
  • 网络total volume of retail sales;XFPLS
  1. 2010年,我省POS刷卡交易约占社会商品零售总额的29.2%,占比较去年增长2个百分点。

    In 2010 , Yunnan Province , the portio of the POS transaction amount accounted for over 29.2 % of social retail goods , increased 2 % if compared with last year .

  2. 前7个月,累计销售汽车731万辆,社会商品零售总额累计增长15%。

    In the first seven months , a total of7.31 million cars were sold and total retail sales of consumer goods rose by15 percent .

  3. 我国超市以70%的年平均增长速度飞速发展,连锁经营销售额占到社会商品零售总额的5%~7%。

    Supermarket in china grows with an annual rate of 70 % on average and the sales revenue of chain stores accounts for 5 % to 7 % of the total amount of the societal retail commodity revenue .

  4. 本文以环境理论与零售生产周期假说为理论基础。首先从社会商品零售总额、人均收入、恩格尔系数、冰箱拥有率、小轿车拥有率等主要指数分析中国零售业环境的变化;

    Based on environmental theory and retail life cycle hypothesis , this paper explores the changing of Chinese retail environment from such indexes as retail sales of social consumer goods , per capita annual income , Engel coefficient , ownership rate of refrigerator and car .