
  • 网络rice water
  1. 本实验研究焦米水消食止泻作用拟为山楂炒焦研究提供对照,为探寻、研究炒焦共性问题提供参考。

    Coked rice water digestion antidiarrheal effect of this experimental study is proposed for control of the study of the burnt hawthorn , provide a reference to explore frying coke common problems .

  2. 红麴米水萃及酒萃物对3T3-L1前脂肪细胞均有抑制增生及分化之效果。

    Both water and ethanol extracts of RMR had inhibitory effects on3T3-L1 preadipocyte proliferation and differentiation .

  3. 一种工艺先进的操纵杆能够简化程序,并实现一键式操作。这个超强性能的导航仪防水达到IPX7标准,或在1米水深处浸泡30分钟且能浮起!

    This rugged navigator is waterproof to IPX7 standards or , immersible in the water for30 minutes at a depth of1 meter , and , it floats !

  4. 米浆水澄清循环浸米水的回用率约为70%。

    The water recovery from rice milk was about 70 % .

  5. 直径1.6米水煤气两段炉热平衡及物料平衡的计算与分析

    Calculation and analysis of heat and mass balance to φ 1 . 6m two-stage water gas generator

  6. 米浆水循环利用处理方法的研究米浆水澄清循环浸米水的回用率约为70%。

    Study on Method of Recirculation and Reclamation of Rice Milk The water recovery from rice milk was about 70 % .

  7. 谭勇将自己固定在他两吨重的潜艇里。他用了一个流行卡通人物的名字&喜羊羊来命名自己的潜艇。只用了9个月制作的潜艇,已经能够深入8米水下。

    Tan Yong bolted together his two-tonne craft , christened the Happy Lamb after a popular cartoon character , in just nine months and has steered it down to depths of eight metres .

  8. 谭勇将自己固定在他两吨重的潜艇里。他用了一个流行卡通人物的名字——“喜羊羊”来命名自己的潜艇。只用了9个月制作的潜艇,已经能够深入8米水下。

    Tan Yong bolted together his two-tonne craft , christened the " Happy Lamb " after a popular cartoon character , in just nine months and has steered it down to depths of eight metres .

  9. 通过硫酸铵分级沉淀(40%~80%)、凝胶层析(SephadexG-75)对米胚芽水溶物进行分离纯化。

    Rice germ aquous solute was separated and purified through ammonium sulfate fractionation ( 0.4 ~ 0.8 saturation ) and gel chromatography ( sephadex G-75 ) .

  10. 例如,尼泊尔最大的冰川湖TshoRolpa湖位于加德满都附近的Rolwaling山谷,它需要被抽去17米的水才能防止湖泊爆裂。

    For example , Tsho Rolpa , Nepal 's biggest glacial lake in the Rolwaling Valley near Kathmandu , needs to be drained by17 metres to prevent a lake burst .

  11. 人造米复水过程水分传递特性的研究

    A Study on the Moisture Transfer Characteristics of Synthetic Rice in the Rehydration Process

  12. 布兰森爵士豪迈地表示,他希望有一天“水精灵&内克尔”能够带着游客潜到1万米的水下,尽览水底世界。

    Sir Richard Branson proudly said that he hopes one day to " Water Wizard & Necker " can bring potential visitors to1 m of water , overlooking the underwater world .

  13. 我们这才明白,屋里的米、水、干柴,以及那充满了热情的“请进”二字,都是出自那哈尼小姑娘的手。

    Only until then did we know that everything including rice , water , dry woods as well as the warm " come in " on wall was from the lovely girl " pear flower " .

  14. 对人造米复水过程水分传递特性进行了研究,结果表明:含水量和温度对扩散系数有显著影响;

    The moisture transfer characteristics of synthetic rice in the rehydration process was studied . The results showed that the moisture content and temperature of the synthetic rice would have obvious influence on the moisture diffusivity .

  15. 以BALB/C小鼠为实验对象,研究了黑粘米酶解水提液对小鼠某些衰老指标的影响。

    Using BALB / C mice as objects of the experiments , the effects of enzymatic hydrolysate of black glutinous rice on some senescent indications of the mice have been studied .

  16. 9秒内潜到400米深的水下,或者杀一个人

    drive a nine-second quarter mile , or kill a man .

  17. 提示黑优粘米酶解水提液有较好延缓衰老作用。

    Suggesting that enzymatic hydrolysate of Black glutinous rice might be useful to delay senescence .

  18. 随着越来越多的水涌进来,很快“好奇号”就被淹没在几百米深的水下:

    As the flow continues , the lake fills in , burying Curiosity under hundreds of meters of water :

  19. 由于汽车部分淹没在一米深的水里,当地的一条高速公路被关闭,一些桥梁被淹没,几百所房屋被毁坏。

    A motorway was closed after cars partially disappeared under a metre of water , bridges were submerged and hundreds of houses severely damaged .

  20. 这位为私营承包商工作的平民潜水员周二早间在25米深的水下停止对无线电通信做出回应。

    The civilian diver working for a private contractor stopped responding early Tuesday to radio communication at around 25 meters ( 82 feet ) underwater .

  21. 我正失望的时候,突然看到了这片梨花林和这小屋,屋里有柴、有米、有水,就是没有主人。

    At my disappointment , I spotted this pear forests and the house , inside which there was wood , rice and water but owner .

  22. 情人节的前一天,在青岛极地海洋世界,一名男子在七米深的水下将一支玫瑰递到女友手中。

    A man handed a rose to his girlfriend while submerged seven meters under water at the Qingdao Polar Ocean World on the day before Valentine 's Day .

  23. 当地政府表示,这些工人都是从一个倾覆的工作平台上跌落下去的,所跌落进去的竖井深达200米,井中水很深。

    Authorities say the workers fell off the platform after it overturned more than 200 meters above the bottom of the shaft , which was inundated by deep water .

  24. 仅仅2小时以后,车子就已经陷在了2米深的水里——岸边的观看者和船上过路人以及摆渡船家都乐得不行。

    Just four hours later the car was stranded in two metres of water - to the great amusement of onlookers on the shore and passengers on passing boats and ferries .

  25. 6000米无缆水下机器人完成了太平洋洋底考察。使用直接电缆连接,可以方便快捷地在两台计算机之间建立直接的串口或并口电缆连接。

    Our 6,000-meter computerized underwater vehicle successfully explored the floor of the Pacific Ocean . Direct cable connection enables you to quickly and easily establish a direct serial or parallel cable connection between two computers .

  26. 这就使得当我们得知莫肯人能够在水下(甚至是22米深的水下)将事物看得一清二楚时感到吃惊不已。

    That knowledge makes it all the more surprising that a group of people , known as the Moken , have the ability to see clearly underwater , even at depths up to 22 meters ( 75 ft ) .

  27. 在30米深处找到了水。

    Water was found at a depth of 30 metres .

  28. 措施包括:部署了20个顶尖的潜水专业人员,这些人员装备了推进设备;前100米还安装了水下GPS系统——因为前100米往往是最危险的阶段。

    Measures included deploying 20 top-notch diving professionals and equipping them with propulsion equipment and underwater GPS systems for the first 100 meters , known to be the most dangerous stretch .

  29. 50米油类分析采水器设计

    Design of A 50m Water Sampler For Petroleum Analysis

  30. 在仍然开放的少数几个市场,米团和瓶装水已经脱销。

    And in the few markets remaining open , rice balls and bottle water are