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  • 网络alice;Iris;Aerith
  1. 这是一个颠倒的世界,就像艾莉丝身处奇境一样。

    This is a topsy-turvy world like Alice found in Wonderland .

  2. 这是避免掉进艾莉丝效应的关键。

    This is essential to keep from falling into the ALICE effect .

  3. 艾莉丝,现在起一切都没事了。

    Alex , everything is gonna be okay from now on .

  4. 和许多年轻人一样,艾莉丝站在了人生的十字路口。

    Like many young people , Eilis stands at a crossroad .

  5. 我是他们家女儿艾莉丝的朋友。

    I 'm a friend of their daughter , alexis .

  6. 为了查清还有谁看过玛丽•艾莉丝的信

    To find out who else knew about Mary Alice 's letter ,

  7. 你看见艾莉丝的父亲了吗,安?

    Have you seen alice 's father , ann ?

  8. 这跟玛丽•艾莉丝当年那封一字不差。

    It has the exact same wording as the letter Mary Alice received .

  9. 艾莉丝发誓再也不抽烟。

    Alice made an oath never to smoke again .

  10. 当艾莉丝返回爱尔兰参加姐姐的葬礼时,新的状况出现了。

    Complications arise when Eilis returns to Ireland for her sister 's funeral .

  11. 艾莉丝把上衣送去烫,才不会有皱纹。

    Alice got her shirt pressed so there would be no wrinkles in it .

  12. 这次艾莉丝又是怎么说我的?

    What did Alice say I did now ?

  13. 艾莉丝倒了一些果汁到杯子里。

    Alice poured some juice into a cup .

  14. 有啊,大楼经理来看过,指认她是艾莉丝。葛兰格。

    Yeah , building manager took a peek . id 'd her as Alice granger .

  15. 艾莉丝瞒着她的男朋友约翰和弗雷德约会。

    Alice was two-timing John with Fred .

  16. 嗨,艾莉丝,我正在做人们怎样运用手机功能的调查。

    Hi , alice . I 'm doing a survey on how people use their mobile phones .

  17. 在出生地爱尔兰,艾莉丝在一个小镇里过着毫无希望的生活,干着收入微薄的工作,面临着残酷的未来。

    In her native Ireland , Eilis had few prospects , an underpaid job and a grim future in a small town .

  18. “我们的生意做得大并不意味着我们就没有公德心。”负责食品安全和政府事务的副主席艾莉丝•约翰逊说道。

    " Just because we 're big doesn 't mean we are evil ," said Alice Johnson , a vice president in charge of food safety and government affairs .

  19. 电影改编自爱尔兰作家科尔姆•托宾的畅销小说,《布鲁克林》的背景设定在爱尔兰和美国,这两个国家都是主人公艾莉丝(西尔莎•罗南饰)口中的家乡。

    Adapted from Irish novelist Colm Toibin 's best selling novel , Brooklyn is set in both Ireland and US , the two countries that the protagonist Eilis ( Saoirse Ronan ) calls home .