
  1. 拟议的合并交易将以反向收购形式进行,silvinit将不复存在。

    The proposed merger will be structured as a reverse takeover under which silvinit will cease to exist .

  2. 对基于模糊Petri网的模糊推理算法进行了研究,将矩阵运算引入到推理算法中,提出了基于矩阵运算的加权模糊Petri网的正、反向推理的形式化算法。

    The weighted CF model containing threshold is incorporated in the extended WFPN for imprecise knowledge representation and reasoning . ( 2 ) We investigated the fuzzy reasoning algorithms based on fuzzy Petri nets .

  3. 提出了FMS故障诊断与维修系统应采用肯定后件式的反向模糊推理形式。给出了一种模糊隶属度函数的计算方法,并解决了如何确定证据的不确定性测度问题。

    The GMT fuzzy logic reasoning method employed by FMSFDMS was presented , and a way for determining the uncertainty measure membership function of the hypothesis finding was also discussed .

  4. 基于带相关噪声系统的一种Kalman滤波器,应用射影理论,提出了一种固定区间最优Kalman平滑器,它可用反向递推形式实现,算法简单,但于实时应用。

    Based on Kalman filter for systems with correlated noises , by using the projection theory , a fixed - interval optimal Kalman smoother is presented . It can be implemented in a backward recursive form . Its algorithm is simple , and is suitable for real time applications .

  5. 女性发展的边缘化以显性的、隐性的、反向的三种形式表现出来。隐性的和反向的形式日益成为更主要的形式,成为阻碍女性发展的玻璃天花板。

    The implicit and reverse forms are developing into the dominant ones , which become the " glass ceiling " of the female development .

  6. 商标反向假冒行为相对于正向假冒行为具有不同的特征:反向假冒的表现形式多样;可能存在双重侵权;行为人利用他人生产的产品;以替换或去除为方式;行为后果的多重性。

    Trademark reverse passing-off is different to the behavior of imitating in trade mark : the multiplicity of reverse passing-off behaves ; being double tort by any possibility ; using products of others ; as the way of replacing or removing ; the multiplicity of sequent of the behavior .