
ruò hé
  • how;what;how,what
若何 [ruò hé]
  • [how,what] 如何;怎样

  • 人马若何分拨,自由军师定夺

  • 使归就戮于秦,以逞寡君之志,若何。--《左传.僖公三十三年》

若何[ruò hé]
  1. 韦德的出色默示若何影响MVP的争夺?埃里克·斯波尔斯特拉教练,请将MVP拿走吧。

    How will Wade 's heroics affect the Race to the MVP ? Coach Erik Spoelstra , take it away , please .

  2. 能给我树模一下若何像鱼那样游吗?

    Can you show me how to dance like a swan ?

  3. 结果若何,尚不得而知。

    The outcome is not known yet .

  4. 你感受他们是若何的人?

    How do you feel about them as a person ?

  5. 重要的短语和句子你本日感受若何?

    Key phrases and sentences How do you feel today ?

  6. 你的直接主管若何能使你的事项干得最超卓?

    How did your supervisor get the best performance out of you ?

  7. 木门市场行情热价格坚挺因若何?

    Prosperous Wood Door Market , What is the Cause for High Price ?

  8. 花旗银行正濒临破产,可是在这短短的17年里花旗是若何获得胜利的?

    How did the Citibank get success in the financial world during the17 years ?

  9. 项目团队需要理解项目与人们之间是若何彼此影响的。

    The team needs to understand how the project affects people and how people affect the project .

  10. 女性是比男性要好的中心接洽人,也更清楚明明地知道应该若何引发她们工人的豪情。

    Women are better connectors than men and more astute about knowing how to activate passion in their employees .

  11. 没有人知道会赶上什么样的风暴,我们将若何把握船只(应对)。

    Nobody knows what a storm will do to us , or how well we will be able to steer .

  12. 在市场经济前提下,若何有用地提防财政风险是每个企业关注的问题。

    Under conditions of market economy , how to effectively guard against financial risk is the concern of every enterprise .

  13. 雇主们问出这样开放式的问题就是想看看求职者若何揭示他们的手艺、能力和野心。

    Employers ask such open-ended questions so they can see how candidates will present their skills , abilities , and ambitions .

  14. 要是增进了维数情形又会若何,这同样引起数学家的乐趣。

    Equally appetising to the mathematical mind is the question of what happens if you add extra dimensions to the pizza .

  15. 作为新中国最年青的直辖市,重庆的开展倍受世人注目,重庆房地产市场走向若何?

    As the youngest municipality of China , Chongqing 's development draw the worldwide attention , how will be her property market ?

  16. 本文就写作教学中若何指导学生写出富有个性的作文做一切磋。

    How does this text leads students to write out the composition with strong character to do while just writing teaching a discussion .

  17. 以与他本人相当的脑子,他若何看我对凯瑟琳·恩肖的观点,这个才让我惊异呢。

    I marvelled much how he , with a mind to correspond with his person , could fancy my idea of Catherine Earnshaw .

  18. 安全数长宝莲。内维尔。琼斯说邓刂首长正在“思虑”国家通信总局若何对私人企业供给手艺处事。

    Security minister Dame Pauline Neville Jones said ministers were " thinking about " ways in which GCHQ could supply services to private firms .

  19. 她教导咱们若何写简单的,明白的和正确的英文,并作出自己理解为讲英语的人。

    She teaches us how to write in simple , clear and correct English , and to make ourselves understood to English speaking people .

  20. 一方面欲通过指明这些在八十年代特定情境中形成的特质论述,若何制约、影响着九十年代以来文学观念、思潮的嬗替与开展。

    Those concepts , established in the eighties , have had a lasting impact on the literary ideas and thought trends in the nineties .

  21. 面对挑衅,拿出勇气,下定锐意。无论若何的坚苦,都不能否决我生长、向前的动作。

    I will face chanllenges with courage and determination I will overcome whatever barriers there may be that hinder my quest for growth and self-improvement .

  22. 譬喻,要是他们没有匆促地陷入若何切一块披萨的数学题目,他们是不会思量共享一块披萨的。

    They can 't think about sharing a pizza , for example , without falling headlong into the mathematics of how to slice it up .

  23. 从这件事我就体味到,父亲不仅赐顾帮衬我们的健康,他也教育我们若何成为好平正易近。

    I learned from this episode that not only does Dad take care of our health but he also teaches us how to be good citizens .

  24. 该报在周日的社论中称,作为元首,马英九总统其实不明白若何利用他的权利。

    ' As a head of state , President Ma doesn 't know how to exercise his authority , 'the newspaper said in an editorial Sunday .

  25. 一只平常的家养猪可以用五小时学会若何看懂镜子里的图像并用它找到潜匿的食物。

    In just five hours , an average farm pig can learn how to interpret an image in the mirror and use it to find hidden food .

  26. 可是从头结识新伴侣,再陷入同样困境,你还不如去进修若何跟此刻的伴侣搞好关系。

    Rather than changing partners and ending up this same predicament again , you can learn to have a fabulous relationship with the partner you already have !

  27. 我但愿声名,我们正在采纳的每一项步履若何有助于建设一个框架,既呵护美国人平易近,也呵护我们重视的价值不美观。

    I will explain how each action that we are taking will help build a framework that protects both the American people and the values that we hold dear .

  28. 对于我们称为生命的现象,生物学家已经不再劳神去下界说。取而代之,他们正探讨若何使分歧的分子组合后具有生命的体例。

    The phenomenon we call life is something that biologists have almost given up trying to define-instead they 're investigating ways to make different combinations of molecules come alive .

  29. 系列是为4-7岁的孩子建造的,教给这个春秋的孩子若何对待问题、行为以及像圣诞节如许特别的节日。

    This animated series is aimed for the kids of4-7 years to learn how to treat ereryday life 's problem , activities or the special days like X-mas day .

  30. 斥地这一类基因检测市场的打算,正引起一些专家对其他方面的担忧,好比,无论是客户,仍是他的年夜夫,可能都不知道若何理解检测的结不美观。

    Plans to market such tests are provoking concern among some experts who worry among other things that neither consumers nor their physicians know how to interpret the results .