
  • 网络Timbuktu
  1. 然而,上述所有建筑以及其它建筑,鲜有能与廷巴克图(Timbuktu)的陵墓和清真寺相媲美的。

    Yet of all these places and more , few if any can rival the shrines and mosques of Timbuktu .

  2. 珍贵的阿拉伯书籍和古代廷巴克图的羊皮纸手抄本。

    Treasured Arabic Books and parchment manuscripts from ancient timbuktu .

  3. 津加里贝尔清真寺建于廷巴克图鼎盛时期。

    The mud architecture was developed at the high point of the history of Timbuktu .

  4. 马里军方消息来源说,军队在没有遭遇任何抵抗的情况下,已经抵达廷巴克图城边缘。

    Malian military sources say troops have reached the edge of Timbuktu without meeting any resistance .

  5. 20年前,我们很难想象廷巴克图发生了什么事。

    Twenty years ago , it was very hard to visualize what was happening in Timbuktu .

  6. 很多人都听说过加德满都和廷巴克图,但却对这两个城市一无所知。

    Kathmandu and Timbuktu , both cities most people have heard of but know nothing about .

  7. 法国和马里军队也正在包围历史城市廷巴克图的激进武装份子。

    French and Malian forces are also closing in on militants in the historic city of Timbuktu .

  8. 目前,在马里的法国军队正在往北移动,前往马里小镇廷巴克图。

    French forces along with soldiers from Mali are moving north toward the Malian town of Timbuktu .

  9. 西撒哈拉和中撒哈拉的柏柏尔牧羊人很久以前建立一种家畜交易的盈利模式,如今这种交易仍然是廷巴克图人主要的收入来源。

    Founded by Tuareg herders , Timbuktu still counts the livestock trade among its primary sources of income .

  10. 廷巴克图是一座呈“水平”走向的城市,陵墓和清真寺成了连接天际的符号。

    It is a horizontal city ; the shrines and mosques are the punctuation that articulate the skyline .

  11. 在马里,著名的廷巴克图城曾经是西非的一座文化之都。

    And , in Mali , the famous city of Timbuktu was once a cultural capital of West Africa .

  12. 因此,廷巴克图古迹没准儿会随着时间的推移不断得到修复和翻新。

    So there is the faint possibility that the monuments of Timbuktu might with time be repaired and renewed .

  13. 在帝国鼎盛时期,版图从廷巴克图到巴马科,甚至远达大西洋。

    At its height that empire stretched from Timbuktu to Bamako , and even as far as to the Atlantic .

  14. 廷巴克图古迹提供了一个令人叹服的兼重建筑方法与建筑意义的模式。

    The monuments of Timbuktu offer a compelling model embracing both the means to build and the very point of building .

  15. 现在我担心的是其他古迹也会有危险不只是廷巴克图,还有马里其他城市。

    Now I fear that other sites , not just in Timbuktu but in other Malian cities , are at risk .

  16. 最近的这次破坏事件之前,西迪•马哈茂德陵墓在5月份也遭到了破坏,这座陵墓也在廷巴克图。

    The latest destruction follows the attack in May on the tomb of Sidi Mahamoud Ben Amer , also in Timbuktu .

  17. 巴克图口岸已有200年通商历史,是中国西部通往中亚及欧洲的交通要道。

    Timbuktu has200 points in the history of trade , China is leading to the western region of Central Asia and Europe traffic .

  18. 那天早晨,他们听到从廷巴克图市中心传来枪战声,于是他们试图离开廷巴克图前往毛里塔尼。

    They 've basically tried to leave Timbuktu to Mauritania early that morning at the heart of Timbuktu where they called up a gunfire .

  19. 廷巴克图曾是世界重要商业和文化中心之一,这些建筑就是那个时期遗留下来的古迹。

    The structures in Timbuktu are the remnants of the city 's incarnation as one of the world 's great commercial and intellectual centres .

  20. 他们在马里西部旅行,住宿在廷巴克图,然而这里肯定不是他们想象的旅行圣地。

    They toured the West of the continent settling in Timbuktu , but it wasn 't all together that kind of destination they had imagined .

  21. 法比尤斯表示,法国希望非洲军队能很快接手法国军队,而本周法国军队就将撤出廷巴克图。

    Fabius said France wants its troops to be rapidly relieved by African forces and said French soldiers could pull out of Timbuktu this week .

  22. 廷巴克图是伊斯兰文化的中心,它有名的图书馆里有成千上万的重要的文件和手稿。

    AZUZ : Timbuktu was the center of Islamic culture , and its famous library was home to hundreds of thousands of important documents and manuscripts .

  23. 以“333位圣徒的城市”闻名于世的廷巴克图,在当时不仅是沙漠中的一个商业枢纽,还是一个学术中心。

    Known as the " city of 333 saints , " Timbuktu was not just a desert commercial crossroads ; it was also a centre of learning .

  24. 待在廷巴克图边界周围的沙漠地区附近享受了一天的美食后,绵羊和山羊成群结队地跟着主人回家。

    After a day of grazing in the surrounding desert , a herd of sheep and goats follow their owner to his home on the edge of Timbuktu .

  25. 但是廷巴克图的新闻工作者表示,他们从研究中心的员工处获悉,上万份文件早已转移到安全地点。

    But journalists in Timbuktu say staff at the center tells them that tens of thousands of documents had been speared to the way for safekeeping a while back .

  26. 合适的导师“人在廷巴克图还是纽约无所谓,但是你得清楚这个人是个什么样的人,他能教给你什么东西。”

    The right mentor " can be in Timbuktu or New York but you have to understand who that individual is and what they bring to the relationship . "

  27. 把它放在手边,因为你根本不知道什么时候会发现自己在廷巴克图,而钱包里只有一美元。

    keep it handy , because you simply never know when you will find yourself in Timbuktu with only a picture of George Washington in your wallet . 1 .

  28. 控制了马里北部10个月的武装分子在被赶出廷巴克图这样的马里城镇后,已逃往阿尔及利亚边境附近的基达尔地区。

    The extremist fighters who have controlled northern Mali for the last 10 months have fled into the mountains in the Kidal region near the Algerian border after being driven from Malian towns such as Timbuktu .

  29. 在法国军队发动攻击之前,马里北部重镇廷巴克图已摆脱控制,市长哈利·奥斯曼·西塞表示,他有确切消息证实伊斯兰反对派武装烧毁了艾哈迈德·巴巴研究所和其他建筑,这些建筑里保存着古代手稿。

    Ahead of the French led offensive that liberated Timbuktu in northern Mali , Mayor Halle Ousmane Cisse said he 'd been reliably informed that Islamist militants had torched the Ahmed Baba Institute Library and other buildings housing the ancient manuscripts .