
  • Miranda;Miranda Kerr;Miranda Richardson
  1. 警察向他宣读了他的米兰达权利。

    The police read him his Miranda rights .

  2. 门猛地开了,米兰达闯进房间。

    The door flew open and Miranda tore into the room

  3. 米兰达尖声大笑。

    Miranda shrieked with laughter .

  4. 像他随后告诉米兰达的那样,他几乎没碰它。

    As he was to tell Miranda later , he as near as dammit left it there .

  5. 米兰达有使不完的干劲和精力,现在已经接受了一个更大的挑战。

    Miranda has drive and energy to spare and has now taken on an even bigger challenge .

  6. 《泰晤士河群岛》,由米兰达·维克斯所著。

    Eyots and Aits — Thames Islands , by Miranda Vickers .

  7. 米兰达已经对所有这些进行了审查。

    Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them .

  8. 米兰达和玛蒂娜有很多共同的经历。

    Miranda and Martina have a lot of shared history .

  9. 例句米兰达总能提出非常棒的想法,而且她充满热情,给我们的办公室注入了活力,让人如沐清风。

    Miranda , with her wonderful ideas and passion , is a breath of fresh air that brings life to our office .

  10. 纽约大学法律教授RichardPildes表示,在公共安全受到威胁的情况下,审讯人员可以在不宣告米兰达权利的情况下获取证据。

    New York University law professor Richard Pildes says interrogations to obtain incriminating evidence are allowed without Miranda rights , if public safety is threatened .

  11. 州立警察表示,上周二午夜后,在380号州际公路的托哈比那附近,布鲁克·米兰达·休斯正在Facebook上直播视频,同时缓慢行驶在右车道。

    State police say Brooke Miranda Hughes was broadcasting live video on Facebook while driving very slowly in the right lane of Interstate 380 near Tobyhanna shortly after midnight last Tuesday .

  12. 一位ITV知情人士告诉《星期日镜报》:Tom一直是很受欢迎的,他因《米兰达》中的Gary一角而变得炙手可热。

    An ITV source told the Sunday Mirror : Tom has always been popular but he has really become hot property since his role as Gary in Miranda .

  13. 《洛杉矶时报》该报道的作者卡洛琳娜·A·米兰达(CarolinaA.Miranda)补充:我和凯蒂猫的各种产品一起长大,我得说,这太震惊了。

    Carolina A. Miranda , who wrote the Times story , added : I grew up with Hello Kitty everything and all I have to say is , MIND BLOWN .

  14. 《洛杉矶时报》该报道的作者卡洛琳娜·A·米兰达(CarolinaA.Miranda)补充:“我和凯蒂猫的各种产品一起长大,我得说,这太震惊了。”

    Carolina A. Miranda , who wrote the Times story , added : " I grew up with Hello Kitty everything and all I have to say is , MIND BLOWN . "

  15. 米兰达的谱曲包括了Destiny’sChild风格的节奏布鲁斯,当代百老汇合唱叙事曲,趾高气昂的乔治三世演唱的《你们会回来的》(You’llBeBack)散发着六十年代Brit-pop气息。

    Miranda 's score includes Destiny 's Child-style R & B , choral ballads in a contemporary Broadway vein and , in the case of " You 'll Be Back , " " sung by a haughty King George III , chiming " 60s Britpop .

  16. Flynn:Finn这个名字已经很火了,但同源的Flynn被奥兰多布鲁姆和米兰达可儿选为儿子的名字后该名字一下子成名。

    Flynn : Finn is already hot , but cousin Flynn , baby name choice of Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr , is taking off .

  17. 《公告牌》杂志周四曝光了这封信的内容,上面包括凯蒂•佩里、保罗•麦卡特尼、林-马努埃尔•米兰达、DJ哈里德、雪儿、凯莎等人的签名。

    The letter , released Thursday by Billboard magazine , features signatures from Katy Perry , Paul McCartney , Lin-Manuel Miranda , DJ Khaled , Cher , Kesha and others .

  18. 《娱乐周刊》的MichaelAusiello透露,托尼奖的获得者林-曼努尔·米兰达将在《豪斯医生》第六季开头几集扮演豪斯在疯人院中的室友!

    According to Michael Ausiello at EW , Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda has been cast as House 's roommate in the loony bin for the first couple of season 6 episodes .

