
shū pí
  • book cover;book jacket;dust cover
书皮 [shū pí]
  • (1) [book cover]

  • (2) 书刊的最外面的一层,用厚纸、布、绢、皮等制成

  • (3) 书外面包的一层保护用的纸

  • 包书皮

书皮[shū pí]
  1. 他怕揉搓坏了课本,包了书皮。

    He was afraid that his textbook would get worn , so he put a cover on it .

  2. 全书只有书皮上他的名字中有四个字母E。

    The only Es were the four in his name on the cover .

  3. 西方人根据该书红色的书皮和口袋书的大小将其命名为LittleRedBook。

    The title Little Red Book was coined by Westerners because of the red cover and pocket-book size .

  4. 太阳把这本书的书皮晒弯了。

    The hot sun have warp the cover of the book .

  5. 每本硬皮书印刷出版时都会带个软书皮。

    Each hard copy book will be printed with a soft cover .

  6. 不能以书皮的美丑,去判断书的内容好坏!

    Don 't judge a book by its cover .

  7. 摩洛哥皮具精细纹理的山羊皮。书皮用的物料。

    Morocco goatskin with fine grain for book covers .

  8. 上书皮:把书皮粘贴于书和纸上。平装:用纸或非纸板物料作书皮的书。

    Soft cover : A paper , or other non-board cover on a book .

  9. 最流行的材料是纸桑的内层书皮。

    The most popular material is the inner bark of the paper mulberry tree .

  10. 齐旁装:装订的款式。书籍的书皮和书页一起切齐。

    Cut flush : Binding style with the cover cut flush with the pages .

  11. 在后背上用包来装某。他用书皮把书包上了。

    He wrapped the book with the jacket .

  12. 斑纹纸:加工造成有斑点花纹的纸,作书皮等用。

    Ingrain paper : Paper finished with a mottle surface used for book covers , etc.

  13. 由于它的书皮是蓝色的,许多人都把它叫做蓝皮拼写本。

    Most people called it the @ Blue-Backed Speller @ because of its blue cover .

  14. 上书皮:把书皮粘贴于书和纸上。

    Covering : the fixing of a book cover to the spine and end papers .

  15. 书的开头和结尾都被书皮包裹着,

    Just as a book is bounded by its covers , by beginning and end ,

  16. 它的书皮,开头和结局和出生和死亡。

    its covers , its beginning and end , and your birth and your death .

  17. 书页纸封面:小册子的书皮和内文,用同样纸张。

    Self-cover : Cover of a booklet MADE of the same paper as the text pages .

  18. 他教给我一个重要的人生道理:不要以书皮来判断书的好坏(切勿以貌取人)。

    He also taught me an important lesson about not judging a book by its cover .

  19. 齐边封面:书皮和内文书页一起切齐。

    Flush cover : A cover trimmed flush with the pages of the text of the book .

  20. 它还吃杂草,嫩芽,书皮,植物根茎,草根和野果。

    It also eats grasses , herbs , shoots , bark , tubers , roots , and fruit .

  21. 他从书皮上发现了这本书原来主人的名字&哈里斯·玛尼尔小姐。

    In front of the book , he discovered the previous owner 's name , Miss Hollis Maynell .

  22. 上光油:施加于书皮或书套上的高光泽硝化纤维清漆。参看下文。

    Liquid lamination : A high-gloss nitrocellulose varnish applied to book covers or jackets . Also called Varnishing .

  23. 脊厚:书芯厚度,它不包括书皮纸板的厚度。

    Spine-bulk : The thickness of the spine of a book block not including the thickness of the cover boards .

  24. 软皮线装:装订方法之一;它把锁线订后的各帖,装入纸书皮内。

    Sewn soft cover : A method of binding in which section sewn signatures are fastened to a paper cover .

  25. 象的长牙用于挖掘,折断书皮,也是沉重的象鼻借以靠放的地方,也可以用做武器。

    Tusks are used for digging , ripping of bark , foraging , resting a heavy trunk , and as weapons .

  26. 我的教母曾给了我一本红色书皮的圣经,我从儿时一直保存到现在。

    My godmother gave me a Bible , in red tooled leather , which I had throughout my childhood and have still .

  27. 书面布:一种结实的布。用黄麻,棉或亚麻造成。上光和加胶使表面挺实。作书皮用。

    Buckram : A strong fabric made of jute , cotton or linen , glazed and stiffened by size or glue used for book covers .

  28. 软皮装:书籍装订的一个款式。它用布或其他柔软材料作书皮,不加纸板。参阅护边装订。

    Limp binding : A style of binding books with cloth or other type of flexible materials for covers and made without board . See Yapp binding .

  29. 起膊:精装书籍在圆脊后两旁压成肩膊或关节,以套入书皮板纸。

    Backing : Marking of the shoulder or joint on the spine of a hard cover book into which the cover boards will fit after back rounding .

  30. 这种书皮通过内置摄像头和人脸识别系统对读者面部进行扫描,只有扫描到的表情不带任何感情时,才会解锁打开书本。

    The cover uses an integrated camera and facial recognition system to scan the reader 's face , and only unlock the book if the expression is neutral .