
  • 网络calligraphy style
  1. 这种经世致用的思想直接影响了中唐书风的形成并对后世影响深远。

    The thought " learning from the world to apply it " has direct influence on the formation of the calligraphy style in the mid Tang Dynasty and far into the later generation .

  2. 所以,唐初的书坛自然为王羲之书风所笼罩。TTU标模及平顶罩棚类低矮建筑的风洞试验研究

    Almost all calligraphy works of the early Tang Dynasty were influenced by Wang Xizhi . Wind-Tunnel Investigation of TTU Standard Model and the Flat Canopied Low-rise Buildings

  3. 流行书风的内在特征与形成原因

    Internal Features & Formation Reasons of " Popular Calligraphic Style "

  4. 其次,书风的统一性。

    Secondly , the unity of the book style .

  5. 在多方因素综合作用下,清代中晚期碑派书风崛起。

    In many factors effect , the qing dynasty middle-late tablet sent book wind rise .

  6. 这种新体书风影响了东晋以后的绝大部分书家。

    The new body style of the book since most of the Eastern Jin Dynasty calligrapher .

  7. 书风发展进入一个新的历史时期。

    And accordingly , the artistic style of the calligraphy stepped into a new historical era .

  8. 本论文围绕流行书风与当代大众文化而展开。

    This thesis is an in-depth study of the pop-style calligraphy and contemporary mass culture in China .

  9. 而这种书风正好迎合了扬州八怪这股艺术思潮的艺术审美。

    This book wind just to meet the " Eight Wonders of Yangzhou " the art aesthetic .

  10. 历经四十届之比赛,其中产生了特殊之书风现象。

    The contests that had been held for forty times produced a special phenomenon of calligraphy trend .

  11. 秦代刻石与简牍上的书法分别反映了贵族与平民书风。

    Qin Dynasty Stele with bamboo slips on the calligraphy reflected the characteristic of nobility and civilian .

  12. 杰出的书法家和理论家傅山是这场书风大变局中的一员主将。

    A dominant force in this school was the eminent calligrapher and art theorist Fu Shan ( 1607-1685 ) .

  13. 所谓时代书风,就是能体现那个时代书法艺术总体精神面貌的书风。

    The so-called era of calligraphic style that embodies the overall spirit of that era calligraphy style book face .

  14. 而书体的发生又是书风持续衍变的必然结果。

    But the occurrence of the calligraphy style is also the inevitable result which the font continues to evolve .

  15. 明代晚期,典型的浪漫主义书风发展并最终达到高峰。

    The late Ming Dynasty , calligraphic style typical of the development of romanticism and eventually reached a peak .

  16. 而随着篆隶书体的逐步繁荣,碑派书风亦走向成熟。

    Following the gradual prospering of seal script and clerical script , calligraphic wind of stele school matured as well .

  17. 从大陆迁台书家的创作看民国书风的延续

    Continuation of Calligraphic Styles of Republic of China & A Case Study of Calligraphers ' Works after Moving to Taiwan

  18. 因此,本文着重针对此后之台湾书风现象作探讨。

    So , this article focuses on researching the artistic styles and phenomenon of the calligraphy art creations in Taiwan since then .

  19. 文章论述的重点是两种书风的融合问题,这也是本文的学术价值之所在。

    The key point of this article is the integration of two trends , which is also the academic value of this article .

  20. 其画风特点是雄健、憨厚、朴实、自然;其书风是清新、豪放、韵味十足。

    Its characteristic is honest , humorous , guileless , powerful and natural , The book is pure and fresh , bold and unconstrained , lasting appeal .

  21. 文化具有传承性和相互渗透性,敦煌艺术中的行草书法必定会受到那个时代流行书风的影响。

    Culture is the heritage of the former generation and would be influenced and penetrated each other , it will definitely be affected by the prevalent style of calligraphy .

  22. 在张弼的影响下,一个善草书的群体沿坡而起,对提倡个性书风的发展有着重要的作用。

    Under the influence of Zhang Bi , a good cursive groups along the slope , to promote the personality Book wind has an important role in the development .

  23. 在这个时期,新加坡能够以发展‘南洋画派’闻名,却没法发展‘南洋书风’。

    During this period , while Singapore was famous for evolving the Nanyang Style of Painting , it had not been able to develop a Nanyang Style of Chinese Calligraphy .

  24. 流行书风、民间书法有其存在的合理性,也应有其探索发展的空间。

    The " spreads the calligraphy custom to " ," folks calligraphy " contain the rationality of its esse , and also should have its quest the space that develop .

  25. 广西书坛八桂书风的构想与推出,并作为广西的一个文化品牌加以培育,这是值得广西书法界庆幸的大事。

    Guangxi calligraphists ' artwork fair " BaGui book wind " idea and launch , and as a culture of guangxi brand to foster , this is worth guangxi calligraphy event .

  26. 南风温柔地吹来。多言的鹦鹉在笼里睡着了。所以,唐初的书坛自然为王羲之书风所笼罩。

    The breeze of the south comes gently . The noisy parrot sleeps in its cage . almost all calligraphy works of the early Tang Dynasty were influenced by Wang Xizhi .

  27. 初唐时期的书法界渗透着王羲之书风的深刻影响,此种风尚的发展起源于南朝特别是萧梁时期文化的转变。

    Wang Xizhi 's calligraphic style has a profound influence on calligraphy circles of early Tang dynasty , which originated from a cultural change of Southern dynasties especially the Liang dynasty .

  28. 帖学在延续传统二王书风的同时继续发展,但无法企及前代的创作高度。

    Quote the renewal of learning the traditional " two King " book while the wind continued to develop , but can not match the creation of a high degree of the previous generation .

  29. “流行书风”不排除传统,注重个性发展和自我情感张扬,具有群体可接受性;

    The " spreads the calligraphy custom " not expel the tradition , it to make a point of the character to develop to make open , have the community accept-ability with ego emotion ;

  30. 新世纪之初书风仍趋多元,书法创作将会持续高度繁荣,新一轮书法艺术高峰期已经到来。

    In the early 21st century , the style of Chinese calligraphy is still going in a plural direction . After a continuous prosperity of the calligraphic creation , a new peak of Chinese calligraphic arts will certainly come .