
  • 网络Baron;Barong
  1. 巴龙一个星期睡她一次然后就回巴勒莫。

    The Baron screws her once a week and then goes back to palermo .

  2. 在2001年,该研究所接手了世界卫生组织的调查治疗南美锥虫病的巴龙霉素(paromomycin)的项目。

    In2001 , the institute took over a World Health Organization ( WHO ) project investigating the use of paromomycin for Chagas disease .

  3. 我将用巴龙霉素和氯奎开始治疗。

    I 'll start her on paromomycin and chloroquine .

  4. 巴龙霉素治疗带绦虫病415例疗效观察

    The efficacy of paromomycin in the treatment of taeniasis a report of 415 cases

  5. 我们认为口服巴龙霉素是一种安全、有效的驱绦虫药物。

    We conclude that paromomycin is a safe effective drug for the treatment of taeniasis .

  6. 巴龙新村是位于右江矿务局小龙矿井田范围内的一所小村庄。

    The new village of Balong is located in Xiaolong Coal Mine field scope of Youjiang Mining Bureau .

  7. 英国剑桥大学巴龙柯恩的团队研究性差,采取了另一个路数,但是同样有创意。

    Simon Baron-Cohen and his associates at the University of Cambridge took a different but equally creative approach to addressing the influence of nature versus nurture regarding sex differences .