  19. 它还是一场加冕礼,正式确认35岁的米兰达成为他这一代最卓越的音乐剧创作人,此前由他担任作曲和主演的《高地人生》(IntheHeights)已然获得2008年的托尼奖和格莱美奖。

    It is also a coronation , confirming the 35-year-old Miranda , the acclaimed composer and star of the Tony - and Grammy-winning 2008 show " In the Heights , " " as his generation 's preeminent musical theater auteur . "

  20. 格林沃尔德(GlennGreenwald)是收到斯诺登泄露的文件的记者之一,他是美国人,目前与丈夫米兰达(DavidMiranda)住在里约热内卢。

    One of the journalists who received the documents leaked by Mr. Snowden , Glenn Greenwald , is an American who lives in Rio de Janeiro with his husband , David Miranda .

  21. 米兰达在包厢里给她神气活现的儿子拍了照片并分享到Instagram,写着弗林很开心的看着爸爸在舞台上表演。

    Miranda snapped a photo of her swashbuckling son in their balcony seats before the play and shared it on Instagram , saying , Flynn having such a great time watching Daddy on stage .

  22. 最后,本论文对西安米兰达节能科技有限公司现有的信息系统进行了分析研究,在此基础上建立了客户关系管理系统,为了最大程度整合优化客户信息,设计了CRM数据仓库。

    Finally , the paper analyzed the current existing information system of Xi'an Milanda Energy Saving Company , and constructed the CRM system on this basis ; to integrate and optimize the customer information in the max degree , the paper designed the CRM Data Warehouse .

  23. 作为身体上和精神上分别被克莱格和G.P.物化的蝴蝶,米兰达总是生活在他们压迫性的凝视之下。

    As a bodily and spiritually objectified butterfly to Clegg and G. P. , Miranda always lives under their oppressive gaze .

  24. 小说中另一个男主人公G.P.对米兰达的控制则是隐性的。

    The second hero G. P. in this novel is also a controller of Miranda , but in an implicit way .

  25. 亚利桑那州共和党参议员约翰·麦凯恩称,对纽约时代广场嫌疑人费萨尔·哈扎德(FaisalShahzad)宣布米兰达警告是一个错误。

    Arizona Republican Senator John McCain called it a mistake that Times Square suspect Faisal Shahzad was informed of his Miranda rights after his arrest .

  26. 在电影中,安迪(安德莉亚的昵称)去了趟Runway公司的时装衣帽间和美容产品区,就摆脱了失败的丑小鸭形象,从一个二级助理变成了杂志社人人敬畏的米兰达•普利斯特利主编身边美丽、能干的贴身助手。

    A trip to the fashion closet and the beauty department at Runway , the film 's thinly veiled stand-in for Vogue magazine , transforms Andy from an ugly-duckling failure of a second assistant to the beautiful , capable confidante of the magazine 's formidable editor , Miranda Priestly .

  27. 新剧被HBOMax称为该90年代和00年代热播剧的“新篇章”,这部10集的连续剧将跟随演绎嘉莉、米兰达和夏洛特在50多岁时的女人生活轨迹,并计划于春季在纽约开拍。

    Described by HBO Max as a " new chapter " of the hit ' 90s and ' 00s show , the 10-episode series will follow Carrie , Miranda and Charlotte as they navigate their life in their 50s , and is scheduled to begin production in New York in spring .

  28. 2008年在墨西哥度假期间,米兰达开始读罗恩·彻尔努(RonChernow)的传记巨著《亚历山大·汉密尔顿》,这本书在2004年得到美国国家书评奖提名,并获得乔治·华盛顿图书奖。

    While on vacation in Mexico in 2008 , Miranda cracked Ron Chernow 's doorstop biography , " Alexander Hamilton , " " which was nominated in 2004 for the National Book Critics Circle award and won the George Washington Book Prize .

  29. 传记音乐剧《汉密尔顿》主人公是一个死了几百年、白得不能再白的白人,但剧中演员却大多是“其他”种族,包括本剧主创、主演林-马努艾尔·米兰达(Lin-ManuelMiranda),一个波多黎各裔美国人。

    Hamilton " " is a musical biography about the very white , very dead Alexander Hamilton , in which most of the cast is " other , " " including Lin-Manuel Miranda , the show 's Nuyorican creator and star .

  30. 3月8号,品牌创始人兼知名名模米兰达可儿在其好莱坞的家中进行了直播,直播自己经营的澳洲奢侈品护肤品牌KORAOrganics在天猫上开了第一家店。

    On March 8 , founder and supermodel Miranda Kerr launched Australian luxury skincare brand KORA Organics ' first Tmall store in China via livestream from her Hollywood home . The event attracted over 223000 live viewers , with KORA Organics offering exclusive giveaways for spectators .