
  • 网络circadian rhythms;biorhythm;biorhythms;biological cycle
  1. 造成女大学生亚健康状态的主要原因是心理压力大,饮食起居不规律,缺乏运动,人体生物周期性因素。

    The sub health problems of college girls are mainly brought about by tense stress , irregular diet and lack of physical exercises and the human body 's biological cycle .

  2. 目的从临床血液检验项目研究肝癌恶性生长的年生物周期模式,及其气候差异大地区的时间生物学参数是否有差异。

    Objective To explore the model of yearly biological cycle of liver cancer from clinical laboratory blood , and whether there exists any difference of data of chronobiology at the regions of different climate .

  3. 锌离子几乎完全阻断雷公藤多甙诱导HL60细胞生物周期变化的作用。

    Zn + nearly all blooked the effect of MT induced HL 60 cell cycle change .

  4. 目的:探讨肝癌的临床表现及CT征象的年生物周期特征,并为肝癌的早期发现确定体检人群CT检查的最佳时期。

    Purpose : To explore the annual biologic periodic characteristics of clinical manifestations and CT findings in the growth of liver cancer and select an optimal term of CT examination for to find liver cancer as possible as early in general body - examination population .

  5. 将HL60与雷公藤多甙共培养,观察细胞形态、生物周期变化和DNA电泳分析以及锌离子对细胞生物周期变化的影响。

    HL 60 was cultured with MT observing the cell forms and cell cycle change s , DNA electrophoresis results and the effect of Zn 2 + on the cell cycle change .

  6. 与雷公藤多甙共培养后,HL60发生了与细胞凋亡相关的细胞生物周期变化;此作用主要影响G2/M和S期细胞,并且呈剂量和时间依赖性;

    Following culture of HL 60 with MT , the apoptosis relative cell cycle change appeared in HL 60.This change mainly affected G 2 / M and S stage cells , and presented dose time correlation .

  7. 她的生物周期正处最低潮。

    Her biorhythms were at their lowest ebb .

  8. 对严重的失眠症,医生正在研究采用光疗或其它方法改变病人的生物周期。

    For more serious cases of insomnia , researchers are experimenting with light therapy and other ways to alter circadian cycles .

  9. 每天的工作任务、上下班的交通、社交活动和孩子的日程安排经常支配了我们的时间&不可避免地与人体苏醒和睡眠的生物周期节律发生冲突。

    Workday demands , commuting , social events and kids ' schedules frequently dominate & inevitably clashing with the body 's circadian rhythms of waking and sleeping .

  10. 在生物周期的各个阶段中,植物活体细胞需要不断地对细胞内外的各种刺激如激素、化学物质、光照、温度和微生物等做出应答。

    Plant living cells must constantly response to many kinds of intercellular and extracellular stimulants like hormones , chemicals , light rays and microbes during the various stages in life cycle .

  11. 过度疲劳造成的精力,体力透支,人的自然衰老,现代身心疾病,如心脑血管疾病,肿瘤等疾病的前期,人体生物周期中的低潮时期,剧烈运动导致的亚健康状态。

    Physical and mental exhaustion , decrepit , modem physical and mental illnesses such as diseases related to heart or cerebral vessels , early tumors , the low ebb period of body biological clocks and violent sports can cause sub-healthy conditions .

  12. 近年来发现细胞周期素(Cyclin)、细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶(cyclindependentkinase,CDK)和细胞周期蛋白依赖性激酶抑制因子(Cyclindependentkinaseinhibitor,CKI)在真核生物细胞周期调控有重要作用。

    In the recent years , cyclin , cyc-lin dependent kinase and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor have important effect in cell cycle modulation .

  13. 高等真核生物细胞周期蛋白研究进展

    The Research Progress of Cyclin in Higher Eukaryotes

  14. 不同光暗循环下小鼠自发活动生物节律周期的频率分析

    Frequency Analysis of Periods of Spontaneous Biological Rhythm in Mice under Different Light-dark Cycle

  15. 此外,外源性信号也对真核生物细胞周期起间接调控作用。

    In addition , exogenous signal also act on cell cycle in eukaryotic cell indirectly .

  16. 真核生物细胞周期的调控

    Regulation of the cell cycle in eukaryotes

  17. 有性繁殖是真核生物生命周期的一个普遍特征。

    Sex prevails in nature , presenting as a general feature of the life cycle of eukaryotes .

  18. 真核生物细胞周期失控是细胞过度增殖及癌变的重要原因。

    The disorders of cell cycle of eukaryote are the reasons for the ultra - proliferating and carcinomatous .

  19. 由于生物生长周期对水量的要求,需要精确到月的下泻生态流量。

    Because of the water requirement by the growth period of the creature , the let-down ecological flow has to be calculated at the monthly amount .

  20. 基因调控网络旨在从貌似杂乱无章的基因表达数据库中发现基因间的调控关系,为科学家从整体论角度理解生物细胞周期乃至蛋白质功能提供了可靠的依据。

    The purpose of gene regulatory networks is to discovery gene regulatory relationship from gene expression database seemingly disorderly and unsystematic , which provide reliable gist for scientist to understand biology cell cycle and protein function from the whole angle .

  21. 为此,论文采用调控污泥龄的手段系统研究了污泥龄对反硝化聚磷系统的影响,进一步利用微量热仪测定了不同泥龄系统生物除磷周期的能量变化趋势。

    So the effect of SRT on denitrifying phosphorus removal system is studied by using method of sludge age control . The variation trend of energy of each biological phosphorus removal period of the system with different sludge age is measured by microcalorimetric .

  22. 农业产业结构调整涉及的因素多、范围广,并且受气象、季节和生物生长周期等自然因素的影响,农业产业结构的调整较工业生产结构更为复杂。

    The agriculture industrial structure involved a lot of factors and covered broad scope and is influenced by the natural factors such as meteorology , season , biological growth cycle and so on . The agriculture industrial structure is more complex than the industrial one .

  23. 在真核生物中,周期素依赖的蛋白激酶(CDK)最初发现是一类参与细胞周期调控的蛋白激酶。

    Cyclin-dependent protein kinases ( CDKs ) are a group of protein kinases which are originally characterized as being involved in cell cycle regulation in eukaryotes .

  24. 三类具有收获率的生物数学模型周期解的存在性

    Existence of Multiple Periodic Solutions for Three Models with Harvesting in Mathematical Biology

  25. 生物系统正周期解的存在性问题

    The Existence of Positive Periodic Solutions for Biological Systems

  26. 侧向流曝气生物滤池运行周期的确定

    Operation Cycle in Lateral Flow Biological Aerated Filter

  27. 不同原料制备生物柴油生命周期能耗和排放评价

    Assessment of life cycle energy consumption and emissions for several kinds of feedstock based biodiesel

  28. 讨论了生物量波动周期与多种环境因子的相关性。

    The relationship between the fluctuation period of biomass and the various environmental factors was discussed .

  29. 作为应用,在本章的最后我们给出了几个生物种群模型周期正解存在的充分条件。

    As an application , sufficient conditions for the existence of positive periodic solutions of several population models are established .

  30. 另外由于要处理的项目紧迫,化学和生物修复方法周期长,所以本项目排除该方法。

    In addition , given the urgency of the disposal project , the cycle of either the chemical or biological remediation method is too long and therefore ruled out .