
  • 网络korean culture;korea;South Korean culture;culture of south korea
  1. “韩流”在亚洲刮得越来越猛。“韩流”(hallyu)是针对本世纪以来韩国文化在亚洲其他国家受到热捧的现象而造出的新词。

    Asia is increasingly feeling the phenomenon of hallyu , a newly coined term referring to the increase in popularity of South Korean culture that has been flooding other countries since turn of the century .

  2. 埃及大使马吉德•阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹(MagedAbdelaziz)表示:韩国文化非常谨慎;按部就班,系统性很强。

    Maged Abdelaziz , the Egyptian ambassador , says : Korean culture is very cautious ; step-by-step , systematic .

  3. 韩国文化产业振兴院(KoreaCreativeContentAgency)的数据显示,韩国计算机网络游戏收入占到全球市场的五分之一,但这一比例低于2012年的28.6%。

    Its PC-based online games account for afifth of revenue in the global market - but that is downfrom 28.6 per cent in 2012 , according to the Korea Creative Content Agency ( Kocca ) .

  4. 韩国文化和旅游学会(KoreaCultureandTourismInstitute)研究员崔京云(ChoiKyung-un)表示,中国人在韩国购物受到了韩剧、韩国电影和韩国流行音乐潮流的驱动。

    Choi Kyung-un , a researcher with the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute , says Chinese purchases in the country are driven by trends derived from Korean television , movies and K-pop music .

  5. 这场内讧可能会放慢该乐团自郑明勋(Myung-whunChung)于2005年担任音乐总监以来取得的进步。郑明勋指挥过世界上的很多大乐团,是韩国文化界的重量级人物。

    The infighting is threatening to slow the progress that the orchestra has made since Myung-whun Chung , who has conducted many of the world 's major ensembles and is a towering cultural figure here , became its music director in 2005 .

  6. 韩国文化产业振兴院估计,去年韩国游戏的海外销售额增长约7%(至32亿美元),大大慢于2007年至2012年期间的两位数增速。当时,包括NCSoft以及在东京上市的Nexon在内的韩国公司促进了全球网游市场的发展。

    Kocca estimates that sales of Korean gamesabroad grew about 7 per cent to $ 3.2bn last year , slowing sharply from thedouble-digit pace between 2007-12 when South Korean companiesincluding NCSoft and Tokyo-listed Nexon developed the globalonline game market .

  7. 同时,韩国文化也有所反馈。

    In the same time , the Korean culture has reflections .

  8. 论韩国文化转型中的企业管理模式选择

    On the Corporate Management Pattern Choice in Culture Transition of Korea

  9. 这样的标准反映了韩国文化的整体面貌。

    Such standards are reflective of Korean culture at large .

  10. 韩国文化转型中的企业价值观研究

    Research in the Enterprise Value in Culture Transition of Korea

  11. 中国和韩国文化的关联性是什麽?

    What kind of connection is there between Korean and Chinese culture ?

  12. 略论韩国文化发展及其对现代化的影响

    Comment on the Republic of Korea Cultural Development and Its influence on Modernization

  13. 韩国文化对我国民族文化的冲击及其对策

    Korean Culture 's Influence on Chinese National Culture and Some Strategies Concerning it

  14. 这就是韩国文化的“混性”特征。

    Because of the " hybridity " characteristic of the South Korean culture .

  15. 韩国文化产业的发展及其对中国的启示

    The Development of South Korea 's Culture Industry and Its Inspiration to China

  16. 我是不太了解韩国文化啦

    Well , I don 't know a lot about the Korean culture ,

  17. 没错在韩国文化里就是如此

    Yes , it is . In Korean culture .

  18. 韩国文化对韩语话语规则的影响

    Korean Cultural Influence on Korean Verbal Communicative Principles

  19. 近几十年来,随着韩国文化迅速现代化,反对这项法律的呼声日益增高。

    But the law became increasingly unpopular as South Korean culture rapidly modernized in recent decades .

  20. 但他也表示,这与崇尚阳刚和竞争的韩国文化并不相悖。

    But he says this doesn 't conflict with South Korea 's macho , competitive culture .

  21. 文化遗产的保护与历史文脉的传承&对韩国文化遗产保护经验的思考

    Protection of Cultural Heritage and Inheritance of Tradition : Reflections on Korean Experience of Cultural Heritage Protection

  22. 韩国文化部还希望,网游公司能够采取主动措施来遏制成年人对网游的沉迷。

    The culture ministry also wants companies to take voluntary measures to curb excessive gaming among adults .

  23. 事实说明,韩国文化主流与中国楚文化有着深厚的渊源关系。

    Suffient evidence shows that the mainstream of Korean culture is closely related to Chinese Chu culture .

  24. 但是很多影视剧翻译是在没有深度了解韩国文化的情况下进行的,因此出现很多错误和问题。

    But the popular TV drama translation in the absence of deep understanding of Korean culture often causes misunderstanding .

  25. 韩国文化产业的崛起是后发展国家应对全球文化产业竞争的一个成功范例。

    The rise of Korean cultural industries is one of the most successful cases in the global cultural market .

  26. 她表示:中国人对韩国文化和韩国这个国家本身更感兴趣了。

    Chinese people have become more interested in South Korean culture & and the country itself , she says .

  27. 他真正的意图是质疑自己对于韩国文化的看法,以及他是否能打破一些禁忌。

    His real intent was to question his own views on Korean culture and whether he could break some taboos .

  28. 韩国文化根植于中国文化,上至典章制度,下至日常物品,都深深打上中国的烙印。

    The root of Korean culture is in China , from the decrees and regulations to the articles of daily lives .

  29. 公园在孔庙附近,孔子尊老的思想几个世纪以来塑造了韩国文化。

    It 's built around a temple to Confucius , whose ideas on venerating elders have shaped Korean culture for centuries .

  30. 机场航站楼里有7个花园、一个溜冰场、一个温泉疗养中心以及韩国文化博物馆。

    There are seven gardens inside the terminal , an ice rink , a spa and the Museum of Korean Culture .