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  1. 我们若然许下承诺,就必须守信。

    If we make a promise we have to keep it .

  2. 生命,若然蝼蚁渺小。

    Lives , is extraordinary small just like ants .

  3. 我们若然叫圣灵担忧,就无法真正经历到圣灵丰丰富富的充满我们的生命。

    You cannot really know the fullness of the Spirit if you are grieving him .

  4. 因此若然你想通过皮肤颜色来告诉世人你有多健康,就要多吃水果和蔬菜哦。

    So eat fruits and vegetables if you want your face to advertise your fitness .

  5. 祂若然无罪,却要被钉十架而死,那便只能有一个解释。

    If he was sinless , and yet he died , there is only one explanation .

  6. 我们若然希望祷告产生果效,就必须与神保持美好的相交。

    If we want what prayer can do , then we have to be truly in touch with God .

  7. 应否继续让公务员薪酬与私人机构挂?若然如此,应以甚么方式进行?

    Should formal pay comparability with the private sector be continued and , if so , on what basis ?

  8. 你今天若然犯了罪,神也会赦免你,因为基督曾为你的罪受死,而你亦已经接受了基督的救恩。

    He will forgive you if you sin today because Christ died for you and you have accepted him .

  9. 我没有拥有过,但若然你想我不懂珍惜,你大错特错了。

    I never gained what I longed for but dont you dare to think I dont know how to value .

  10. 丙烯酰胺单体残留物一般不会在化妆产品中发现,若然存在亦不会超出上限标准。

    Residual acrylamide monomer is typically not found in cosmetics and , if present , is very unlikely above this limit .

  11. 若然北京选择释法,就会是回归以来的第三度释法。

    If Beijing opts for an interpretation , it would be the third interpretation of the Basic Law since the handover .

  12. 在投票日前他不能退选,而他亦表示若然当选不会辞职。

    Although he cannot drop out of the Legco race before the ballot , he has insisted on serving if re-elected .

  13. 若然不释法,我实在不明白为何下任特首只有两年任期。

    But I cannot see how the new chief executive could serve a two-year term without a fresh interpretation of the basic law .

  14. 若然我们把心集中予物质欲求,烦恼必然会生起,因为烦恼是由心所制造。

    " If we concentrate on material desires , then problems will surely arise because we create them mentally . " - Antoine Marten .

  15. 委员会了解到,银行体系盈利情况若然较理想,将更能抵御负面冲击及有利于维持金融体系的稳定。

    The Sub-Committee noted that a profitable banking sector would be better able to withstand negative shocks and contribute to the stability of the financial system .

  16. 政府一份调查警告,若然不减省开支或增加税收,香港的三千六百九十亿元储备将于二零零八至零九年财政年度耗尽。

    The SAR 's $ 369 billion fiscal reserves will be wiped out by2008-09 if the administration does nothing to cut spending or raising taxes , a government study has warned .

  17. 回想种种转变,他说∶「我不敢想像,若然继续当的士司机,生活到底有多可怕。」

    Stephen reflects on the change ," I don 't even want to think of how terrible life might have been if I had continued as a taxi driver ," he says emphatically .

  18. 若然如此,其必须毫不延误地将此告知开证行,并在其给受益人的通知中告知受益人。

    A confirming bank may , however , choose to advise an amendment without extendingitsconfirmation and , if so , it must inform the issuing bank without delay and inform the beneficiary in its advice .

  19. 若然你对此持怀疑态度,科学亦无法对此做出解释,科学界亦并没有对长脖子是优胜劣汰的结果这一结论达成共识。

    If it 's confusing to you , science doesn 't have much of a clue either . There 's just no consensus on the exact conditions that would have caused long necks to be selected positively among giraffes .

  20. 夫道若大路然。

    Now the Way [ Tao ] is like a broad road .