
  1. 现在,维多利亚公开自己和丈夫是如何演绎永不放弃的。小贝夫妇俩一起为12月的巴黎版Vogue杂志拍摄暧昧时尚大片。

    And now Victoria Beckham has opened up about just what has made her and David go the distance , as the pair posed for a series of smouldering shots for the December issue of Paris Vogue magazine .

  2. 直到1994年,巴黎一家杂志刊登了密特朗和玛莎妮离开餐厅的照片,玛莎妮的私生女身份才被曝光。

    Mazarine 's existence only reached the public in1994 when Paris-Match magazine published a photograph of the two leaving a restaurant .

  3. 此后她给巴黎的报纸和杂志撰稿。

    Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris

  4. 对于巴黎的和时尚杂志的年轻崇拜者们而言,读这本书是一种学习。

    Young worshipers of Paris and of fashion magazines are in for an education .

  5. 让巴黎的某位杂志编辑

    where a certain Parisian magazine editor

  6. 瓦莱丽•特里埃维勒在奥朗德5月6日当选后的首篇发表于《巴黎竞赛画报》杂志的文章中称:第一夫人是记者并不新奇。

    A journalist First Lady is nothing new , Valerie Trierweiler , Hollande 's partner , said in her first article for weekly magazine Paris Match since he was elected president on May 6 .