
  1. 但是,在将来您有可能被招募为环保志愿者助理。

    However , you may be considered for an assistant to the volunteer in the future .

  2. 暂还不是。正在学习努力中,应该会很快成为一个合格的环保志愿者了。

    Thanks for your comment ! Not yet . I 'm still working hard , will become a competent environment protection volunteer soon .

  3. 本文根据受培训的环保志愿者(培训者)对培训效果的评估和妇联组织开展的妇女与环境培训的实践,对今后社区环保培训工作的开展,提出分析和措施上的建议。

    According to the evaluation made by the volunteers ( trainers ) and the practice of " women and environment " training program organized by the Women Federation , the author proposes the analysis and suggestions on the training of community environmental protection in the future .