
sù shí zhě
  • vegetarian
  1. 我真没有想到,在所有的人当中偏偏你会成为素食者。

    I didn 't think you , of all people , would become a vegetarian .

  2. 她是素食者吗?

    Is she a vegetarian ?

  3. 素食者认为吃肉食是造恶业。

    Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma .

  4. 素食者不再被视为有怪癖的人。

    Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks .

  5. 菜单每周都有变化,通常包含可供严格的素食者选择的菜肴。

    The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option

  6. 多年以来我一直是个素食者。

    I 've been a vegetarian for donkey 's years .

  7. 目前有400万英国人是严格的素食者。

    Four million Britons are now strict vegetarians

  8. 素食者不吃肉。

    Vegetarians don 't eat animal flesh .

  9. 我不知道你是个素食者。

    I didn 't realize you were a vegetarian .

  10. 素食者不吃任何动物性食物,易患维生素B12缺乏症。

    Vegans consume no animal products and are susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiency .

  11. 一项研究表明,约有12%的千禧一代称自己是“忠实的素食者”,而只有4%的X一代和1%的婴儿潮一代会这么说。

    An estimated 12 percent of millennials say they are " faithful vegetarians , " compared with 4 percent of Gen X'ers and 1 percent of baby boomers , according to one study .

  12. 不过除了B12,非素食者也应该考虑补充上文提到的营养因素。

    However , with the exception of B12 , these nutrients are generally important to consider for non-vegans as well .

  13. 美国饮食协会(或称ADA)发表了一项报告,指定素食者摄取的蛋白质能“满足或超出所需”。

    The American Dietetic Association ( or ADA ) released a report which stated that vegetarians and vegans " meet and exceed requirements " for protein consumption .

  14. 因此,严格素食者食用维生素补充、富含维生素的小麦和加维生素B-12的豆制品就尤为重要。

    For this reason , it 's important for vegans to consider vitamin supplements , vitamin-enriched cereals and fortified soy products .

  15. Gale说,社会高层次受过良好教育的女性更容易成为素食者,但是智商也是重要因素之一。

    Vegetarians were more likely to be female , of higher social class and better educated , but IQ was still a significant predictor of being vegetarian after adjustment for these factors , Gale said .

  16. 加州奥克兰26岁的医务管理员派瑞曼(SamPerryman)是环保主义素食者,但去年却为一只传统血系火鸡破了例。

    Sam Perryman , a26-year-old health-care administrator in Oakland , Calif. , is a vegetarian for environmental reasons , but last year made an exception for a heritage turkey .

  17. 该宣言由全球素食者应对气候变化(GVACC)组织的韦恩·高(WayneKao)发起倡议,并首次于素食气候联盟12月13日在哥本哈根举办的气候研讨会上宣读。

    This declaration was initiated and first presented by Wayne Kao from Global Vegetarians Against Climate Change ( GVACC ) at a workshop of the Veg Climate Alliance in Copenhagen on Dec.13th .

  18. 她丈夫是素食者,而她本人吃肉。

    Her husband is vegetarian , but she herself eats meat .

  19. 因为鹰吃兔子我是素食者。

    Because Eagles eat Bunny rabbits . I 'm a vegetarian .

  20. 对于能够食用奶制品的素食者,奶酪是不错的选择。

    Cheese is a good option if you eat dairy products .

  21. 一个素食者是不吃肉的。

    A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat .

  22. 我是经过好长一段时间的挣扎才成为真正素食者的。

    I had been struggling for a long time with vegetarianism .

  23. 幸好你不是素食者。

    It 's a good thing you 're not a vegetarian .

  24. 为什么不试试做个周间的素食者呢?

    What 's stopping you from giving weekday veg a shot ?

  25. 研究人员发现4.5%的受测者为素食者。

    The researchers found that 4.5 percent of participants were vegetarians .

  26. 不吸烟的素食者想和两名女生共住这座房子。

    Non-smoking vegetarian wanted to share house with two female students .

  27. 素食者得在黑暗中吃东西,对吗?

    Vegetarians have to eat in the dark , right ?

  28. 我希望大家都不是素食者。

    I don 't hope all of you are vegetarian .

  29. 那我为什么也要做素食者?

    Did you ask me if I wanted to be a vegetarian ?

  30. 他们中很多都是素食者,有些人喜欢打猎,有些人甚至自己耕种。

    Many are vegetarian , some enjoy hunting and some even farm .