
  • 网络genre;music style;Alternative;Reggae
  1. 我不觉得我一开始就特意为每张专辑设定了不同的曲风。然而,我确实知道当时想要的是什么感觉。

    I don 't think I set out to come up with a different sound for each album . At the same time , I do have a sense of what is right for the moment .

  2. 这首名为《TheBreakdown》的新歌时长4分钟,是朋克抒情曲风。

    It 's a 4-minute punk ballad called The Breakdown .

  3. 把自己的音乐与更多人分享。RED的曲风主要是摇滚乐和金属乐,以强劲的音乐节奏、辽亮的人声为歌曲主要的元素。

    Genre of RED is mainly rock and metal , with strong rhythm and powerful vocal as the main composing elements .

  4. 他偶尔也会把不同曲风的歌混在一起听,或者来点techno。

    But occasionally he 'll mix things up and listen to some techno .

  5. 但经过如此漫长的等待之后,《24KMagic》据说会是对他标志性的放克曲风一个华丽的转变。

    But after such a long wait , 24K Magic is poised to give the singer 's * trademark Funk a flashy makeover .

  6. 《KeystoneCompanians》四张盘中的音乐正是你所期望的杰里·加西亚所擅长的曲风:用一些蓝草和灵魂音乐混合摇滚,蓝调及爵士。

    The music on " Keystone Companians " ' four discs is exactly what you 'd expect from a Jerry Garcia side project : a mix of rock , blues and jazz with some bluegrass and soul mixed in .

  7. 神话的曲风并不固定,初期他们推出的是当时颇为流行的泡泡糖摇滚乐(如歌曲《Eusha,Eusha》),在第四张专辑《Hey,Comeon!》中,他们也推出了不少常规的流行乐。

    Shinhwa has changed musical styles many times throughout their existence , beginning with typical bubblegum pop songs ( as seen with their song Eusha , Eusha ) like other pop singers at the time . They also did regular pop songs as well , with the release of their 4th album Hey , Come On ! .

  8. 这种曲风,今天早上我就在想,但是

    That style . I was wondering since this morning , but

  9. 形成其曲风的原因是多方面的。

    The reasons that make his writing style are various .

  10. 曲风具有欢愉奔放的自由气氛。

    A melody style possesses joyous ebullient free atmosphere .

  11. 华丽尊贵的曲风,描述著伟大建筑中国城紫禁城之尊贵之霸气。

    Gorgeous and noble melody to describe the dignity and hegemony of grand China palace .

  12. 乐队风格为独立流行,曲风积极向上,现场表现活跃,是支力求创新的乐队,一直坚持旋律化路线及与音乐融为一体的自然台风。

    New Perfume insists indie-pop , positive music style and tries to compose songs creatively .

  13. 到伦敦的夜总会巡回开专场演奏会确实使这支乐队形成了他们自己的曲风。

    Gigging around the London clubs has really helped the band develop their own sound .

  14. 他们谱写的歌曲卓尔不群,曲风从流行到摇滚无所不包,在音乐之路上不断尝试和探索。

    They wrote brilliant songs that ranged from pop to rock , experimenting along the way .

  15. 由于她的民谣曲风和充满活力的态度,没有人想到她能走这么远。

    With her folksy voice and hyper-cheerful demeanor , she wasn 't expected to last long .

  16. 清新优雅的曲风、优美动人的曲调,总能给人带来心灵的愉悦。

    Fresh and elegant musical styles , beautiful and moving tune , always brings about joyful mind .

  17. 棒辣妹乐队充满激情的曲风总是让人们对邦德乐队的音乐类型难以定义。

    Bond 's high-energy tunes often leave people wondering what category of music Bond really fits into .

  18. 李已经成为风格多样的音乐人,她尝试的曲风从拉丁,摇滚到R&B。

    Lee has been a stylistic chameleon , dabbling in styles from Latin to rock to R & B.

  19. Hye-sung的个人创作则多为叙事歌谣风格,在韩国民谣曲风正日趋流行。

    Hye-sung have branch out to do ballads song , as ballads are becoming popular throughout South Korea .

  20. 该曲风和碾核的不同在于更技术化的表现方法和削弱了的硬核朋克的影响和美学。

    The style differs from grindcore in the more technical approach and less evident hardcore punk influence and aesthetics .

  21. 从去年开始,怀恩豪斯混合了灵魂、爵士和R&B多种曲风的音乐让她迅速蹿红,在英国和美国乐坛都颇具影响力。

    Winehouse 's old-school blend of soul , jazz and R & B turned her into a major star last year .

  22. 阿黛尔2011年推出她的第二张专辑《21》,专辑的曲风是现代摇滚和乡村音乐的结合。

    Adele released her second album 21 in 2011 . The album 's sound is described as contemporary roots and country music .

  23. 她一贯的节奏鲜明的曲风有过很多改变,其最新专辑便是一例&这是一张摇摆乐专辑。

    Her always sharp melodic songs have gone through many changes , including her last album , which was a swing record .

  24. 融合了节奏布鲁斯、电子、灵魂乐和摇滚的曲风才是这位全才的全英音乐奖得主的音乐标签。

    The multi-talented Brit Award winning musician 's trademark musical style usually combines R & B , electro , soul and rock .

  25. 我一直都要做一张热舞的专辑,所以我们就尝试了所有不同的舞曲曲风。

    I really wanted to make a hot dance album , so we just tried to make all types of dance music .

  26. 此外,周杰伦还是一位出色的获奖唱作歌手,诸如摇滚、嘻哈说唱以及布鲁斯等多种音乐曲风均驾驭娴熟。

    But he is also an award-winning singer-songwriter , with musical style that is influenced by rock , hip hop and blues .

  27. 如中国国际广播电台所评价,(这些专辑)全部坚持了他“温柔、接地气、有亲和力”的曲风。

    They were all in his own musical style : " soft and warm , down-to-earth and intimate , " commented China Radio International .

  28. 西雅图颓废摇滚曲风的“涅磐乐队”位列榜单之首,上榜歌曲为《少年意气》,排名第二的是“暴力反抗机器”乐队的《杀戮的名义》。

    Seattle grunge outfit Nirvana topped the list with Smells Like Teen Spirit , followed by Rage Against the Machine 's Killing in the Name .

  29. 被称赞的快速、阴暗的小调反复和猛烈的独奏以及快速的鼓点,创造了一种可以在磁带贸易界流行的曲风。

    Fast , dark minor-key riffs and fierce solos were complimented with fast drumming , creating a style that would catch on in tape trading circles .

  30. 不过,也有人为曾轶可的创造力、简简单单的曲风以及拿吉他自弹自唱原创歌曲的方式而倾心不已。

    But others have been smitten by Zeng ` s creativity and simple style , and how she plays a guitar to sing songs she wrote herself .