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  1. 胡萝卜素不溶于水,但可溶于油类和脂肪。

    Carotenes are insoluble in water and soluble in oils and fats .

  2. 射影空间中,数字摄影测量基本模型具有线性特性,避免了欧氏空间迭代运算.解决了CCD内方位素不稳定对于高精度、实时数字摄影测量在结构测试中应用影响。

    In projective space , the digital photogrammetric model is linear , which avoids iterative computation in Euclid space , and it solves the problem which nonstable interior orientation parameters of CCD camera make it difficult to utilize high accuracy photogrammetry in strain test .

  3. 结果表明:该黄色素不溶于水,在无水乙醇、异丙醇、丙酮、氯仿、甲苯、石油醚等有机溶剂中以丙酮为最佳溶剂,丙酮提取液的λmax为415nm。

    That acetone was the optimum solvent in the organic solvents of pure ethanol , isopropanol , acetone , chloroform , acetylacetate phenyl methane , and petroleum benzene etc. The maximum absorption wavelength (λ _ max ) of the optimum solvent was 415 nm .

  4. 发热、咳嗽、四肢酸痛、血象不高、对抗菌素不敏感是本病的临床特点,高热不退者有发展为ARDS倾向。

    The predominant clinical features of this disease are fever , dry cough , aching pain in extremities , unconspicuous pulmonary signs as well as hemogram not rising , a continuing high fever may lead to the tendency of ARDS .

  5. 菌株AS1.2352对氨苄青霉素具有抗性,对四环素和卡那霉素不具有抗性。

    The strain AS1.2352 is resistant to ampicillin , and sensitive to tetracycline and kanamycin .

  6. 样品中低于1.0mg/ml的维生素D2和0.8mg/ml的β-胡萝卜素不干扰测定。

    Vitamin D2 with its concentration less than 1.0mg/ml and β - carotene with its concentration less than 0.8mg/ml don 't interfere with the determination .

  7. 这一结果表明,当土壤中Olsen-P的含量小于23mg·kg-1时,土壤中的磷素不淋溶或很少发生淋溶;

    That means , if Olsen-P contents of the soils are lower than 23 mg · kg-1 , P in soil will not or will hardly leach from soil to water .

  8. 注意:此产品包含柑橘生物黄酮素不溶解。

    Note this product contains citrus bioflavonoids which do not dissolve .

  9. 格尔德霉素不影响病毒的吸附、穿入。

    GA had no effect on viral adsorption and penetration .

  10. 而红曲米色素和栀子蓝色素不具有抗氧活性。

    However , red kojic red and gardenia blue have no antioxidant activity .

  11. 枯草杆菌抗托普霉素不生孢子突变体

    Tobramycin Resistant , Asporogenous Mutants of Bacillus subtilis

  12. 本人素不习惯于公开发表演说。

    I am unaccustemed to public speaking .

  13. 我必以旋风吹散他们到素不认识的万国中。

    I scattered them with a whirlwind among all the nations , where they were strangers .

  14. 我为穷乏人的父,素不认识的人,我查明他的案件。

    I was a father to the poor : and the cause which I knew not I searched out .

  15. 植物纤维是造纸的主要原料,由于其中含有的木质素不能够被完全除去而导致抄造出的纸张泛黄,影响了纸张的白度。

    Fiber , as the raw materials for paper making , lignin in it cannot be removed absolutely , which results in yellowed paper .

  16. 由于脑脊液中体素不包含任何功能激发信号,只含有生理伪影和随机噪声,所以首先选择脑脊液中体素,得到时间序列,估计出噪声的功率谱。

    We estimate noise power spectrum from time series with selected voxel because CSF contains physiological noise and random noise without any activated signal .

  17. 耶和华必将你和你所立的王领到你和你列祖素不认识的国去。

    The LORD shall bring thee , and thy king which thou shalt set over thee , unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known ;

  18. 所祭祀的鬼魔并非真神,乃是素不认识的神,是近来新兴的,是你列祖所不畏惧的。

    They made offerings to evil spirits which were not god , to gods who were strange to them , which had newly come up , not feared by your fathers .

  19. 你救我脱离百姓的争竞,立我作列国的元首。我素不认识的民必事奉我。

    Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people ; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen : a people whom I have not known shall serve me .

  20. 我要把他们散在列邦中,就是他们和他们列祖素不认识的列邦。我也要使刀剑追杀他们,直到将他们灭尽。

    I will scatter them also among the heathen , whom neither they nor their fathers have known : and I will send a sword after them , till I have consumed them .

  21. 所以我必将你们从这地赶出,直赶到你们和你们列祖素不认识的地。你们在那里必昼夜事奉别神,因为我必不向你们施恩。

    Therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye know not , neither ye nor your fathers ; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night ; where I will not shew you favour .

  22. 耶和华必将你和你所立的王领到你和你列祖素不认识的国去。在那里你必事奉木头石头的神。

    And you , and the king whom you have put over you , will the Lord take away to a nation strange to you and to your fathers ; there you will be servants to other gods of wood and stone .

  23. 氮素累积溶出率与砂粒径呈显著负相关(r为-0.8630~-0.9717),钾素相关性不显著。

    The accumulated dissolved ratios of nitrogen were obvious negatively correlation to sand size ( r : - 0.8630 ~ - 0.9717 ), and incorrelate to potassium .

  24. 红花黄色素对不稳定型心绞痛患者血清Hcy、血脂、血浆Fg水平的影响

    Influence of Safflower Yellow on the Levels of Serum Homocysteine , Blood Lipid and Plasma Fibrinogen in Patients with Unstable Angina

  25. 目的:观察葛根素治疗不稳定型心绞痛(UAP)的临床疗效及对UAP患者凝血纤溶活性和内皮功能的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effect of puerarin on unstable angina pectoris ( UAP ) and its coagulant , fibrinolytic and endothelial function .

  26. SUS410S铁素体不锈复合钢板中的碳迁移研究

    Research about carbon migration in ferritic stainless steel

  27. 试验采用完全随机区组设计,分别在含黄霉素和不含黄霉素的日粮中添加不同水平的益生素(0、0.2%、0.4%、0.6%)。

    The experiment was conducted as completely random block design .

  28. 铁素体不锈复合钢板界面组织与性能研究

    Microstructures and Properties at the Interface of Ferrite Stainless Steel Composite Plate

  29. 素就是不杂、单纯。

    In general , the plain is pure without distracting .

  30. 3′端非翻译区对重组人肝细胞生成素表达不均一性的影响

    Affects of the 3 ′ untranslated region on expression of recombinant human hepatopoietin