
  • 网络the Counter-Reformation;counter reformation;Counterreformation;counter-refrmation
  1. 他们反改革绝非有什么系统的理论依据。

    They do not have a systematical theory to oppose the reform .

  2. 同时,沙特国内改革和反改革的力量较量,也使这个王国处于危机与变革的边缘。

    Meanwhile the inside conflict between the force of reform and anti-reform makes the country at the verge of crisis and change .

  3. 当工人开始被搬回到单独的办公间,办公室不知不觉替换的一个列着员工说明的布告板,你就会知道,反改革的工作正在顺利进行。

    When workers start being moved back into separate booths , and the office slide is replaced with a noticeboard bearing a list of staff instructions , you will know that the counter-revolution is well under way .

  4. 在教育界,保守者上演了一场反改革的运动,现在一些学者质疑蒙特梭利管理的基本假设,特别是其对自由流动的创造力,无限的协作和完全开放的信念。

    As in education , where traditionalists have staged a counter-revolution against the progressives , some academics are now questioning Montessori management 's basic assumptions & particularly its faith in free-flowing creativity , endless collaboration and all things open-plan .

  5. 瑞典是最强烈支持欧盟反倾销改革的国家之一。

    Sweden is one of the strongest backers of anti-dumping reform in the EU .

  6. 我们将继续协助各国制定和实施良政治理和反腐败改革规划。

    And we will continue to work in assisting countries on governance and anti-corruption reform programs .

  7. 近代史以新航路的开辟为出发点,包括文艺复兴、宗教改革和反宗教改革等阶段,而这个视野涉及经济、宗教和艺术等方面。

    The modern history includes the Opening of the New Route , Renaissance , Reformation and Ant-Reformation and this view about economy , region and art .

  8. 巴洛克就是在17至18世纪天主教会反宗教改革的浪潮中兴起的,它奢华、夸张的艺术特点可以满足当时天主教会的宗教目的。

    Baroque just rose during 17 century to 18 century the Catholicism Reformation . Its art characteristic which is extravagant and exaggerated could satisfy the religion purpose of Catholic Church .

  9. 本文的研究为我国在新一轮的WTO谈判中推进反倾销措施改革谈判提供一定的理论依据。

    This dissertation provides some theoretical foundation to promote the anti-dumping reform in the next round WTO negotiation . 4 .

  10. 对领导层来说,关键将是在促增长和反增长的改革之间把握平衡,并以合适的顺序推行这些改革,渣打(StandardChartered)大中华区研究部主管王志浩(StephenGreen)表示。

    The key for the leadership will be balancing the pro - and anti-growth ref # 173 ; or # 173 ; ms and implementing them in the right sequen # 173 ; ce , says Stephen Green , head of research for greater China at Standard Chartered .

  11. 对世界贸易组织下反倾销税制改革的几点认识

    Some Ideas on Anti-dumping Duty Reform under the WTO Framework

  12. 并且,这些因素均具有两面性,一方面可能推动改革,一方面也可能起反作用阻碍改革。

    Moreover , these factors have a dual nature , both to promote reform , and may impede reform .

  13. 反倾销法改革和竞争法国际协调,这本可以也应该结合起来研究的两个方面却被学界割裂开来了。

    We should combine the two separated aspects of the Anti-dumping law reformation and competition law international coordination together to study their relationship .

  14. 因此,各国政府的反垄断管制改革应当把握企业合作范式的演进趋势,同时要调整管制的重心。

    Therefore , the reform of anti-monopolization management system of the governments in different countries should grasp the evolution trends of business cooperation paradigm while adjusting the heart of the management system .

  15. 在确立改革方向的基础上,本文又从理论优势和现实可行性两个角度出发,研究了现阶段反倾销法改革的出发点选择问题。

    After the direction of the reform is determined , the author studies the starting point selection problem of the anti-dumping law reform at this stage from both theoretical advantages and practical feasibility .

  16. 本文通过从理论与实践角度分析已有的三种反倾销法改革方案,最终明确了反倾销法改革的方向,即从竞争法视角改革反倾销法。

    The direction of the reform of Anti-dumping Law could be determined by the analysis of the three options from the perspective of the theory and practice , namely the view of Competition Law .

  17. 从理论上研究反倾销法改革方向、出发点、具体措施的意义,在于其对国内反倾销法或国际反倾销协议改革的指导作用。

    The significance of theoretical study on the direction , the starting point and specific measures of the reform , means the role in guiding the reform of domestic anti-dumping laws or international anti-dumping agreements .

  18. 理论界对反倾销法改革的方案进行了探讨,并最终提出三种方案,即完全取消反倾销法、以竞争法取代反倾销法以及对反倾销法加以改进。

    In theoretical circles there is talk of programs to reform Anti-dumping Law and three options are put forward finally , including " abolish the law of anti-dumping ", " replace the law of anti-dumping with Competition Law " and " improve Anti-dumping Law " .

  19. WTO《反倾销协议》改革

    WTO Anti - Dumping Agreement Reform

  20. 文章分析了WTO反倾销协议的改革路径,指出比较现实的途径是对现行的WTO反倾销规则进行修改。

    The article analyzes the reform avenues of WTO Anti-dumping Agreement and points out that one feasible way is to amend the current WTO anti-dumping rules .

  21. 这位31岁的美国前游泳运动员呼吁,美国的立法者应推进全球反兴奋剂体系的改革。

    The American former swimmer , 31 , wants US lawmakers to push for global anti-doping reforms .

  22. 公共新闻是20世纪90年代在美国兴起的一场声势浩大的反潮流的新闻改革运动,这场运动对美国的社会发展和新闻传播业都产生了重大影响。

    The public news , a movement of press reform emerged in 1990s in the United States , has great influence on the social development and communication industry of the US .

  23. 教育与日本现代化&日本正、反两方面教育改革经验探讨课程发展议会现正全面检讨各教育阶段的课程。

    Education and Japanese Modernization - An Exploration on Positive and Negative Experience of the Educational Reform ; A holistic review of the curriculum across all levels of schooling is under way .

  24. 对于《反倾销协议》改革的三种方案,笔者分析了每种方案对规制国际反倾销措施滥用的效果以及现实可行性。

    There are three reforms of regulating abuse of the international anti-dumping measures regarding " anti-Dumping Agreement ", the author analyzes each kind of reform to regulate the abuse of anti-dumping measures as well as the reality feasibility .

  25. 按照与时俱进、开拓创新的要求,结合我国实际,反腐败体制的改革创新主要应从监督体制、政治体制、廉政制度、治腐机制、治标治本五个方面进行。

    According to demanding of make progress with passing time and reclaim or innovation , link with the Chinese practice , the reform and innovation of anti-corruption systems , incorruptible and intelligent system , punish anti-corruption system and so on .

  26. 引入竞争法标准对反倾销法进行改革和在竞争法的国际协调过程中吸收反倾销规则是解决两法之间的冲突的两条路径。

    The reformation of the Anti-dumping law according to the standards of competition law and absorption of the Anti-dumping rules in the process of the competition law international coordination are the two methods to resolve the conflicts between the two laws .

  27. 在新一轮WTO谈判中,我国应积极参与竞争政策与反倾销议题谈判,倡议对WTO反倾销规则进行改革,以竞争法的精神完善反倾销法。

    In the latest round of WTO negotiations , China should propose to carry on the reform of the anti-dumping law of WTO and perfect the antidumping law .