
zhēn yán
  • mantra;true words;incantation
真言 [zhēn yán]
  • (1) [true words]∶真话

  • 他说的句句都是真言

  • (2) [in cantation]∶梵语陀罗尼的义译,即咒语

  • 口念真言

  1. 这家医疗中心“病人至上”的指导原则,被首席执行长托比•科斯格罗夫(TobyCosgrove)奉为真言,他把有关病人经历的故事融入自己所有的演讲中。

    The clinic 's guiding principle -- patients first -- is used as a mantra by chief executive Toby Cosgrove , who weaves patient experience stories into all of his presentations .

  2. 真言,三言两语便能感动人心;

    Mantra , a few words can move people 's hearts ;

  3. 酒醉吐真言

    Drunkenness reveals what soberness conceals .

  4. 去年,史密斯杂志(Smithmagazine)和美世咨询公司(Mercer)把这个问题抛给了公众,结果收到了数以千计的反馈。他们从中遴选出了400条,并集结成册,取名《职场6字真言》,其中包括以下一些金句:

    When Smith magazine and consulting firm Mercer posed the question last year , they got thousands of entries , which they winnowed down to 400 for a book called Six Words About Work . A sampling of the winners :

  5. 牧师的真言术盾获得了一个新的(十分可怕)的声音。

    Priest 's Power Word : Shield has a new sound .

  6. 詹姆士希望自己能在会议上吐真言。

    James wishes he could speak his mind at meetings .

  7. 对不起,如果真言冒犯各位的话。

    I 'm sorry if the truth offends you .

  8. 六字真言解每一个轮回苦。

    Six words really talk to solve each round to return to bitterness .

  9. 口吐真言,永远坚立。舌说谎话,只存片时。

    Truthful lips endure forever , but a lying tongue lasts only a moment .

  10. 假舌不回吐真言。

    A false tongue will hardly speak truth .

  11. 有许多问题我想套出他的真言。

    There are many subjects on which I should like to draw him out .

  12. 我的新获得的真言?少就是多。

    My new mantra ? Less is more .

  13. 在施放真言术:壁时不会再出现不必要的字符串错误。

    Unnecessary string errors should no longer occur when casting Power Word : Barrier .

  14. 真言时刻&生态危机与当下资本主义制度批判

    The Moment of Truth & Ecological Crisis and Critique of Contemporary Capitalist Economic System

  15. 箴31:1利慕伊勒王的言语,是他母亲教训他的真言。

    Pro31:1 The words of king Lemuel , the prophecy that his mother taught him .

  16. 要释放这种声音蕴含的能量,我们需要学习以特定的节奏重复那些真言。

    To release the energy from sound we learn to repeat it as a certain rhythm .

  17. 当真言终于被道出,并展现于我面前,

    With the truth finally said and out in the open for me to plainly see ,

  18. 所以造假酒的人注意了哦,即使是原子也会酒后吐真言的。

    So beware wine scammers . Because even at the atomic level , in vino veritas .

  19. 倡导真言,提倡表达自我,是我们作文教学最基本的目标和要求。

    Advocate truth , to promote self-expression , is the most basic objectives and requirements of our composition teaching .

  20. 那一天,我闭目在经殿香雾中,蓦然听见你颂经中的真言。

    That day , I meditated amidst the incense in the temple , suddenly I heard your voice in chanting .

  21. 如果你能忍受有这样的无赖,歪曲你的口吐真言蒙骗笨汉

    If you can bear to hear the truth you 've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools

  22. 如今科学家声称,他们发现人类在说假话,不吐真言时也会蒙受同样的羞辱。

    Now scientists claim to have discovered that humans suffer the same indignity when we are economical with the truth .

  23. “唵嘛呢叭咪吽”用打字机打印的英文六字真言是最珍贵的礼物。

    " Om mane padme hum ", written in English on a typewriter was the most valued gift of all .

  24. 当对你造成的伤害被吸收,比如通过一个真言术:盾,你现在也能获得怒气。

    You now gain rage when damage done to you is absorbed , such as through a Power Word : Shield .

  25. 利用机会将他灌醉,以观察他醉后的态度。酒后吐真言,在不设防的情况下,你能看出此人的真相。

    Make him drunk to watch his attitude , since a man can tell the truth without disguising when being drunk .

  26. “奥姆”是起始的真言,是最初的世界(我们称之为梵或者神)发出的纯净的声音。

    OM is the original mantra , it is just the pure sound of the consciousness we call Brahman or God .

  27. 雅基的儿子亚古珥的言语,就是真言。这人对以铁和乌甲说。

    The sayings of Agur son of Jakeh-an oracle : This man declared to Ithiel , to Ithiel and to Ucal .

  28. 将简单作为真言,我们就能协助创建明确、可靠、中肯的品牌。

    With simple is smart as our mantra , we help to build brands that are clear , credible , and relevant .

  29. 勒巴沟几乎所有的石头上都刻上六字真言或是经文,以表达对文成公主的敬仰。

    Six-words theory or prayer were engraved in almost all stones of LeBaGou , this is to show respect to Wencheng Princess .

  30. 作文教学倡导真言,提倡真实表达,抒发真情实感,是从古至今为人推崇的教育理念。

    Advocated truth , promote true expression , express true feelings in writing teaching is a respected educational philosophy since ancient times .