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rán yě
  • definitely
  1. 若是其秩然也、是以天体至大、而其周围运转之度、日月星辰逆顺疾徐之行。

    If these are well-ordered , then the heavenly bodies of extremely great size , revolve in their systematic orbits ;

  2. 帕特里夏:然也,在艺术方面咱俩算是情投意合,都喜欢设计那些活力十足、散发着舒适与安逸的作品。

    PU : Art for sure , and we both like designing products that have energy , and exude comfort and a mental easiness .

  3. 在大学英语教学中将中西方文化渗透到教学中有助于学生对于英语语言的进一步理解,使他们知其然也知其所以然,同时也使学生建立跨文化交际的能力。

    During the teaching of college English , infiltration of the cultural backgrounds not only helps students to understand the language superficially but also enables them to essentially improve their cross-cultural communication ability .

  4. 清末两广总督张鸣岐是一个动荡时代的复杂历史人物,学界对其一生行迹与活动的认识,虽多以否定为主,然也颇多歧异。

    Zhang Mingqi is a complicated historical figure in the turbulent times in the late Qing Dynasty . Although the academic circles mainly deny his activities and his life , there are different opinions .

  5. 剖之以为瓢,则瓠落无所容⑥。非不呺然大也⑦,吾为其无用而掊之⑧。

    Profile control of that scoop , then the gourd off nothing Yung ⑥ . not that I do Hao-Ran of China also ⑦, I and the break up of their useless ⑧ .

  6. 然CEPA既然也属中国为推展区域经济整合的一项政治经济安排,为了维持其霸权地位,美国必然不会漠视。

    As CEPA is also a political economic arrangement for regional integration , US , in order to maintain its hegemonic status , will not dare to ignore .

  7. 然,可能也什么。

    There may be nothing in it , of course .

  8. 擒然伤心,也不要忧眉不展。

    Never frown , even when you are sad .

  9. 然,我也希望更多的人把更好的文章上。

    Of course , I hope that more people would upload more interesting articles .

  10. 但也不尽然,我们也常会见到具有肯定意义的否定句。

    But that 's not the case . We often meet that negative sentences have affirmative meanings .

  11. 如果你愧然发现自己也有以上表现,但你又真心希望变得聪明,那么,现在就抓住机会去改变吧。

    If you truly want to be smart but find yourself guilty of the signs above , nows the chance to make a change . Be a smarter , better version of you .

  12. 我喜欢风日洒然,但愿你也喜欢。

    I like the wind on Saran , I hope you enjoy .

  13. 格鲁勃忿然离去,伊格内斯也匆匆离开门口。

    Ignace hurried away from the door as Gruber left in anger .

  14. 不期然而然狼在我也在&入世五年中国工程机械进出口贸易状况综述

    WTO : China Construction Machinery Enters Year Five

  15. 不尽然。但是你也不必让其成为阻止你登陆账号、在店里完成工作的借口。

    Not entirely , but you shouldn 't let that keep you from logging on and getting some work done .

  16. 但各种不同的力自身仍是杂多的东西,而且表现为彼此单纯地纷然杂陈,也好象是偶然的。

    But the different forces themselves are a multiplicity again , and in their mere juxtaposition seem to be contingent .

  17. 该文学史初版于1901年,作为一部早期的文学史,从文学史写作角度而言,存在许多不足与缺陷,然与此同时,却也不乏闪光点,因此呈现出了驳杂、参差不齐的面貌。

    As a prime history of literature , there were many deficiencies and defects from the perspective of literature history writing . However , it also exhibit some excellence at the same time . As a result , it presents a heterogeneous , uneven appearance .