
  • 网络ISIS
  1. 有时候看到他们在建艾西斯的神像,很像故乡阿尔忒弥斯的神像。

    So sometimes you 'd see they 'd make statues of Isis look like statues of Artemis back home .

  2. 我越思考人生的问题,就越觉得我们应该选择<讽刺>和<怜悯>作为我们的裁判者,正如古埃及人要求艾西斯女神和奈夫蒂斯女神对他们的死者所做的一样。

    The more I think of the problems of our lives , the more I am persuaded that we ought to choose Irony and pity for our assessors and judges as the ancient Egyptians called upon the goddess Isis and the Goddess Nephthys on behalf of their dead .