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  1. P:在我上第一堂前,准备了很多资料。

    P : Before my first class , in the first week , I planed a lot .

  2. 1963年夏天,马丁·路德·金就是在林肯纪念堂前的阶梯上发表了他著名的演讲“我有一个梦想”(IHaveaDream)。

    The King Memorial is near the Abraham Lincoln Memorial , from the steps of which King delivered his famous " I Have a Dream " speech in the summer of1963 .

  3. 新版5美元的正面仍是亚伯拉罕•林肯(AbrahamLincoln)的头像,但反面将纪念一些发生在华盛顿林肯纪念堂前的历史事件,包括1963年马丁•路德•金(MartinLutherKing)的“我有一个梦想”演讲。

    The new $ 5 bill will continue to feature Abraham Lincoln on the front but will on the back celebrate historic events at his memorial in Washington , including Martin Luther King 's 1963 " I have a dream " speech .

  4. 众人便揪住管会堂的所提尼,在堂前打他。

    17Then they all turned on Sosthenes the synagogue ruler and beat him in front of the court .

  5. 在林肯纪念堂前的一场打雪仗展现了风暴并不强势的一面,但政府机构都在认真应对降雪。

    A snowball fight in front of the Lincoln Memorial shows the lighter side of the storm , but government agencies are taking the snow seriously .

  6. 马丁·路德·金1963年在华盛顿的林肯纪念堂前发表演讲,为民众勾勒了一个没有种族差别的社会,这个讲话成为1960年代民权运动的转折点。

    Martin Luther King 's address at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington offered the hope of a colorblind society and was a major turning point in the civil rights struggles of the1960s .

  7. 在纪念堂前竖立着孙中山先生的铜像。位于香港的宝莲禅寺以其34米高的巨型佛像闻名在这里可以吃斋菜和过夜。

    In front of the Hall stands a bronze statue of Dr Sun Yat-sen. The Po Lin Monastery in Hong Kong is famous for its 34-metres-high giant Buddha Vegetarian meals and overnight stays are available .

  8. 在进食堂就餐前得洗手。

    Be fore the mess tent , wash hands .

  9. 橄榄球名人堂的前芝加哥熊队教练迈克•迪特卡生病住院。

    Football Hall of Famer and former Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka is hospitalized .

  10. 在开始我们今天的随堂检测前…她真是个糟糕的女演员。

    Before we begin today 's pop quiz ... And she is one bad actress .

  11. 奈史密斯篮球名人堂成员、NBA前全明星球员姚明于本周四全票当选中国篮协主席。

    Yao Ming , member of Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and former NBA all-star player , was unanimously voted as the president of the Chinese Basketball Association ( CBA ) here on Thursday .

  12. 在第一堂中文课上课前,普罗维登斯学院(institutdelaprovidence)的老师问同学,是什么促使他们选择这门语言时,学生们的答案可谓五花八门。

    Asked at the start of their first Chinese class what motivated them to take up the language , the students of the Institut de la Providence , a secondary school outside Namur in Belgium , give their new teacher varied answers .

  13. 事实上,我的两个姐妹和一个堂姐妹几年前就去上肚皮舞班了。

    My two sisters and cousin actually joined belly dance classes a couple of years ago .