
  1. 苏联在1967年首次实现无人飞船在太空对接。

    The Soviet Union was the first to successfully pull off docking between unmanned ships in 1967 .

  2. 三名圆满完成中国首次手动太空对接任务的宇航员已经于周五早晨安全返回地球。

    Three astronauts who fulfilled China 's first manned space docking safely returned to earth on Friday morning .

  3. 第一次对接是在2011年11月与神舟八号无人飞船对接,这也是中国首次太空对接任务的一部分。

    The first visit was by an unmanned spacecraft called Shenzhou VIII in November 2011 , as part of China 's first space docking mission .

  4. 为期15天主题为“中国首次载人太空对接任务”,通过神舟9号任务的3名中国宇航员的展览周日在香港开展,。

    A 15-day exhibition , under the theme of " China 's First Manned Space Docking Mission , " was opened in Hong Kong on Sunday by three Chinese astronauts of Shenzhou-9 mission .

  5. 此次天宫一号与神舟九号宇宙飞船的成功交会与对接,标志着中国太空对接技术的巨大突破,也标志着中国载人航天工程在完成第二战略目标中决定性的进步。

    The successful rendezvous and docking between the target orbiter Tiangong-1 and the Shenzhou IX spacecraft marks a significant breakthrough in China 's space docking technology , and it also marks decisive progress in fulfilling the second strategic target of China 's manned space program , reads the note .

  6. Gerstenmaier发现号将在周一与太空站对接时让人们能很好地看清飞船隔热层。

    Discovery 's rendezvous with the space station on Monday will provide a good look at the shuttle 's thermal skin , Gerstenmaier said .

  7. 航天飞机将于今天下午和太空站对接。

    The space shuttle will link up with the space station this afternoon .

  8. 此后,中国将把精力集中在两个飞行器在太空的对接和在2020年前建造一个载人空间站。

    After that , Wang says China will focus on docking two vehicles in space and building a manned space station by2020 .

  9. 周五,火箭已成功与国际太空站对接。

    The rocket successfully linked with the International Space Station on Friday . Astronauts on board the Space Station used its robotic arm to secure the capsule .

  10. 景海鹏在前两次太空飞行对接任务中也担任了任务指令长,这能为他提供帮助“神舟十一号”与“天宫二号”对接所需的经验。

    The mission 's commander was also part of docking missions on both his previous space flights , giving him the experience needed to help dock Shenzhou 11 with Tiangong 2 .

  11. 这次对接的成功表明中国已经完全掌握了太空交会对接技术,并且能够将人与货物送往卫星。这对我国2020年完成太空空间站有非常重大的意义。

    The success of the procedure shows that China has completely grasped space rendezvous and docking technologies and the country is fully capable of transporting humans and cargo to an orbiter in space , which is essential for the country 's plans to build a space station around 2020 .

  12. 使(两艘太空船)空间对接。

    To couple ( two or more spacecraft , for example ) in space .

  13. 谢表示,在掌握太空行走、空间对接和运行太空实验室方面,中国将愿意向美国和俄罗斯学习。

    Xie said in the efforts to master the techniques for space walking , docking and operating a space lab , China is willing to learn from Russia and the United States .

  14. “我们的下一个目标是在2011年下半年,实现两个太空舱的空间对接”杨利伟说,他2003的太空之旅使他成为中国首个航天员。

    " Our next goal is to realise a space docking of two vehicles during the second half of2011 ," said Yang , whose journey into space in2003 made him the first Chinese astronaut .

  15. 在6月24日,三位中国航天员成功完成了神舟九号宇宙飞船与天宫一号太空实验室的手动对接,这是中国太空探险历史上的首次尝试。

    On June 24 , the three Chinese astronauts successfully completed a manual docking between the Shenzhou IX spacecraft and the orbiting Tiangong-1 lab module , the first such attempt in China 's history of space exploration .

  16. 北京&周五,一个高级官员说,中国今年将试图进行无人操纵的两个太空舱的首次太空对接,这是致力于建立中国自己空间站的第一步。

    BEIJING : China will attempt its first space docking between two unmanned vehicles this year , the first step in efforts to build a Chinese space station , a senior official said on Friday .

  17. 这台新的太空望远镜将被放置在天宫三号空间站旁边的轨道上。而天宫三号计划于2022年发射,并能够和这台太空望远镜对接。

    The new telescope would be put into orbit next to the Tiangong 3 space station , planned for launch in 2022 , and would be capable of docking with it .