
shè huì lì liànɡ bàn xué
  • running of schools by non-governmental sectors
  1. 社会力量办学也为发展教育事业作出了贡献。

    The running of schools by non-governmental sectors also contributed to the development of education .

  2. 加大政府对教育的投入。鼓励、支持和规范社会力量办学、中外合作办学。

    The government will increase its input in education and encourage , support and standardize the running of schools by non-governmental sectors or by Chinese-foreign cooperation .

  3. 应用SCL90调查了社会力量办学医学中专生和国家正规医学中专生共260名,发现医学中专生的SCL90各因子均分、阳性均分和阳性项目数均高于国内正常人青年组。

    260 secondary medical students in private and public schools were investigated with SCL-90 . The results showed that each factor average scores , positive average scores and positive items were all higher than the normal youth group in our country .

  4. 对社会力量办学及其管理的思考

    Ideas about Social Strength 's Running Schools and Its Management

  5. 国家提倡社会力量办学。

    Third , The country calls for that social power runs the school .

  6. 民国时期政府利用社会力量办学评析

    A Research on the Government of the Republic of China Making Use of Society-run Education

  7. 加大对教育的投入和对农村教育的支持,鼓励社会力量办学。

    We should increase input in education , give more support to rural education , and encourage nongovernmental sectors to run schools .

  8. 其次,中国私立教育及社会力量办学也需要更完备的管理体制。

    In the second phase , the management system of Chinese private education and nongovernmental sectors run schools also need to be completed .

  9. 具有开办学校的资格:能够获得“社会力量办学许可证”,“聘请外国专家资格证”及其他批准和许可。

    Eligible to run a school : able to obtain " non-governmental school license "," foreign teacher recruitment certificate " and other relevant qualification .

  10. 同时希望对提高足球人才的整体素质及规范社会力量办学机构的管理提供有益的借鉴。

    At the same time hoping to after some useful examples To improve the entirety quality of football talent and regularize the administration of running school by social power .

  11. 我国公办中小学转制改革的初衷是为了调动社会力量办学的积极性,筹集教育经费,改变政府包揽办学的局面;

    The aims of the reform transforming the Chinese public primary and high schools are to initiate the social investment in education and make up for the financial shortage by government .

  12. 中国承接国际软件外包的发展速度很快,从而对软件人才的需求大增,高校和社会力量办学培训机构的招生规模也在快速扩大。

    China International Software Outsourcing to undertake the development of fast , so demand for software professionals , universities and training institutions in society to run schools are rapidly expanding enrollment .

  13. 社会力量办学突破了政府办学、单纯计划教育和学历教育的单一模式,是建立具有市场机制、大教育特征新的教育模式。

    Running a school by social support makes a breakthrough at the single pattern of runing a school by government , purely planned education and educational background training , it is to build a new pattern with market characteristics and large education features .

  14. 武术学校属于基础教育的一种社会力量办学机构,教育质量的高低直接影响着大批在学校的总体素质,决定着他们是否能健康成长和成才。

    The Wushu school is a kind of education organization depends on the society forces , which belongs to the elementary education . The education quality directly affects the whole quality of large quantities of schools , and decides whether they can grow healthily and become the talent .

  15. 政府主管部门应加强规划指导,引导社会力量参与办学;

    Government departments should make plans to guide the social force to participate in running schools .

  16. 20世纪末,我国很多地方陆续兴起了一种新型的办学模式&民间资本与社会力量合作办学模式。

    In the 20th century , a new school system - private capital and social forces cooperation mode have sprung up in many places of China .

  17. 为了保证这一目标的实现,除了政府开办的学校以外,国家还鼓励动员社会力量参加办学。

    To ensure the realization of the goal , the state encourages non-government sectors to open schools in addition to the existing schools run by the government .

  18. 由普通高等院校和社会力量合作办学的独立学院在教育教学体制改革中应运而生,成为了高等教育体系中一个重要的组成部分。

    Under the circumstances , the independently-run colleges which are established by general universities and non-governmental sectors emerged and became an important part of tertiary education system .

  19. 社会力量举办的高等学校的内部管理体制按照国家有关社会力量办学的规定确定。

    Internal management system of institutions of higher learning run by social forces shall be determined in accordance with the provision of the state concerning running of schools by social forces .

  20. 应当重视和解决目前社会中存在的教育费用增长过快和乱收费现象,社会力量办学中的违法问题和教育法制的缺陷等问题,确保公民受教育权的切实实现。

    To ensure this right , attention has to be paid to the over increasing education expense , abusive fees , law_violation by private schools , and the flaws in present laws of education .