
  • 网络water-saving city
  1. 天津市建设节水型城市指标体系研究

    A Study on the Index System of Water-saving City in Tianjin

  2. 敦煌市水资源及节水型城市建设探讨

    The Discussion of Water Resources and the Construction of Water-Saving City of Dunhuang

  3. 坚持可持续发展,创建节水型城市

    Adhere to Sustainable Development and Create a Water-saving Type City

  4. 创建节水型城市提高水资源综合利用效应&苏州市水务局局长黄雪球访谈录

    Build Water-conservation City Enhance Full Use of Water resources

  5. 山西省城市缺水与节水型城市建设

    Water Shortage of the Cities and Construction of Water-saving Cities in Shanxi Province

  6. 论创建节水型城市的战略意义发展节水型产业,建设节水型城市;

    In the development of water-saving industries and in forming water-saving cities and towns ;

  7. 创新机制加强管理大力推进苏州节水型城市建设

    Innovation System Motivates the Building of Water-conservation City

  8. 提高水资源利用率建设节水型城市

    Improve Water Use Efficiency Building a Water-saving City

  9. 浅谈创建节水型城市体会

    Experience Learnt from the Creation of Water-saving City

  10. 建设节水型城市实现可持续发展

    Building Water-efficient Cities & Realizing Sustainable Development

  11. 节水型城市的用水模式与改造对策的探讨

    An Approach to The Models of Water Usage and The Transformation Policies about Water-saving Cities

  12. 创建节水型城市是应对未来水危机的新决策;

    Setting up water-saving cities is a new solution to deal with the water crisis in the future ;

  13. 水资源硬约束下的武威城市化过程与节水型城市建设

    The Process of Urbanization in Wuwei City with Water Resource Hard Constraint and the Approach to Establishing Water-saving City

  14. 因此,构建节水型城市是陕西省乃至西北干旱缺水地区解决缺水问题的一个重要途径。

    Therefore , constructing water saving city is a significant ways to solve these problems in arid areas , especially in Shaanxi Province .

  15. 为了有效的缓解目前我国城市水资源严重短缺的现状,国家提出了大力创建节水型城市口号。

    In order to relieve the present situation of water resources serious shortage in cities of China , a slogan on developing water-saving city is put forward .

  16. 因此,定量研究节水型城市建设激励机制的节水效果,并在此基础上有针对性的提出节水型城市建设管理模式,具有重要的探索意义和实践意义。

    Therefore , quantitative research water-saving incentives of urban construction , and on this basis to the point water-saving urban management pattern is important for meaning and practice .

  17. 借鉴以色列节水型城市林业建设经验,找出太原市存在的差距,并提出今后建设要点。

    The paper describes experiences in water-saving urban forestry development in Israel and analyzes existing problems in Taiyuan city , proposals were made for urban forestry development in future .

  18. 提出了在水资源约束下乌鲁木齐绿洲城市发展的节水型城市发展模式、产业结构优化模式、新亚欧大陆桥绿洲经济带型模式。

    It has proposed the water-saving urban development model of development of oasis city of Urumqi under the circumstances that the water resource is restrained , the industrial structure optimizes the mode , new Asian-European land bridge oasis economy bringing type model .

  19. 根据河津市经济、社会、环境现状,通过改变决策变量的值,设计了三种模拟方案,针对节水型城市及河津市十一五规划的要求,确定方案中各决策变量指标取值。

    According Hejin economic and environmental situation , through changing the value of decision-making variables , three different simulation scenarios are designed . According the requirement of economized type city and " the eleventh five years " plan , the value of the decision-making variables are decided .

  20. 基于属性测度-联系数的节水型生态城市的健康评价

    Health assessment for water-saving ecological cities based on the method of attribute measure-connection number

  21. 武汉快速步入节水型先进城市的借鉴与对策

    Use for Reference and Countermeasure of Rapidly Stepping into Water Saving Type Advance City in Wuhan City

  22. 本文分析了节水型的城市用水模式与五大创新特点。明确提出了节水城市的改造五大对策:1、保护城市的第一水源&天然水;

    This article presents the model of water usage and the five new characteristics , advances five transformation policies about water-saving in cities .

  23. 节水型园林&城市可持续发展的必然要求

    Water-saving Landscape & The Inevitable Necessity of Urban Sustainable Development

  24. 节水型社会试点城市绵阳市的节水水平分析

    Analysis on Water Conservancy Level in Mianyang-Experimental City to Establish Water Conservation Society

  25. 通过研究城市节水激励机制,确定节水型城市管理模式,更有针对性、操作性更强。

    To establish water-saving city management by urban water-saving incentives research is more focused and more operational .

  26. 这一理论对于推广节水型建筑,推进节水型城市建设,以及推进循环经济建设有着积极的理论意义和现实意义。

    This theory has a positive theoretical and practical significance for the promotion of the use and promotion of water-saving buildings , water-saving cities and the construction of circular economy .

  27. 介绍上海市水资源和节水工作现状,以及创建节水型城市对策研究。

    The status quo of Shanghai 's water resources and water-saving work , and researches on measures to create water-saving type city are stated .

  28. 因此,建立包括节水型农业,节水型工业、节水型城市的节水型社会应作为长期基本国策。

    Hence , setting up a society involving manufacture , agriculture and city with water conservation system should be founded as a long term national policy .

  29. 发展节水型农业、节水型工业,建设节水型城市。

    Water-efficient agriculture and industry shall be developed to build a water-efficient city .

  30. 这些指标对于我国大力发展绿色建筑、节水型建筑、节水型企业,积极建设节水型城市和节约型社会,有着积极的参考价值。

    They are important reference for us to construct green buildings , water-saving buildings , water-saving corporations , and water conversation cites and resource conversation society .