
  • 网络production platform;Production Facilities;SPAR;TLP
  1. Apache当前的JavaSOAPWeb服务生产平台是第三代Axis框架。

    The current production platform for Java SOAP web services from Apache is the third-generation Axis framework .

  2. 渤海生产平台减冰振技术研究

    The Ice-induced Vibration Reduction Techniques for Production Platform Operating in Bohai Bay

  3. 本文介绍了PLC在海上天然气生产平台设施保护系统中的应用。

    This paper presents the application of PLC on facility protection system for offshore nature gas production .

  4. 现在把目光转向第二个较小的生产平台:紧凑型模块化架构CMA,它将给沃尔沃与其中国东家的关系带来重大考验。

    Attention now turns to the second , smaller toolkit : CMA , which stands for compact modular architecture and is the big test of Volvo 's relationship with its Chinese paymasters .

  5. 这是该瑞典公司备受吹捧、耗资110亿美元打造的车辆生产平台下线的第二款大型车,而第一款则是广受好评、外形典雅的XC90运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    The car is the second big model to come off the Swedish brand 's heavily touted $ 11bn vehicle platform and follows the sleek , critically acclaimed XC90 sport utility vehicle .

  6. 罗比内特以新款Celta为例指出,新车型必须配置气囊,才能要满足巴西的监管要求,这就排除了沿用现行生产平台的可能性。

    The new Celta , for example , needs an airbag to meet Brazilian requirements , Robinet said , which precludes using the current platform .

  7. 浮动装置(不包括船舶和钻井平台或生产平台)

    Floating structure ( excl. vessels and drilling or production platforms )

  8. 虚拟制造中多机器人虚拟生产平台的研究

    Simulation Platform in Virtual Manufacturing Based on Multi robot Process

  9. 海洋生产平台改造的风险分析方法探讨

    Discussion of Risk Analyzing Methods for Marine Production Platform Transform

  10. 海洋石油生产平台平面布置设计原则

    The Principle of Design for the Offshore Platform General Layout

  11. 海上生产平台管道系统的设计和安装的推荐作法

    Recommended method for design and installation of offshore production platform piping systems

  12. 基于装配的多机器人虚拟生产平台的系统建模

    System modeling of virtual manufacturing platform for multi-robot assembly

  13. 浅海卫星生产平台油气集输工艺设计

    The design of oil-gas gathering and transportation for shallow sea satellite production platform

  14. 赵东油田生产平台钻井模块钻机移动装置的开发设计

    Development of drilling-machine shifter for the drilling module of production platform in Zhaodong Oilfield

  15. 自强号生产平台沉垫贮油系统设计

    The Design of Mat Oil Storage System of Production Platform " Zi Qiang "

  16. 本文介绍了北京市建筑设计研究院在协同生产平台建设方面的一些经验。

    This paper introduces some experience of BIAD in the construction of synergetic production platform .

  17. 生产平台,包括采油平台、处理平台、生活平台和烽火台;

    Production platforms , including recovery platforms , treating platforms , living platforms and beacon towers ;

  18. 移动式近海钻井船构造和设备规则浮动装置(不包括船舶和钻井平台或生产平台)

    Code for mobile offshore drilling units floating structure ( excl. vessels and drilling or production platforms )

  19. 耐层状撕裂钢用于石油钻井船和原油生产平台。

    Steel with lamellar tear resistance is used in oil drilling ships and crude oil production platforms .

  20. 海上生产平台上部设施安全系统的基本分析、设计、安装和测试的推荐作法

    Recommended method for analysis , design , installation and testing of basic surface systems for offshore production platforms

  21. 再有,对以太组织的运行模式进行了分析,构建了服务平台模式和生产平台模式。

    The operation pattern of Ether Organization is analyzed which includes a service platform model and production platform model .

  22. 他说:“中国可以向那些希望在全球市场上竞争的葡出口公司提供生产平台”。

    " china provides production platforms for portuguese export companies that want to compete on a world level ," he said .

  23. 零码软件生产平台是面向特定领域的基于构件的软件开发平台,提供了过程类业务应用的零编码定制。

    The zero-code software production platform is component-based software development platform for specific areas and provides zero-cord customization to process business applications .

  24. 应用胞映射方法研究了系泊海洋生产平台的周期运动及其倍周期分岔。

    Cell-to-Cell Mapping Method was used to study the periodic orbits and period-doubling bifurcations of a moored ocean production platform subjected to waves .

  25. 陆丰22-1深水边际油田开发最与众不同之处在于采用无生产平台的采油方式。

    The most distinguished feature of the development of the deepwater marginal field named Lufeng 22-1 lies in carrying out production without an offshore platform .

  26. 国产首台铜板带热轧机组的配置特点浮动装置(不包括船舶和钻井平台或生产平台)

    Arrangement Feature of China 's First Hot Rolling Mill Line for Copper Plate & Strip floating structure ( excl. vessels and drilling or production platforms )

  27. 新一代钢铁制造流程的研究内涵应包括:高效率、低成本的洁净钢生产平台技术;

    The research of new generation steel manufacturing process of steel plant should cover : platform technology for producing clean steel with high efficiency and low cost ;

  28. 作为虚拟生产平台建立的重要组成部分之一,生产系统的建模对于多机器人虚拟生产环境的作业控制至关重要。

    As a basic part of a Virtual Manufacturing Platform , manufacturing system modeling is critical to the success of process control in a multi robot virtual manufacturing environment .

  29. 然而,我国现有海洋生产平台的作业深度通常在500米以内,远远不能满足对于南海等深水海域油气开发的迫切需求。

    However , the manufacturing capability of offshore production platforms in China is still below 500 meters water depth , far from the exploration requirement in South China Sea .

  30. 同时,在厂房内合理布置设备、生产平台等通风障碍物,保证室内气流组织的合理分布,对改善作业区的热环境非常有利;

    At the same time , reasonably locating obstacles such as production equipment , operation platform , thereby organizing the airflow effect , can improve the comfort city environment .