
  1. 广州陈氏书院建筑装饰工艺中的辟邪物

    Talisman of Building Decoration in Chen 's Study in Guangzhou

  2. 中国古代书院建筑初探

    Study on Chinese Ancient Academy of Classical Learning

  3. 我国古代书院建筑的伦理学诠释

    Ethic Hermeneutics of Ancient College Yard in China

  4. 生机·和谐&云南师范大学田家炳教育书院建筑与环境设计

    Vitality and Concordance & the architecture and environment design of Tian Jia-bing Academy of the Yunnan Normal University

  5. 我国零售业竞争取胜的法宝&核心竞争力分析广州陈氏书院建筑装饰工艺中的辟邪物

    The Talisman of Chain Retailing & Analysis of the Core of Competence Talisman of Building Decoration in Chen 's Study in Guangzhou

  6. 内容主要为祀孔建筑的形制和艺术特色与书院建筑的形制和艺术形象。

    Main content is the shape and art feature of worship buildings and the shape and artistic image of the College buildings .

  7. 最后,在立足在麓书院建筑文化基础上总结如何传承与发扬传统文化与观念,并对实际创作的发展方向进行展望。

    Eventually , the paper concludes how we can pass on and carry forward the traditional culture and concepts . It also envisages the developing trend of factual creations .

  8. 边缘情境中的基础美术&浅议建筑院校学生的美术学习简论书院建筑的艺术风格

    Basic the Fine Arts in Marginal Situation : Simply Discussion on the Students ' Fine arts Study of Architectural Academy Architectural Style of the Academy of Classical Learning in China

  9. 书院建筑作为我国传统建筑的典型代表,是礼制建筑与文人建筑相结合的建筑形式,包含了广泛而深厚的文化内涵。

    Classical Academy architecture , the typical representative of traditional Chinese architectures , is a combined architectural form of ritual architecture and literary architecture , which carries broad and deep connotation .

  10. 有孔庙(各地文庙)、孟庙、颜庙、明堂和辟雍等。另一类为文教建筑,主要是受儒家思想影响而形成的书院建筑。

    Including Confucius Temple ( Wenmiao ), Meng Temple , Yan Temple and Ming hall , etc. The other one is cultural and educational buildings , which are built by the influence of Confucianism .

  11. 祀孔建筑着重以孔庙各地义庙和明堂辟雍的建筑形制作为探索研究的对象;书院建筑主要从其建筑形制利艺术形象角度度进行探索研究。

    The worship buildings use the Kong Temple , the Temple of Literature and the hall circlet as the object of exploration and research . The College buildings focus on architectural form and the artistic image .

  12. 本文通过对海南书院建筑的全面分析,提炼其设计内涵之精华,力求最大限度地获取书院于建筑历史和设计等各方面的存在价值,为未来的建筑创作提供有利参考。

    According to comprehensive analyzing of Hainan academy construction , refining the essence of design connotation , and maximum extracting its value of architectural history and design aspects , this paper provides beneficial references for future architectural design .

  13. 中国传统建筑文化源远流长,作为它的组成部分之一的我国高校建筑文化,早在商周时期就已经产生并不断发展,最终形成我国古代特有的高校建筑文化&书院建筑。

    Traditional architectural culture in China has a long history . As a part of it , Chinese college construction culture has been developed as early as in Shang and Zhou Dynasties and into a unique culture in ancient China-college constructions .

  14. 文华书院遗存建筑的研究与保护

    The Research and Protection of Historical Remains of Boon Memorial School Memorial Building

  15. 两所新书院将组成建筑群,融合和谐,促进师生交流,达至善用资源的效果。

    The two colleges will form a cluster of buildings to promote interchange and to make the best use of resources .

  16. 中国传统书院天一阁建筑群研究

    The Research on the Buildings of Chinese Traditional Academy " TianYiGe "

  17. 书院对大学校园建筑环境的借鉴

    Influences of Classical Academy on the Construction of Modern Campus

  18. 书院文化是我国传统文化精髓,书院建筑理念对我国现代大学校园建筑环境建设仍然有着现实意义。

    The culture of Classical Academy is the distillation of Chinese traditional culture . The construct thought of the Classical Academy still has a practical significance to the construct of modern campus .

  19. 文章通过对书院学规和著名会讲的记述,以及对书院建筑、布局、祠庙乃至碑铭的描述,再现了宋代儒家书院的生活和学习情形。

    Life and education at the academies are portrayed not only through their study rules and famous lectures but also through descriptions of the architecture , layout , shrines , and inscriptions at the academies .