
  • 【船】survival environmental conditions
  1. 经济体在一定的生存环境条件下获得的效用总量就是生存状态。

    Existent state refers to the total sum of utility which economic individuals have gained under given environmental conditions .

  2. 从控制的角度考虑,可将鸡的适宜生存环境条件物化成由相应的干球温度和相对湿度构成的二维平面。

    Considering to controlling , the suitable live environmental condition for poultry can be defined as a two dimensional region , which is composed of dry ball temperature and relative humidity .

  3. 如果一直维持良好的生存环境与条件,某些植物能够永生。

    Given good conditions , some plants can live for ever .

  4. 针对煤矿矸石地表堆积对人类生存环境和条件带来的威胁与危害,研究了矸石井下处理技术。

    In order to solve the problem of heaping waste in aboveground , a technique of disposal waste in underground was proposed .

  5. 水稻栽培制度的变革,改变了稻螟赖以生存的环境条件,导致二、三化螟的发生世代、发生型和为害程度发生了深刻的变化。

    The change of rice cropping systems alters the environmental conditions essential to the multiplication and survival of rice stem borers , resulting in a conspicuous difference in the annual number of generations , the temporal position of the population peaks and the degree of infestation .

  6. 生态系统服务功能是维持人类赖以生存的环境条件,而土地是各种陆地生态系统的载体。土地利用类型变化必然影响生态系统的结构和功能,影响生态系统所提供服务的种类和大小。

    Ecosystem services is to maintain the environmental conditions of human survival , The land is the carrier of a variety of terrestrial ecosystems , Land use types change inevitably influence ecosystem structure and functions , and change the type and quantity of ecosystem services supplied .

  7. 这种存在又为海中的一切提供了生生不息赖以生存的环境和条件。

    Such a presence also in all the sea offers endless environment and conditions for survival .

  8. 结论航天员在应急着陆或溅落等待期间,只要能适当地行动和正确地利用生存装具及环境条件,就能生还。

    Conclusion It is important for an astronaut to act properly and use the living devices and the environment conditions correctly during the emergency landing .

  9. 森林生态系统服务是指森林生态系统及其中各种生物对人类提供的有益服务,森林生态系统服务功能是指森林生态系统及其生态过程所形成及维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用。

    The forest service is refers to the beneficial service which provides to the humanity by the forest ecosystem and all living things in it .

  10. 森林生态系统服务功能是指森林生态系统与生态过程所形成及维持人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用,作为一种自然资源在人类生存和生活中发挥着重要的生态系统服务功能。

    Forest ecosystem services are the conditions and processes through which natural ecosystems , and the species that make them up , sustain and fulfill human life . As a nature resource plays important ecosystem service functions in people ′ s survival and daily life .

  11. 生态因子是生物生存所不可缺少的环境条件,也可认为是环境因子中对生物起作用的因子。

    Ecological factors are indispensable for living conditions , and can also be considered as environmental factors on organisms at work .

  12. 在对公司外部生存环境和内部资源条件分析的基础上,确定华北公司的战略主要基于先发制人、成本领先和密切合作的发展战略。

    On the external environment and internal resources , based on the analysis of the condition , the company mainly based on the strategy of north China , cost lead and preemptive close cooperation development strategy .