
táng xiōng
  • elder male cousin;cousin brother
堂兄[táng xiōng]
  1. 他骗别人说自己有位堂兄。

    He invented some story about a cousin .

  2. 到西贡的第一个晚上,我给父亲的堂兄堂弟们来了个突然袭击。

    My first night in Saigon I paid an unannounced visit to my father 's cousins .

  3. 我丈夫的堂兄认识诺思克利夫勋爵。

    My husband 's cousin is an acquaintance of Lord northcliffe .

  4. 麦克吹捧自己的堂兄,使他得到较好的工作。

    Mack boosted his cousin into a better job .

  5. 我父亲的侄子是我的堂兄。

    My father 's nephews are my cousins .

  6. 你的堂兄james昨天在家被枪杀了。

    You cousin James was shot and killed in his home yesterday .

  7. 素未谋面的堂兄得到一切Mary的资产丝毫未变

    The unknown cousin gets everything and Mary 's inheritance will be the same as it always was .

  8. 我们下一个主要的迭代里程碑是巴吞鲁日的堂兄Sid。

    Our next major iteration milestone is Cousin Sid in Baton Rouge .

  9. 他是Robert的三堂兄,曾经从这里搬走,但是我是从未见过。

    Violet : He 's Robert 's third cousin once removed . I have never , to my knowledge , set eyes on him .

  10. Freddy堂兄就打算考法学院

    Cousin Freddy 's studying for the bar .

  11. 几年后,我们家搬到了果园路(OrchardRoad),那个最年长的红头发的堂兄还来和我玩过,并向我表演如何用回形针打开挂锁的技术。

    Years later , when we had moved to Orchard Road , the redheaded eldest of the cousins came to play with me and showed me how to open a padlock with a bent paper clip .

  12. 我们遗憾地发现堂兄Sid(下一段旅行的对象)对狗过敏。

    We regrettably find out that Cousin Sid ( the object of the next leg of our journey ) is allergic to dogs .

  13. 设想我们的涉众是新墨西哥州圣达菲的Marian阿姨、路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的Cid叔叔,以及密西西比州杰克逊的Tanya堂兄。

    Imagine that our stakeholders are Aunt Marian in Santa Fe , New Mexico ; Uncle Cid in Baton Rouge , Louisiana ; and cousin Tanya in Jackson , Mississippi .

  14. 他的堂兄(弟),彼得,不以亲属待他。

    His cousin , Peter , holds no kindred with him .

  15. 在店里,店员问了你的堂兄这样一句话。

    At the shop , an employee asked your cousin this .

  16. 除非我看错了,否则那肯定是你堂兄。

    Unless my eyes deceive me , that 's your cousin .

  17. 祖父母、叔叔阿姨、堂兄堂弟生活在一起。

    Grandparents , aunts , uncles , cousins all lived together .

  18. 赫克托是我的堂兄,他是个好人。

    Hector is my cousin . he 's a good man .

  19. 她寄了一封信给她一位堂兄。

    She sent a letter to a cousin of hers .

  20. 当然帅啦!他可是我堂兄。

    Tim : Of course he is ! He 's my cousin .

  21. 你知道我的堂兄,刚转过来的那个?

    You know my cousin , the one who just transferred here ?

  22. 你要给我堂兄打电话,告诉他你是你。

    You 'll call my cousin and tell him you 're you .

  23. 他发现他的堂兄很难相处。

    He found his cousin difficult to get along with .

  24. 实际上,我本来想跟你说说你那个堂兄。

    Actually , I wanted to talk to you about that ... cousin

  25. 你的邻居,你的堂兄,你的舅舅,美国总统,

    your neighbor , your cousin , your uncle , the president ,

  26. 那是你堂兄吗?不是。

    Is that your cousin ? NO , it isn 't.

  27. 这是我的堂兄,大明。他来自中国。

    This is my cousin , Daming . He 's from China .

  28. 我堂兄到上海已有几年了。

    My cousin has been in Shanghai for several years .

  29. 我说我不意外,我堂兄很可怕。

    I said I 'm not surprised ! My cousin 's horrible !

  30. 对您堂兄的事我深表遗憾

    I was terribly sorry to hear about your cousins .