
shēnɡ shēn
  • biological; natural
生身 [shēng shēn]
  • (1) [natural]∶生育自己的

  • 生身父母

  • (2) [born]∶出生

  • 生身之地

  1. 她试图弄清楚她的生身父母是谁。

    She is trying to find out who her natural parents are .

  2. 被生身父母所抛弃的孩子。

    Children rejected by their natural parents .

  3. 重点将放在学校里的后进生身上。

    Low achievers in schools will receive priority .

  4. 孩子出生证明上注明的生身父亲是Smith多年的伴侣和律师HowardK.Stern,但是还有其他几名男士都称自己是孩子的父亲,其中包括洛杉矶摄影师LarryBirkhead。亲子之争仍然在进行中,等待法庭裁决

    Her longtime companion and lawyer , Howard K. Stern , is listed as the father on her daughter 's birth certificate but several other men , including Los Angeles photographer Larry Birkhead , also claim to be the father and the paternity ( 8 ) issue is still being fought in the courts .

  5. 罗杰了解他,比他的生身父亲更了解他。

    But Roger understood him better than his own father did .

  6. 忠实和苦乐共享在生身家庭,收养家庭及被收养者之间不断增加

    Increased honesty and sharing Between Birth families , adoptive families and adoptees

  7. 她在丹麦的日德兰半岛长大,自2012年开始就一直在寻找自己的生身父母。

    She has been searching for her birth familysince 2012 .

  8. 而他可能是他的生身父亲?

    That he might even be her real dad ?

  9. 你知道我的生身父母是谁么?

    Do you know who my real parents are ?

  10. 克里斯蒂娜-惠普尔说。她认为自己有权了解自己的生身父母。

    Says Christine Whipp , her arguments for the right to know her parentage .

  11. 我不是她的生身母亲。

    That I am not her biological mother .

  12. 他想要已经18岁的乔妮帮助他找到两个人的生身父亲;

    He wants Joni , now18 , to help him find their biological father ;

  13. 那恰恰在周四发生在一群十二年级生身上。

    That 's exactly what happened for a group of 12th graders on Tuesday .

  14. 身为养女,我并不想找到自己的生身父母。

    As for being adopted , I have no desire to find my real parents .

  15. 我的生身父母,我的超能力。

    My biological parents , my ability .

  16. 以往的研究显示,学习拖延是一种发生在研究生身上较为普遍的现象。

    Previous studies have demonstrated that academic procrastination is a universal phenomenon that occurs among postgraduate students .

  17. 你们会明白,太阳恰是我们的生身父母。

    You can see that the sun is a kind of father , a kind of mother .

  18. 这些退伍军人中,有一些是第一波被跨国领养的韩国人的生身父亲。

    Some of the veterans are the fathers of thefirst wave of South Korea 's international adoptees .

  19. 现在你起身,离开这地方,回到你生身之地去。

    Now therefore arise , and go out of this land , and return into thy native country .

  20. 生身的父都是暂随己意管教我们。

    Moreover , we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it .

  21. 以上问题出现在研究生身上,令人担忧!我想更多的是做人的责任心问题。

    It 's worrying that the postgraduates suffer such problems , which is more of a man 's responsibility .

  22. 我也呼苸市民鼎力支持这项关乎到自己生身健康的运动,将香港建设成为一个卫生城市。

    I appeal to the whole community for their full support of this campaign to make Hong Kong a healthy city .

  23. 后一个穿着土黄色的镂空渔夫衫,以及那种常在法国青少年交换生身上看到的邋遢外套。

    The other wears a holey sludge-coloured fisherman 's sweater and the kind of schlumpy outerwear seen on teenage French exchange students .

  24. 因此,发达国家在很大程度上可以充分利用这些留学生身上所拥有的人力资本,促进本国经济社会的发展。

    Therefore , most developed countries can take advantage of the human capital owned by these international students to drive their development .

  25. 罗斯说,她和她同母异父的兄弟亚当因为对生身父亲一无所知而陷入身份危机。

    MS rose complains that she and her half-sibling Adam have suffered an identity crisis from knowing nothing about their biological father .

  26. 这些问题在后进生身上不同程度地存在着,问题的出现是内部因素和外部因素共同作用的结果。

    Students these problems exist in varying degrees was the crux of the problem is the internal factors and external factors results .

  27. 我的生身家人也许并不是我理想中的那样,找到这样的“陌生人”也无法立刻拥有爱。

    My biological family might not be whom I romanticized them to be and finding such strangers would not instantly conjure love .

  28. 然而,笔者调查研究发现这种传统美德在当代高职生身上出现了不同程度的缺失。

    However , the author found that some students at higher vocational colleges are short of the traditional virtue to different extent through research .

  29. 而进入20世纪的西方社会学当下的生身情境就是丹尼尔·贝尔所谓的后工业时代或弗里德里克·杰姆逊所谓的晚期资本主义。

    The background of the western sociology facing the 20th century was post-industrialism named by Daniel Bell and Late Capitalism proposed by Fredric Jameson .

  30. 她说,知道了多年来冷对自己的女人不是生身母亲,心中的困扰也就解除了。

    She says she is relieved to know that the woman who treated her so coldly over the years is not her real parent .