
  1. 秋秋走到门口去,用一对泪水朦胧的眼睛朝小河边上那间小茅屋望着

    Out to the doorway , Qiuqiu gazed in tears in the direction of that thatched hut on the riverbank

  2. “你不能同我一块儿去吗?”小女孩子望着小老妇人,恳求她,因为现在她是她唯一的朋友。

    " Won 't you go with me ?" pleaded the girl , who had begun to look upon the little old woman as her only friend .

  3. 所以我总是用我的小眼睛望着天空,渴望实现我的愿望,可是当流星划过时我总是来不及许愿。

    So I always hope the sky with my small eyes , hope earnestly to carry out my wishes , but be meteor to row dated I always make a wish too late .

  4. 我转过身,向五名船员所在的小木屋里面望去,发现没有人穿航天服。

    I turned and looked into the cabin where my five crewmates were , and nobody in there had a space suit on .

  5. 那两个小男孩直望着他发楞。

    The little boys stared at him in surprise .

  6. 本文提出了改进的望小特性和望大特性的质量损失函数。

    This paper comes up with the improved quality loss function of smaller the better and larger the better characteristic .

  7. 在就寝时间以后,他通过前面第三层楼左角上的窗子的小铁格子望着外面煤气灯照亮的世界,就像一个长得太大、在高空中坐得太久的天使。

    and looking at the gas-lighted world over the little iron bars in the left-hand corner window of the front three pairs of stairs , after bed-time , like a greatly overgrown cherub who had sat up aloft much too long .

  8. 我们坐在一家小餐馆外面,望着眼前来来往往的人们。

    We sat outside a cafe , watching the world go by .

  9. 不过小牧羊女双眼望着她最心爱的瓷制的扫烟囱的人儿,哭起来了。

    then the little shepherdess cried , and looked at her sweetheart , the china chimney-sweep .