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  • rhetorical question
  1. Greg是反问句

    Greg , that was a rhetorical question .

  2. 这不是反问句?

    That 's not a rhetorical question .

  3. A不AB谓语句与正反问句的比较研究

    A comparative research into the Chinese sentence pattern A or AB

  4. 不就VP反问句的句意类型

    The Types of Sentence Meaning of the Rhetorical Question of " Bu Jiu VP "

  5. 昆明方言的格VP问句是东南亚4种类型正反问句中的一种典型。

    The interrogative sentence " Ge VP " is the most distinctive syntactic phenomenon which stands for the one of four types among the southeast languages .

  6. 文章针对流行于新闻、影视媒体及校园言语中的A不AB谓语句用于正反问句的现象提出质疑,并从语言三个平面找出它与传统正反问句的区别。

    In this article , the author queries the Chinese sentence pattern A or AB , a frequent expression in news , film media and school campuses and presents its difference from Chinese traditional negative and positive sentence patterns in three grammatical aspects ( syntax , semantics and grammar ) .

  7. 山阴话中的正反问句主要是VP-(PRT)-NEG格式,另外还有少量V-neg-V式。

    The main sentence pattern of the positive and negative question sentence in Shanyin local dialect is " VP - ( PRT ) - NEG ", there are also some " V-neg-V " pattern .

  8. 你能把这个陈述句改成反问句吗?

    Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question ?

  9. 你不会想要我回答这种反问句吧?

    You don 't expect me to answer rhetorical questions ?

  10. 下面老师换了一个句子,练习用shouldnot也就是shouldn't作反问句,说明鲍勃去中国应该有护照和旅游签证等等.请你跟刚才一样作练习。

    M : Bob should have a passport , shouldn 't he ?

  11. 反问句的句法、语义、语用分析

    An Analysis on the Syntax , Semantic Meaning and Pragmatics of Rhetorical Question

  12. 汉语中介语语料库中反问句的偏误分析及教学对策

    Error Analysis and Teaching Strategies of Rhetorical Question Based on Chinese Interlanguage Corpus

  13. 韩汉语正反问句对比

    A Contrastive Study of Korean and Chinese Yes-No Question

  14. 初中级水平留学生汉语反问句习得研究

    A Study on Elementary and Intermediate Foreign Students ' Acquisition of Chinese Rhetorical Questions

  15. 现代汉语反问句研究

    A Study on Rhetorical Questions of Modern Chinese

  16. 从语用的角度看汉语反问句的使用

    A Pragmatic Analysis of Chinese Rhetorical Questions

  17. 反问句是一种应用广泛,具有特殊性质的问句。

    Rhetorical questions , which are widely used , are a special use of questions .

  18. 接着采用了语气非常强烈的反问句&没有长时间的实践和不断的努力,一个人又怎能实现最终的目标?

    How can a person achieve his ultimate goal without longtime practices and continuous attempts ?

  19. 最后,作者分析了反问句作为非原型成员所特有的语用特征。

    At last , the special pragmatic feature of rhetorical questions as non-prototypical members is introduced .

  20. 反问句是现代汉语一个常用但复杂的句类。

    Rhetorical question is a very common use as well as very complicated kind of sentences in modern Chinese .

  21. 用于反问句或单独使用,表示惊讶、愤怒、怀疑等

    Used as part of a rhetorical question or used alone to express surprise , indignation , disbelief , etc

  22. 反问句在汉语中使用相当广泛,很早就引起了学者们的关注。

    Rhetorical question which is widely and commonly used in Chinese has drawn scholars ' attention since early times .

  23. 本文将反问句作为一个家族,对其成员包括核心成员、核心功能以及非核心成员、非核心功能进行了细致分析。

    We regard the rhetorical question as a family consisting of core and non-core members and function and analyzing them .

  24. 汉语反问句是一种用疑问的形式表示肯定或否定意义的句类。

    Chinese rhetorical question is a type of sentence which indicates either positive or negative meanings by asking a question .

  25. 之后,作者又讨论了反问句在语义原型范畴中的地位。

    Then the author takes a further step to discuss the status of rhetorical questions in the semantic prototypical category .

  26. 刚健的语言风格主要体现在大量使用反问句、设问句以及较多使用短句运用上。

    The energetic performance style mainly reflects that he use so many rhetorical questions , design questions and short sentences .

  27. 通过问卷调查和听力理解测试,考察了学生对反问句的意识情况和理解程度。

    Through conducting a questionnaire survey and listening comprehension testing , we examined awareness and perception of each rhetorical question .

  28. 因此我们认为两种句式在形式上是有显著不同的。所以反问句和一般疑问句在表层结构形式上并不是严格意义的同构形式。

    On the surface structure , the rhetorical question and general interrogative sentence are not of the strictly identical structures .

  29. 注意以下摘自本课的陈述句和疑问句。你能把这个陈述句改成反问句吗?

    Study these statements and questions from the passage . Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question ?

  30. 选择型的反问句分为三种类型:全项否定式、前项否定式和后项反问句;正反型反问句分为前项否定式和后项否定式两种。

    Selective rhetorical question is divided into three types : full negative , the former negative and the latter negative .