
  • 网络Biomechanical Engineering;Biomechanics
  1. 本文介绍了利用生物机械工程的理论和技术设计和评价足部用品的一个尝试。

    The paper presented an experimental case study of designing and evaluating footwear based on the theory and technique of biomechanical engineering .

  2. 文中首先综述有关生物机械工程的理论研究和技术应用的进展,讨论这种设计方法对于满足人类对足部用品的舒适性和功能性要求的必要性和意义。

    First , the paper reviewed the development on the theory and technique of biomechanical engineering , and discussed the necessity and the significance of this design approach from the point of view of comfort and function of footwear .

  3. 农业工程化:主要包括土地利用工程、农业能源工程、农业系统工程、农业人体工程、农业生物工程、农业机械工程,以至农业环境治理工程,海洋养殖工程等学科。

    Development of agricultural engineering . This comprises of engineer-ing pertaining to the following areas , land utilization , agricultural energy , agricultural systems , protection of human health , agricultural biology , agricultural mechanization , management of agricultural environment , and marine breeding etc.

  4. 河北理工大学冶金与能源学院、建工学院和河北省地震工程研究中心、计算机与自动控制学院、化学与生物技术学院、机械工程学院、材料学院、资源与环境学院被引次数比较多。

    The papers from the Metallurgy Energy College , Constructional Engineering College , Computer Autocontrol College , Chemistry Biotechnology College , Mechanical Engineering College , Material Engineering College , Resource and Environmental Engineering College and Hebei Province Earthquake Engineering Research Center have been cited more .