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xiǎo mǐ
  • millet
小米 [xiǎo mǐ]
  • (1) [millet]

  • (2) 一年生谷类,其谷粒作为人的一种食物和鸟类食料,学名叫粟

  • (3) 粟去了壳的子实

小米[xiǎo mǐ]
  1. 小米同样富含维生素B、蛋白质及必需氨基酸半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸。

    Millet is also a good source of B vitamins and protein and the essential amino acids cysteine and methionine .

  2. 结果显示:以大米、小米和复合基质进行固体发酵,该真菌生长较好(生物量为35.8%),且添加一定量的中药不影响真菌的生长,起始含水量为50%,起始pH值为4.5;

    The results indicated that the growth of fungi with solid fermentation under the rice , millet and composite medium was better with its biomass of 35.8 % .

  3. 作为协议的一部分,小米将在安卓智能手机和平板电脑上预装微软Office和Skype。

    As part of the agreement , Xiaomi will ship Microsoft Office and Skype on Xiaomi Android smartphones and tablets .

  4. 我可以很肯定的说我超爱我的中国手机——小米的红米Note3pro,这款手机很便宜,但用起来像是值手机定价280美元的两倍,而且它完全可定制、灵巧,并且内存很大。

    I would definitely have to say that I love my Chinese-brand Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro3 . This phone is cheap , performs as if it costs twice it ’ s $ 280 price , is completely customizable , slick , and has a whole lot of memory storage .

  5. 微软与小米拓展其全球伙伴关系,在移动设备上提供创新用户体验。

    Microsoft Corp. and Xiaomi Inc. have expanded their global partnership1 to provide innovative2 user experiences on mobile devices .

  6. 启明创投的美国联合创始人盖里-瑞斯彻表示,中国初创企业的工作文化甚至比美国硅谷公司还要苛求。启明创投曾投资智能手机生产商小米公司。

    The workplace culture in China 's start-up scene is even more demanding than in Silicon4 Valley , says Gary Rieschel , the US co-founder of Qiming Venture Partners , which has backed smartphone maker5 Xiaomi .

  7. 小米Mix无疑是游戏改变者。

    TheMix is quite the game changer .

  8. 这项专利协议包括小米将在其手机上安装微软的Office和Skype软件。

    The patents deal includes Xiaomi installing Microsoft 's Office and Skype software on its phones .

  9. 手机制造商小米被称为“中国的苹果”,却并不认为自己在抄袭苹果(Apple)。

    Xiaomi , the Chinese handset maker that has been nicknamed the " Apple of China , " doesn 't view itself as an Apple copycat .

  10. 在中国市场占主导地位的是亚洲手机生产商:小米、三星(Samsung)、联想、宇龙和华为。

    The Asian handset makers Xiaomi , Samsung , Lenovo , Yulong and Huawei dominate the Chinese market .

  11. 雷军表示,小米去了为苹果(Apple)的iPhone生产金属边框的几家公司,询问能给小米生产出什么样的边框。

    Mr. Lei said Xiaomi went to the same companies that made the metallic-framed Apple iPhone to see what they could do for him .

  12. 他说他喜欢iPhone,只是因为它比小米和华为等中国公司制造的国产品牌好得多。

    He said he liked the iPhone because it was simply better than models made by Chinese companies such as Xiaomi and Huawei .

  13. 在印度,瑞典电信设备制造商爱立信(Ericsson)去年在德里高院(DelhiHighCourt)起诉小米专利侵权。印度是小米最具潜力的海外市场。

    In India , its largest prospective foreign market , Xiaomi last year faced a patent lawsuit in a Delhi High Court by Swedish telecoms equipment maker Ericsson .

  14. 而微软方面也将会受益。微软旗下的部分安卓应用程序(包括Office和Skype)将被预装在小米手机上。

    Microsoft will benefit from the fact that some of its Android apps - including Office and Skype - will now be pre-installed on Xiaomi devices .

  15. 小米智能手机一直因酷似iPhone而遭受批评,但软件创新足以让其避免抄袭的指责。

    Xiaomi 's smartphones have long been criticised for looking like an iPhone but , its software innovations are enough to fend off copycat accusations .

  16. 周受资是在2015年中从尤里•米尔纳(YuriMilner)的DST全球(DSTGlobal)跳槽到小米的。DST全球是成立七年的小米公司的一个主要投资方。

    Mr Chew joined Xiaomi in mid-2015 from Yuri Milner 's DST Global , a significant investor in the seven-year-old Chinese company .

