
  • 网络against method
  1. 法伊尔阿本德的反对方法实质上也就是反对那种认为自己占有唯一正确的方法和合理性标准的唯科学主义理性观,反对对理性与非理性、科学与非科学作截然的两分。

    Paul Feyerabend 's objection to methodology is actually objection to the concept of science that there is an only correct methodology and an only criterion of reason .

  2. 整体主义者反对渐进方法,认为它太温和。

    The holists reject the piecemeal approach as being too modest .

  3. 许多人反对这种方法。他们认为受精卵就是人。

    Most species lay eggs , which may be fertilized externally or internally .

  4. 全体教师和学生都反对这种方法。

    Both faculty and students oppose the measures .

  5. 许多人反对这种方法。

    Many people object to this method .

  6. 财政部强烈反对这种方法。

    The Treasury strongly opposes this approach .

  7. 她说评估用它现在反对的方法建立了自己的电脑公司。

    She says Apple built its computer company using the same methods that it is now opposing .

  8. 本论文提供了多种商务英语谈判中表达赞同与反对的方法和句型。

    This paper presents the ways and patterns of how to handle approvals or disapprovals during the process of business negotiation .

  9. 但是由于另外的几个原由,在另外的著名的烟草研究者反对这种方法,认为该方法是错误的。

    But there are several reasons why , in the opinion of other well-known tobacco researchers , this approach is flawed .

  10. 虽然哲学诠释学是在反对科学方法的名义下产生的,但它与科学方向之间并没有一刀两断,相反,二者之间的相互渗透却越来越多,它们构成了人类思维和认知之两翼。

    Although philosophy interpretation is contradicted with science orientation , they permeate each other and constitute the two wings of human thinking and understanding .

  11. 第一流育种家都强烈反对采用这个方法。

    All the best breeders are strongly opposed to this practice .

  12. 沙皇陛下有自己解决反对者的方法。

    The Tsar has his way of dealing with opponents .

  13. 他强烈反对他的耕作方法毁坏沼泽地和大堡礁的说法。

    And he vehemently rejects the idea that his farming methods damage the Everglades and the Reef .

  14. 长期遭到德国反对的上述方法,将允许希腊脱手一部分可观的债务负担。

    That approach long rejected by Germany would allow Greece to erase part of its sizeable debt burden .

  15. 反对将此方法作为一种长期架构设计选择的主要理由是,您的解决方案将会完全以客户关系管理为中心。

    The principle argument against this approach as a long-term architectural design choice is that your solution would be completely CRM centric .

  16. 这里一个木材特许权,那里一段铺路延伸工程或庞戈运动场,任何想反对他做事方法的人都被解除了武装。

    A timber concession here , a stretch of paved road or a Bongo stadium there , disarmed anyone who objected to his way of doing things .

  17. 他说:朱令案仍适用于中国法律,并且我反对用这种方法来让国外势力干预我国的司法。

    " Zhu Ling ` s case is still under the provenance of Chinese law , and I object to the use of these channels to ask a foreign power to intervene in Chinese domestic justice ," he said .

  18. 她说她是强烈反对老的教学方法的。

    She said she was strongly against the old teaching methods .

  19. 我不反对您采用这种方法使您的家庭富裕一些。

    I have no objection to your adding to the comforts of your family by that means .

  20. 投票人用在公民投票中投票反对该建议的方法表示他们对政府的反对。

    The voter show their opposition to the government by voting against the proposal in the referendum .

  21. 它还提供了一种强制遵从源需求而反对目标性能的方法。

    It also provides a means to enforce compliance of the source requirement against the target capability .

  22. 我不反对定量的测量方法,但我质疑它们作为商业表现、社会繁荣和生活意义等重要指标的权威性。

    I am not against quantitative metrics , but I question their authority as the main indicators of business performance , prosperous societies , and meaningful lives .

  23. 斯金纳反对传统的哲学方法,主张采用历史的方法研究政治思想史,把注意力从只关注经典文本转移到语境。

    Skinner opposes to the traditional philosophical methods , but adopts historic viewpoints to study intellectual history , switching our attention from the classic texts to the context .

  24. 这个问题引起了激烈争论,一些反对者将这个方法和基因改造相提并论,认为这会开启婴儿设计的大门。

    The issue provoked fierce debate , with some opponents likening the procedure to genetic modification and arguing that it would open the way to the creation of so-called designer babies .

  25. 但这并不能保证他能轻而易举地获得提名,大会组织者担心反对者仍可找到方法来拖延他的提名,让大会议程陷入混乱。

    That does not guarantee him an easy ride , though - organizers worry that refuseniks could still find a way to drag out his nomination and cast the proceedings into chaos .

  26. 他提倡跨学科的视角,反对唯我独尊的单一方法,将关系作为重要的分析单位,强调多因素交互作用的分析原则,并积极探索审美观察与解释在社会研究中的运用。

    Simmel called for interdisciplinary perspective , opposing single method . Relationship was an important analysis unit . He emphasized the analysis principles of multi-factor interaction and actively explored the application of aesthetic observation and explanation .