
  • 网络Ai Qing;Ai-Ching
  1. 论诗的散文美与艾青的诗学理想

    On Prosy Aesthetics of Poem and Ai Qing 's Poetic Ideal

  2. 艾青与胡风文艺思想之比较

    Comparison between Ai Qing 's and Hu Feng 's Literature Thought

  3. 散文美:艾青诗歌形式的自由性探寻

    Beauty of Prose , Free Exploration of AI Qing 's Poetic Form

  4. 真正的诗:艾青诗论的核心范畴

    Real poem , the central category of AI Qin 's poetry theory

  5. 论艾青诗歌创作艺术的独特美

    On the Unique Beauty of Ai Qing 's Poetical Creation

  6. 研究此时期艾青的创作和活动的意义。

    Studying the meaning of his activities and poetic compositions .

  7. 论艾青诗歌中的三大原型意象群

    On Three Original Image Croups of Ai Qing 's Poems

  8. 母性崇拜:解读艾青诗歌的一个视角

    The Motherhood Worship : A Perspective of Reading Ai Qing 's Poetry

  9. 从艾青的创作实践看其意象理论

    On Ai Qing 's Image Theory from the Perspective of His Poetic Creation

  10. 真正的诗是艾青诗歌理论的一个核心范畴。

    Real poem is a central category of AI Qing 's poetry theory .

  11. 徘徊于城市和乡村之间&论艾青的城市诗

    Wandering between City and Countryside & Ai Qing 's Poem On the City

  12. 试论象征主义对艾青诗歌创作的影响

    The Influence of Symbolism on Ai Qing 's Poetry

  13. 试论艾青诗歌创作中的宗教情感

    On Religion Emotion of Ai Qin 's Poetry

  14. 艾青:新诗史上四足鼎立的辉煌

    AI Qing : the Brilliance Supported by Four Legs in the New Verse History

  15. 艾青诗歌的个体生命意识

    Individual Life Consciousness in Ai Qing 's Poems

  16. 第三章,艾青很讨厌做诗用直白的说教和抽象的分析。

    Chapter ⅲ, Ai Qing is very annoying to use straightforward didactic poem and abstract analysis .

  17. 我曾读到艾青以扫厕所为自豪,这让我印象深刻。

    I was impressed to read that AI senior had taken pride in his work cleaning toilets .

  18. 大诗人艾青复出后的诗歌创作,表现出了巨大的思想魅力;

    Ai Qing 's poems after his comeback to the republic of letters have reflected his great thoughts .

  19. 最后一章,分析艾青诗歌独特的意象采集万式和处理方式。前者主要论述:内外两重视角的生活感知方式;

    The former includes twofold mode of sensation of the life , and the unique organization of imagining .

  20. 我的父亲艾青

    My father Ai Qing

  21. 艾青,面向世界的诗人&论艾青国际题材诗

    AI Qing , A Poet Facing the World & Comments on AI Qing 's Poems with International Themes

  22. 抗战的呼唤&艾青《雪落在中国的土地上》探微

    The Calling of Anti Japanese War An Insight into Snow Falling on the Land of China by Ai Qing

  23. 艾青是20世纪中国最优秀的诗人之一,他历时60年的创作活动为年轻的中国新诗作出了独特的贡献。

    Aiqing is one of the most outstanding Chinese poets in the20th century.His60-year creative activities made particular contribution to Chinese new poems .

  24. 朴素的诗歌语言是艾青追求散文美的重要组成部分,也是他艺术探求的至高境界。

    The simple poetic language is the important part in his beauty of prose pursuing , and the highest in his artistical researches .

  25. 二战之后的世界呈现出和平的生机,现今的幸福让艾青对过往的残忍更加唾弃。

    After the Second World War , the world became peaceful , the happiness made Ai Qing hate the cruelty of the past .

  26. 因此,在艾青出访后的一个世纪里,人们除了从中国人保存的外交文件中知道一些情况外,对室利佛氏的了解甚少。

    Consequently little is known about Srivijaya during the century following i-tsing 's visit , except from diplomatic records kept by the chinese .

  27. 文学寄身政治及其后果&文学与政治关系视角下的艾青创作

    Literature Embraced Politics , and its ' Consequences & Ai Qing 's Creation from the Perspective of the Relationship of Literature and Politics

  28. 艾青善于调动各种艺术手段,以其敏锐的艺术感受力和表现力,在多层次的意境展示中表现主题。

    AI Qing was good at adopting various artistic means to express the themes in different conception with his keen perception and expression .

  29. 艾青以其独特的审美观以及写作风格闻名于世,他的诗歌也因此得到很多传译。

    Ai Qing distinguishes himself with his unique appreciation of beauty and writing style . His poems also get translated thanks to his fame .

  30. 这两个母题意象,使艾青的诗歌既具有了理性的深度内涵,又具有了审美感性的生动品格。

    These two motive image , have already fully filled Ai Qing 's poems both rational deep connotation and vivid appreciation of perceptual esthetics ;