  17. 12月12日,小米全球副总裁雨果o巴拉在社交网站Google+上表示,就在禁令下达时,公司通过电子商务网站Flipkart收到了15万份红米Note手机的订购单。

    Hugo Barra , vice president of Xiaomi global , said in a posting on Google Plus today the company had 150000 registrations for its Redmi Note on the e-commerce site Flipkart just as the injunction came down .

  18. IDC公司的数据显示,三星智能手机2014年的出货量已下降22%,而小米却暴增187%。

    According to IDC , Samsung 's smartphone shipments in China declined by 22 % in 2014 , while Xiaomi 's surged 187 % .

  19. 在发布会上,雨果•巴拉推出了小米4i(Mi4i),这是专为印度市场打造的手机。该公司表示,它的目标是到2020年时,小米能问鼎手机销售冠军。

    The company says it aims to be the top handset brand in India by 2020 .

  20. α-淀粉酶水解小米淀粉最适时间是30min;

    The appropriate time of hydrolyzing millet starches with α - amylase was 30 min ;

  21. 北京——2013年,中国的智能手机公司小米聘用了在巴西出生,毕业于美国麻省理工学院的Google前任资深总裁雨果·巴拉(HugoBarra)。

    BEIJING - In 2013 , the Chinese smartphone company Xiaomi hired Hugo Barra , a Brazilian-born , M.I.T. - trained former senior executive of Google .

  22. 就在5月份时,小米还承诺要与三星、HTC和LG一道打造支持新兴的“白日梦”标准的设备。

    As recently as May , Xiaomi pledged to build devices that support the nascent Daydream standard , alongside Samsung , HTC and LG .

  23. 如果传言属实,即将推出的小米Max2将在软件、硬件、相机以及其他组件等几乎所有部件上都有显著改进。

    If the rumours are to be believed , the upcoming Mi Max 2 would see a significant overhaul in almost all departments , be it software , hardware , camera or any other .

  24. 集高端手机与低廉价格于一身的小米在中国获得了极高人气,去年它在中国市场的销量超过了苹果(Apple)。如今,它正在全球最大的智能手机市场与三星争夺头把交椅。

    Xiaomi 's combination of high-end handsets with bargain basement prices has proved hugely popular in China , where sales overtook Apple last year , and it now vies with Samsung for top spot in the world 's largest smartphone market .

  25. 就在小米推出这款廉价入门级产品的几天前,三星(Samsung)刚升级了它自己的VR头盔,以此与谷歌打造的“白日梦”VR平台(DaydreamVR)一争高下。

    Xiaomi 's low-priced entry comes just days after Samsung updated its headset , and puts it in competition with Google 's efforts to build a VR platform called Daydream .

  26. 处于亏损状态的中国运动服品牌李宁(LiNing)正向可穿戴技术发动首轮进攻。该公司正与一家小米(Xiaomi)投资的初创企业合作,试图扭转萎靡不振的业务局面。

    Lossmaking Chinese sportswear brand Li Ning is making a maiden foray into wearable technology , linking up with a Xiaomi-backed start-up in an effort to revive its flagging fortunes .

  27. 小米品牌价值涨幅最大,其价值是去年五倍,为73亿美元,TCL和华为位居其后。

    Mi was the fastest riser , with its value shooting up fivefold year-on-year , to come in at $ 7.3 billion , followed by TCL and Huawei .

  28. 类似Twitter的中国微博平台——新浪微博(Weibo)昨日一整天都有人评述一个讽刺的事实,即小米手机本身在外形上酷似苹果的iPhone。

    Sina 's Weibo , China 's Twitter-like microblog , had a steady feed throughout the day of comments on the irony that Xiaomi phones themselves bear an uncanny resemblance to Apple 's iPhones .

  29. 采用此工艺可以对小米进行赖氨酸、维生素B1和维生素B2等多种营养素的强化,从而提高小米的营养价值。

    By taking this technology , many nutrients including lysine , vitamin B 1 and B 2 etc. can be strengthened , so the millet nutrient value will be increased .

  30. 手表上使用了小米公司自己的默认虚拟数字助理“小爱助手”。MiWatch定价为1299元人民币(合185美元),下周将在国内上市销售。

    The company 's own XiaoAI assistant is the default virtual digital assistant on the watch . The Mi Watch is priced at CNY 1299 ( $ 185 ) and will go on sale in the country next week .