
tài kōnɡ bìnɡ
  • space sickness
  1. 几天之内——这对某些人来说会是糟糕的几天——宇航员的大脑就能学会忽略那种令人恐慌的、来自内耳的信号,如此太空病就消失了。

    Within a couple days — truly terrible days for some — astronauts ' brains learn to ignore the panicky signals from the inner ear , and space sickness disappears .

  2. 随着作战空间的延伸,太空病、深海病等一些不常见,甚至未知的疾病将出现。

    With the extension of the battle space , the outer space diseases , deep-sea diseases and other not common , even the unknown diseases will appear .

  3. 通过对太空减压病同高空减压病进行比较,阐明太空减压病应由高空减压病独立出来的必要性。

    To expound the necessity that space decompression sickness ( SDCS ) should be separated from altitude DCS , comparison was made between the features of space DCS and altitude DCS .