultural scientific institute
  1. Azur由中国农科院品种资源所从法国引进,张家口坝上农科所筛选成功。

    Azur was the pea variety introduced by Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources in Chinese Academy of Agric Sci from Institute Agricultural Science French .

  2. 本研究采用PCR-RFLP方法检测了5个猪群体(正虹种猪场长白、大白;益阳农科所种猪场杜洛克、长白、大白)ESR和FSHP基因的遗传变异。

    PCR-RFLP method was adopted to examine the genetic variety of genes ESR and FSH β in 5 pig populations ( Landrace and Large White from the farm of Zhenghong ; Landrace , Large White , Duroc from the farm in the agriculture institute of Yiyang ) .

  3. 新时期应更好地发挥地市农科所的作用

    Playing the Role of Prefecture or City Level Agricultural Research Institutes in New Period

  4. 山东省济宁地区农科所;

    Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Gee-ning District ;

  5. 合江农科所玉米杂交种选育历程及种质基础分析

    Analyses on the Germplasm Base and Breed Selection Course of Hybrids Maize in Hejiang Institute

  6. 把金色的种子播向大地&记张掖地区农科所的农学家们

    Sowing Golden Seeds on the Vast Land ── About scientists of the Zhangye Agricultural Research Institute

  7. 本文结合西安市农科所农业期刊面向科研、面向基层推广服务的实践,阐述了在基层农业单位期刊信息服务的方法和途径。

    With the practice of our periodical on agriculture this paper presents a serving way of agriculture sci-tech periodical .

  8. 采用随机区组排列设计,对毕节地区农科所选育的5个马铃薯新品种(系)进行了比较试验,以期选出适宜高寒山区的品种。

    Five new potato varieties bred from Bijie Agricultural Institute are tested by the random block design to select potato varieties adapting to mountainous areas with high elevation .

  9. 利用上方法计算了汉中地区农科所的水稻产量及光温资料,所得光温回归积分函数曲线与汉中盆地水稻生产实际相吻合。

    Regressive integration curve based on thermal and solar light data and rice yield from Han-Zhong Institute Agricultural Science is coincident with the actual rice production of Hanzhong basin .

  10. 庆薯1号系原庆阳地区农科所以克新2号为母本,86-6-3为父本杂交选育成的马铃薯新品种。

    Qingshu 1 , a new potato variety , has been successfully hybridized and bred using Kexin 2 as the maternal and 86-6-3 as the paternal by Qingyang Agricultural Institute ( Department of Agriculture , Longdong University ) .

  11. 博Ⅱ优213是广西玉林市农科所用玉213恢复系与博ⅡA配组育成的晚籼杂交稻组合,表现大穗、高产、稳产、适应性广、米质较优等特点。

    Bo ⅱ you 213 is an indica late rice hybrid combination which was bred through a crossbreeding between restores line Yu 213 and Bo ⅱ A. It characterizes large panicle , high and stable yield , wide adaptability and good grain quality , etc.