
fǎn chōnɡ lì
  • recoil;force of a backlash
  1. 因为这样它的反冲力就很大。这就是这种枪的特色。

    Because of that it will greatly lesson the recoil . that 's the special feature of this gun .

  2. 试验介质宜在室外合适地点排净,排放时应考虑反冲力作用及安全环保要求。

    All test mediums shall be discharged at a proper place outside ; attention shall be paid to the impact of recoil as well as the requirement for safety and environmental protection .

  3. 这是因为发动机的反冲力系统开动了,好减慢飞机的滑行速度。

    This is because the engine reverse-thrust system is used to slow the plane .

  4. 感受到了这一事件强大的反冲力的不仅仅是默多克的新闻出版机构。

    And it isn 't only the Murdoch press that is set to feel the backlash .

  5. 一些支持赤足跑步的人声称,不穿鞋子或者只穿最简单的家居鞋会从某种程度上影响触地反冲力,从而大大降低受伤的风险。

    Some barefoot-running proponents claim that running without shoes or in minimal , slipper-like models somehow changes impacts and substantially reduces the risk for injuries .

  6. 同样,他们还发现几乎没有证据支持跑步时足部用力撞击地面会引起伤害,换鞋或者脱掉鞋子可以改变触地反冲力等说法。

    Similarly , they found little evidence that forcefully striking the ground causes injuries or that changing or removing your shoes alters those impacts much anyway .

  7. 动荡的反冲力将以某种程度影响到所有的国家,并且它将使得那些权贵们在行动之前好好想想结果。

    The repercussions of the unrest will to a certain extent arise in all countries , and it will make the authorities think twice before taking action .

  8. 推进火箭进入太空的一种反冲力发动机;在电域中正离子作加速运动。

    A type of reaction-propulsion engine to propel rockets in space ; a stream of positive ions is accelerated to a high velocity by an electric field .

  9. 不适当的调节会引起反冲力以及垂直度和重复性误差,并且可能造成机器振动(频率高时会快速摆动)。

    Improper adjustment will result in errors of recoil force , verticality and repeatability , and also result in machine vibration ( it will rapidly swing if the frequency is high ) .

  10. 近来,我们跑步时受到的冲击力(即触地反冲力)也日渐为人所关注,在涉及赤足跑步以及我们是否就不该穿鞋的问题上尤其如此。

    More recently , impact force , or the pounding that we experience with each stride , has also been getting plenty of attention , especially in relation to barefoot running and the question of whether we should wear shoes at all .