- 名profundities;innermost recess of a hall;deep inside a hall;profound thinking or knowledge

(1) [the innermost recess of a hall]∶厅堂和内室
(2) [the interior of a country]∶腹地
(3) [profundity of thought or knowledge]∶堂的深处,喻含义深奥的意境或事理
The large majority of those taking our courses in Chinese civilisation , I believe , will obtain a key to the vault of treasure .
And perhaps even the reader will be the future scientist who will unveil the mystery of the dark energy and of the content of the universe .
National and folk culture has always been the magnificent part in traditional Chinese culture , whose integration with modern logo design has been proved a successful shortcut .
On coast defense thought , Xue FuCheng proposed coast defense strategic thought of " turn door into the innermost recess of a hall " . He established the flexible idea that the navy fighted .