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  • 网络little light;small light
  1. 然后你擦亮你的小光和亮光,全部夜晚闪烁。

    Then you shine your little light , And twinkle , twinkle all the night .

  2. 你是我的心,在黑暗的日常生活小光爱。

    You 're the love of my heart , the little light in the darkness of everyday life .

  3. 线阵CCD上产生小光点的光路设计及应用

    Optical Design and Applications of Small Spots Produced on Linear CCD

  4. 小光点X射线测定锭杆残余应力的测试精度研究

    The accuracy of measuring residual stress in spindle shaft by means of small spot x-ray

  5. 实验前训练两只猴(Macacamulatta)注视一个小光点,并使注视点在屏幕上顺序移动25个位置。

    Two monkeys ( Macaca mulatta ) were trained to fixate a small spot positioned sequentially at 25 locations on a viewing screen .

  6. 在近场光学纪录系统中,微孔与固态浸没透镜(SIL)为常被用来克服光学绕射极以及限缩小光点的两项技术。

    For near-field recording systems , Aperture and Solid Immersion Lens ( SIL ) are two popular techniques to overcome light diffraction limit and reduce spot size .

  7. 结果青少年TM超声表现与成人相同,都表现为双侧睾丸内弥漫、散在、对称的直径在2mm左右的无声影小光点。

    Results Ultrasound characteristics of TM in teenagers were found similar to adult TM . Unique diffused and bilateral minute echogenic lesions , smaller than 2 mm , no acoustic shadow , were scattered within testicular parenchyma .

  8. 基于轻触模式AFM,分析了光干涉误差的产生原因,并对其引起的AFM测量误差进行了数学分析和仿真、提出了减小光干涉误差的方法。

    Based on the tapping mode AFM , the factors causing the optical interference error are analyzed ; the AFM measurement errors caused by the optical interference are deduced mathematically and simulated ; several methods are put forwards to reduce the error .

  9. 我们将用低能量小光斑氩激光对20例DR患者进行光凝治疗,并将结果与本院以往用高能量大光斑进行光凝治疗的DR患者结果进行统计分析,以观察其疗效。

    We will treat 20 cases of DR patients with Argon laser of low energy and small spot and statistically analyze the results and the one of DR patients who had been treated with Argon laser of high energy and big spot , and observe the effect .

  10. 提出一种新颖的辅助图模型(AGM)表示网络的当前状态,基于AGM提出一种动态IR算法&最小光收发器对法(MTA)。

    A novel auxiliary graph model ( AGM ) was proposed to represent current state of the network . Based on AGM , an efficient dynamic IR scheme , minimal transceiver approach ( MTA ), was developed .

  11. 对有些人来说,星星只是一些小光点;

    For some , who are travellers , the stars are guide .

  12. 她的连衣裙上镶着小光片,身体一动就闪闪发光。

    Her dress was covered in sequins which twinkled as she moved .

  13. 红外小光点扫描测试仪自动调焦实验研究

    Experimental study on auto - focus of infrared micron - spot scanner

  14. 深入研究了小光斑准分子激光飞点扫描模型,对飞点扫描过程进行计算仿真;

    The process of scanning-spot excimer laser is studied and simulated on computer .

  15. 小光轴角的简便测定法

    New Simple Method for Measurement of Optic Axial Angle

  16. 红外小光点扫描测试系统

    A Scanning Testing System of IR Micron - Spot

  17. 介绍了中波和长波“红外小光点扫描测试系统”。

    The scanning testing system of IR micron-spot about MWIR and LWIR is described .

  18. 首先根据局部法建立了凝团详细光散射模型,以凝团中各球形主粒子为最小光散射单元,并考虑主粒子间的多次散射。

    Firstly , a detailed model of light scattering by smoke aggregates is developed .

  19. 小光斑准分子激光治疗单纯近视的机理及应用

    The Mechanism and Application of the Correction for Spherical Myopia Using Small Beam Excimer Laser

  20. 资讯科技是美丽用在它上的数以百万计小光见到河。

    It is beautiful to see the river with millions of little lights on it .

  21. 小光:小明真的好久不见了,你好吗?

    Xiao Guang : Xiao Ming is really Long time no see , how are you ?

  22. 当光束通过机动车排出的尾气时,会产生对光的吸收和散射,从而减小光能量。

    When light passes through the exhaust , the energy of light is absorbed and scattered .

  23. 多粒度光交换能减小光交叉连接矩阵的规模,能降低光节点的成本。

    Multi-granularity optical switching can reduce the size of optical cross-connect and the cost of optical nodes .

  24. 仿真结果表明,由该方法计算的最小光功率能够更好地优化激光雷达系统的性能。

    System simulation proves the minimal detectable power calculated by this method can optimize the laser radar system .

  25. 他卖分辨率&形成计算机屏幕的小光点。

    All he sells are pixels & the tiny dots of light that form the computer screen image .

  26. 自动调焦是红外小光点扫描测试仪关键技术之一。

    It is reviewed in this paper auto-focus which is one of the key technologies in infrared micron-spot scanner .

  27. 雷纳的失误对利物浦方面来讲很难接受,小光在小乔下去后的表现一直可以“神”来形容。

    Reina 's uncharacteristic error was harsh on Liverpool , who had battled valiantly following Cole 's sending off .

  28. 这就要提高激光器出射光场的对称性,减小光的散射角,这需要提高对激光器波导层的结构优化。

    Since the severe asymmetry of optical field and beam divergence degrade the coupling efficiency , the waveguide structure optimizing needed .

  29. 为了能够实现硅基高密集集成光路,减小光波导的尺寸是必然的趋势。

    Reducing the size of photonic waveguide devices for enabling high-density integration in silicon photonic integrated circuits is the subsequent trend .

  30. 游戏中两名玩家分别操纵屏幕上两根移动的光标充当球拍,拦截充当乒乓球的小光点

    in which two players tried to volley a blip on a screen with two movable lines that acted as paddles .