
  • 网络rhythmic pattern;ordines;Thekas;rhythmicpattern
  1. 节拍重音的强调,增强了自然跳弓演奏的律动感,使节奏型更清晰。

    Emphasis on the beat stress , and enhance the natural jumping bow playing rhythm , the rhythmic patterns more clearly .

  2. 在本文最后的结论部分,再次强调节奏型训练在钢琴即兴演奏教学中的重要性。

    In he final part of this thesis-the conclusion , the importance of the training of rhythmic pattern in the teaching of piano improvisation will be once more emphasized .

  3. 打击乐器多作为主旋律的节奏型伴奏。

    Percussion instruments are usually employed in the accompaniment of main melody .

  4. 他是一位节奏型选手而我们就是要打乱他的节奏。

    He 's a rhythm post player and we just wanted to disrupt that rhythm .

  5. 湖北大鼓有其独特的鼓板点子,它是由鼓和板不同的打击方式组合起来的节奏型。

    Hubei Drum has its own special beats and a rap rhythm by drum and musical plank .

  6. 体现了中国戏曲音乐紧拉慢唱的形式与打击乐伴奏节奏型、少数民族舞蹈性节奏及民族吹打乐节奏;

    Have manifested Chinese drama music " tightly pulls slowly sings " and percussion instrument accompaniment rhythm ;

  7. 最后一步是前面所有步骤的综合运用节奏型投篮涉及到了许多方面,而这些方面是需要在同一时间全部顾及到的:

    The final step is where it all comes together ... Shooting with rhythm involves many parts occurring simultaneously :

  8. 砂槌在儿童音乐教学中也很受欢迎,还有在节奏型乐队中也非常流行。

    Maracas are also very popular with children and are commonly included in the instruments of the rhythm band .

  9. 研究了不同拍子与相同节奏型的规律以及针对复杂节拍与节奏型的结合规律,以更好地表现作品音乐风格的可变性。

    The combination rules of meter and rhythmic combination are studied in order to show the variability of the styles of musical works .

  10. 第五节,列举了交响诗中一些有代表性的节奏型,如夜骑节奏型、号角式的节奏型。

    Section V , listed a number of representative symphonic poem rhythm-based , such as " night riding " rhythm-based , " horn " type of rhythm-based .

  11. 同时,板式(节奏型)的变化、发展也赋予音乐以更多更鲜明的色彩层次,从而使音乐的戏剧性大为增强。

    At the same time , the changes and developments of the clapper rhythm gave the music a more colorful dimension and increased the dramatic quality of the performance .

  12. 试论汉语的节奏类型&松紧型

    On the Metrical Type of Modern Standard Chinese & A Type Based on Looseness Rhythm and Beauty