
  1. 我逃出生天了不是吗

    I got out of the box , didn 't I ?

  2. 那么,斯科特,她们究竟是怎样逃出生天的?

    Well then , Scott , how did she get away ?

  3. 我觉得我们有希望逃出生天。

    I 'm still hoping to survive this thing .

  4. 如果你们想要逃出生天。

    If you and your kids want to get out of here alive .

  5. 监狱当局昨晚在搜捕他的另外一位逃出去的狱友,那位明显身材较瘦所以才能逃出生天。

    Authorities were last night hunting for a thinner cell-mate who managed to escape first .

  6. 他立志要娶他葛师妹为妻,我则立志要逃出生天。

    He determined to marry his sister Ge and I determine to escape from here !

  7. 你来了,我们在一起这是一张逃出生天的卡片。

    You 're here , and we 're together , and it 's a get-out-of-jail-free card .

  8. 记住,把那个小女孩给我,我帮你逃出生天。

    Remember , give me that little girl and I 'll help you get away from here .

  9. 最有可能逃出生天的人,是那些准备好挑战极限的人。

    The people who stand the best chances of survival are the ones prepared to push the limits .

  10. 不过他们也可能已经逃出生天并去到了一个没有人认识他们的地方。

    However , they may have made it and gone to a place where people did not know them .

  11. 从肾藏精、生天癸、主月经、为冲任之本等方面,论述不孕的主要病理机制为肾虚。

    From these aspects , the article states that the main mechanism of sterility is deficiency of the kidney .

  12. 天地的造作是非常的无心,可是这个无心就是能够生天育地。

    The cultivation and nurturing of heaven and earth is very unconditional and only this unconditional heart can create and nurture the heaven and earth .

  13. 周日逃出生天的一些人愿意向外国记者讲述自己的经历,他们的情绪介于愤怒和悲伤之间。

    A few of the people who came out on Sunday were willing to talk to foreign reporters , their moods ranging between anger and sadness .

  14. 你们九死一生终于逃出生天,梅玲也欣喜地见到了安医生。在知道了这个女侍是个鬼魂之后,你用你的护身符超度了她。

    A joyful Mai Ling met up with Doctor An and after learning that the serving girl she was a ghost you released her with your amulet .

  15. 闻圣人说法,修行诸善,舍此身已,可得生天,及以解脱,便自杀身,望得生天及以解脱。

    Those who have heard the Saints preaching that people who do good deeds may go to Heaven after death and consequently get deliverance , commit suicide to get there .

  16. 沙特阿拉伯报章周三报道说,一个因杀人罪被沙特法庭判处剑劈死刑的也门男子在最后一刻逃出生天,原因是受害者的父亲在行刑前站出来表示原谅他的罪行。

    Yemeni man escaped execution by the sword in Saudi Arabia when his victim 's father stood up at the last minute and forgave him , a Saudi newspaper reported on Wednesday .

  17. 在混乱之中,一只皇家雄鹿在这个救了它的男孩面前屈膝,让他以兽王的身份骑上它,带他跃过了堡垒的高墙,逃出生天。

    In the chaos , one regal stag bowed to the boy who had freed him ; and with Beastmaster astride him , leapt the high walls of the estate , and escaped .

  18. 想想看,你已经逃脱了奴役顺利逃出生天,但你却又回来了,你的勇气以及对他人的关爱让你义无反顾再入魔窟。

    Just imagine you 've gotten out of slavery , you 've escaped , and yet you come back , you have the courage and the care about other people to come back into a hell .

  19. 他想象他们突破障碍领他逃出生天,他仿佛看见自己拥抱妻儿,回到家中,致电友人,吃喝跳舞,欢庆脱险。

    He imagined them breaking through and walking him out , and he saw himself embracing his wife and child , going home , calling up friends , and eating and dancing to celebrate his rescue .

  20. 在2月15日的一个周末,盗贼们悄无声息地进入了保险库,动作之轻柔灵活,恐怕连丹尼·奥森也会为之嫉妒。他们打开了存储柜,带着闪亮的战利品逃出生天。

    On the weekend of Feb 15 , using a series of moves that would make Danny Ocean jealous , the thieves were able to silently enter the vault , bust open the safe deposit boxes , and make off with the glittering loot .

  21. 说不定媚兰也得生两天呢!

    Suppose Melanie should go on like this for two days !

  22. 应用石蜡切片法、荧光显微镜和紫外分光光度法,对不同年生巴戟天根组织结构的变化进行了观察、对蒽醌类化合物在根中的分布场所及其积累动态进行了研究。

    The histological structures of the roots of Morinda officinalis How of different ages were observed , the distribution and accumulation of anthraquinones in the root were studied with the help of paraffin section , fluorescent microscope and ultraviolet spectrophotometer .

  23. 生后14天GnRH神经元胞体增大,数目恢复,染色加深,与成年水平相近。

    In postnatal day 14 , Gn-RH neurons reached adult level in cell body size , number and staining intensity .

  24. 方法:40例HIE患儿(足月儿35例,早产儿5例)于生后11天内同步进行MRI及CT检查,并与临床分度进行比较。

    METHODS : We have synchronously examined 40 HIE neonates ( Including 35 full term infants and 5 pre term infants ) using MRI and CT in 11 days after birth , and compared with clinical grade .

  25. SGA组新生儿生后五天内发病率最高为33.3%,与AGA组的2.7%比较有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。

    The morbidity of SGA infants was 33.3 % , which was significant different with AGA group ( 2.7 % ) ( P < 0.01 ) .

  26. 实验三:6只乳鼠分别于生后18~30天腹腔注射NMDA(45mg/kg),观察慢性点燃模型建立情况。

    Experiment ⅲ: 6 infant rats were intraperitoneally injected with 45mg / kg of NMDA from PN 18 to PN 30 respectively . The establishment of chronic kindling model was observed .

  27. 方法:将生后7天(postnatal7d,P7)的SD大鼠随机分成两组,每组16只,惊厥组每日吸入三氟乙醚诱导惊厥发作1次,每次持续30min,连续6d;

    Methods : Thirty-two of 7-day-old ( P7 ) Sprague-Dawley rats were divided randomly into two groups : the control group and the seizure group .

  28. 治疗组生后7天及12~14天NBNA评分正常的例数多于对照组,其差异有显著性(P<0.05);

    More neonates in the Treatment group had normal scores of NBNA than the Control group at 7 and at 12-14 days of life ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 化学发光法检测各组仔鼠生后14天时血清游离三碘甲腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离四碘甲腺原氨酸(FT4)及促甲状腺激素(TSH)的含量。

    Blood samples were collected at the time of postnatal day 14 for the determination of free triiodothyronine ( FT3_ ) / free tetraiodothyronine ( FT_4 ) and thyroid stimulating hormone ( TSH ) were measured by using the chemiluminescence method .

  30. 听觉剥夺和纯音暴露对生后42天龄组大鼠听皮层NR2B表达不再产生明显调节作用(P>0.05)。

    No significant effects of auditory deprivation and tone exposure on the relative expression level of NR2B protein of PND42 ( P > 0.05 ) were found .