
  • 网络survival game;stay alive
  1. 野战游戏也叫生存游戏,是伍拾年代起源于美国中西部的一种户外活动。

    The field operation game is also called the survival game , is50 ages stems from the American mid-west one kind of outdoor activity .

  2. 戴上生日皇冠和朋友们一起玩激光生存游戏…

    wearing the birthday king crown , playing laser tag with all my friends ...

  3. 《黎明杀机》是一款由加拿大游戏开发工作室BehaviorInteractive制作的非对称生存恐怖游戏,该游戏于上周二发布了预告片,推出一个新角色。

    Dead by Daylight , an asymmetric survival horror video game developed by Canadian game development studio Behavior Interactive , released a trailer introducing the new character last Tuesday .

  4. 旧金山——对于大多数科技企业来说,本次的季度财报成为了一个适者生存的游戏。

    SAN FRANCISCO - For most tech companies this financial earnings season , it has become a game of survival of the fittest .

  5. 卡普空最著名的生存类恐怖游戏“生化危机”的第一部出品于1996年。

    Capcom 's hugely popular survival horror title game ' Resident Evil ' began in 1996 with the first installment .

  6. 因此,如果你有生命修整-生命就是一个修整,生存竞赛的游戏。那么,演化就是改变竞赛规则来延长赛局的方式。

    So if you have life hacking life means hacking , the game of survival then evolution is a way to extend the game by changing the rules of the game .

  7. 支持生存教育的数字化游戏的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion of Digital Game for Supporting Survival Education