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  • AIDS vaccine
  1. 国际艾滋病疫苗行动组织(InternationalAIDSVaccineInitiative)证实了Abalaka与任何已知的疫苗研究组都没有联系。

    The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative has confirmed that Abalaka has no link with any known vaccine research teams .

  2. “他们的证据很有趣,”国际艾滋病疫苗项目的PatFast说,“然而,目前它还存在争议。”

    " Their evidence is intriguing ," said Pat Fast of the International Aids Vaccine Initiative . " However , at this stage it remains controversial . "

  3. 2007年,Step艾滋病疫苗试验被终止,当时的结果显示接种这种疫苗的人们比没有接种疫苗的人更容易感染艾滋病病毒。

    In2007 the Step HIV vaccine trial was halted when results showed that people who received the vaccine were more likely to get HIV than those receiving no vaccine .

  4. 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HumanImmunodeficiencyvirus,HIV)的传播在全球范围内导致了巨大的灾难,然而至今为止,尚没有一种艾滋病疫苗被证明能够有效地预防HIV的感染。

    The worldwide prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) caused huge disaster . Unfortunately , there is no vaccine proved to be effective to protect human from HIV infection until now .

  5. 结论成功筛选了稳定表达HIV-1病毒样颗粒的293细胞系,为进一步开发艾滋病疫苗奠定了基础。

    Conclusion The 293 cell lines for stable expression of VLPs of HIV-1 were successfully screened , which laid a foundation of development of HIV vaccine .

  6. 比尔与美琳达•盖茨基金会的艾滋病疫苗高级项目官员NinaRussell说,电穿孔的耐受性是有争议的。

    Nina Russell , senior programme officer for HIV vaccines at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , says that the tolerability of electroporation is controversial .

  7. 国际艾滋病疫苗项目约翰内斯堡办公室的JimSherwood说疫苗缺乏进展是一个“糟糕的情况”。

    Jim Sherwood , of the Johannesburg offices of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative ( IAVI ), said the lack of progress was a " sad state " .

  8. 经过20多年艰苦卓绝的研究工作,抗HIV药物已取得了很大进展,艾滋病疫苗研究虽未取得预期的成功,但近年来也取得了一些令人鼓舞的进展。

    After more than 20 years of arduous research , significant progress has been made in anti-HIV drugs . Although no desired success was achieved , there has been encouraging progress in the development of vaccines against HIV infection .

  9. 过去15年,比尔•盖茨(BillGates)在全球健康领域花费了数十亿美元,也未能实现疟疾或小儿麻痹的根除,更别提找到艾滋病疫苗或治愈良方了。

    Bill Gates , who has spent billions of dollars over the past 15 years on global health , has yet to achieve the eradication of malaria or polio , let alone either a vaccine or a cure for HIV .

  10. “我们的研究提出,这种基于腺病毒的艾滋病疫苗有效地让[CD细胞]聚集在可能出现艾滋病病毒的地方。”Patterson说。

    " Our research suggests that the adenovirus-based HIV vaccine effectively instructs [ CD4 cells ] to gather around exactly where HIV is likely to be introduced ," said Patterson .

  11. 将HIV1中国流行株gp120基因在痘苗病毒中进行表达,以期获得重组痘苗病毒,与核酸疫苗混合免疫,评价免疫效果,为艾滋病疫苗开发研制打下基础。

    To obtain recombinant vaccinia viruses of gp120 gene of HIV 1 subtype B and evaluate the immune effects after immunization with nucleic acid vaccine for AIDS vaccine development .

  12. 本周(9月17日至19日)在南非开普敦举行的Bio2Biz生物技术会议上,科学家们公布说,只有一种艾滋病疫苗在泰国进入了最终阶段的试验,也就是III期临床试验。

    This week ( 17 – 19 September ) the Bio2Biz biotechnology conference in Cape Town heard that only one HIV vaccine , in Thailand , has progressed to the final stage , phase III clinical trials .

  13. 国际艾滋病疫苗组织(IAVI)与非洲国家合作研究艾滋病毒。现在,这种病毒已经感染了非洲大陆数千万人。

    The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative ( IAVI ) works in partnership with African countries in researching the virus which has infected tens of millions of people on the continent .

  14. 在2008年的蓝图中,IAVI向该领域提出了挑战,重新思考和定位了艾滋病疫苗研发的期望和焦点所在。

    In2008 the blueprint , IAVI in the area to put forward a challenge to rethink the positioning and AIDS vaccine research and development and look forward to the focus of attention .

  15. 目前,发现这两种抗体的国际艾滋病疫苗组织(IAVI)的科学家已经开始著手进一步研究这两种抗体,从中寻找疫苗设计的线索。

    Currently , the two antibodies was found in international AIDS vaccine organization ( IAVI ), scientists have begun to further study the two antibodies from the vaccine designed to find clues .

  16. 新伙伴关系和行动的工作,例如全球艾滋病毒疫苗计划、国际艾滋病疫苗行动(IAVI)和南非艾滋病疫苗行动(SAAVI);

    Work of new partnerships and initiatives , such as the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise , the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative ( IAVI ) and South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative ( SAAVI );

  17. 艾滋病疫苗的研究现状与发展策略

    The Current Status of AIDS Vaccine Research and its Development Strategy

  18. 艾滋病疫苗临床试验显示:接种疫苗组有比接种安慰剂组更多的感染

    HIV vaccine trial shows more infections , not fewer than placebo

  19. 人类迄今都未研制出可行的艾滋病疫苗。

    So far none of the human AIDS vaccine developed feasible .

  20. 开发一种艾滋病疫苗的举措是一种国际举措。

    The effort to develop an AIDS vaccine is a global effort .

  21. 我目前的工作主要是寻找艾滋病疫苗和疗法。

    My current work is to find an AIDS vaccine and therapy .

  22. 这项研究可能有助于开发艾滋病疫苗。

    The research could help develop vaccines against HIV .

  23. 当前,艾滋病疫苗广谱交叉技术或成为新热点。

    At present , broad-spectrum cross-AIDS vaccine technology or a new hot spot .

  24. HIV/艾滋病疫苗:策略及展望

    HIV / AIDS Vaccines : Strategies and Prospects

  25. 基因工程杂交酵母艾滋病疫苗研究

    Study on hybridized yeast - based HIV vaccine

  26. 这是人类首次获得具有免疫效果的艾滋病疫苗。

    This is the first time with the immune effect of the human AIDS vaccine .

  27. 这些实验性艾滋病疫苗是首批来自非洲交付人体使用的疫苗。

    These experimental AIDS vaccines are the first from Africa to reach testing in people .

  28. 治疗方法已经有所进步,但是现在仍然没有艾滋病疫苗,也不能治愈。

    Treatments have improved , but there is still no AIDS vaccine and no cure .

  29. 艾滋病疫苗联盟的议程总结起来就三个词:传递、证明和发展。

    The AVAC agenda is summed up in three words : deliver , demonstrate and develop .

  30. 在这一点上,他说,可以补充在艾滋病疫苗的探索上。

    This , he said , should be complementary to the search for an Aids vaccine .