
fǎn hé yùn dònɡ
  • anti-nuclear movement
  1. 她献身于反核运动。

    She dedicated herself to the anti-nuclear movement .

  2. 这国家长久以来是反核运动的不毛之地。

    The country has long been stony ground for anti-nuclear movements .

  3. 反核运动的整个方向已有所改变。

    There has been a shift in the whole tenor of the anti-nuclear campaign .

  4. 英国反核和平运动研究(1979-1984年)

    The Research on the Anti-nuclear Peace Movement of Britain ( 1979-1984 )

  5. 20世纪80年代初期英国妇女的反核和平运动

    The British Women 's Peace Movement Against Nuclear Weapons in the Early 1980s

  6. 第三章分析了英国反核和平运动的影响。

    Chapter Three analyses the influence of the Anti-nuclear Peace Movement of Britain .

  7. 他们开展了反核试验运动。

    They waged a campaign against nuclear tests .

  8. 本文对英国反核和平运动(1979&1984年)进行了初步的整理和研究。

    This paper systematizes and studies the Anti-nuclear Peace Movement of Britain ( 1979-1984 ) .

  9. 1979年北约双重决议是这次欧洲反核和平运动的导火线。

    In 1979 , the Twin Track Decision of NATO caused this European anti - nuclear peace movement .

  10. 这既不利于妇女自身的解放,也不利于整个反核和平运动的发展。

    Their standpoint did not benefit women 's liberation and the development of total peace movement against nuclear weapons .

  11. 好莱坞明星马特·达蒙,迈克尔·道格拉斯,劳勃狄尼洛,娜奥米·沃茨和摩根·弗里曼拍摄了一部“反核”运动题材宣传片。

    Hollywood stars Matt Damon , Michael Douglas , Robert De Niro , Naomi Watts and Morgan Freeman are featuring in an anti-nuclear campaign film .

  12. 英国妇女的反核和平运动,根植于欧美60-70年代的女权主义理念之中。

    The women 's peace movement against nuclear weapons in Britain deeply rooted in feminism theories developed in Europe and the United States during the1960s to1970s .

  13. 在战后形成的几次和平运动中,20世纪80年代欧洲反核和平运动是冷战时代规模和影响最大的世界性和平运动。

    Among several peace movements in the postwar time , The 80s ' European antinuclear peace movement in the twentieth century was a universal peace movement having the biggest scale and influence during the cold war .

  14. 再次,以罗素和爱因斯坦倡导的反核反战运动在一定程度上推动了美国军事战略的转变;

    Third , the anti-nuclear and anti-war movement advocated by Russell and Einstein promoted the changes of A - merican military strategy .

  15. 反核示威者认为,切尔诺贝利核电站核泄漏事故清楚地表明他们的反核运动是正确的。

    Anti-nuclear protesters regarded the Chernobyl accident as a clear vindication of their campaign .