
  1. 本文以煤炭资源整合为背景,使用经典的SCP范式对山西煤炭产业进行深入的研究分析。

    Based on the background of coal resources integration , the use of classic SCP paradigm of shanxi coal industry in-depth study .

  2. 从JM集团此项工作实际进展分析,煤炭资源整合将逐步显示出其作用。

    From JM Group analysis of the actual progress of this work , integration of coal resources will gradually show its effect .

  3. 山西煤炭资源整合和有偿使用状况分析

    Analysis on integration and paid use status of Shanxi coal resources

  4. 煤炭资源整合过程中遇到的问题及建议

    In the Coal Resource Conformity Process Meets Question and Suggestion

  5. 煤炭资源整合的国有化倾向及其原因

    Nationalization tendency and Macro orientation in Integration of Coalmine resources

  6. 本文最后也指出了山西省煤炭资源整合后存在的问题。

    This article also points out the problems after the integration of coal resources in Shanxi Province .

  7. 目前,煤炭资源整合和煤矿兼并重组工作有序推进。

    At present , the integration of coal resources and mergers and restructuring of coal mines are undertaking orderly .

  8. 所以,提升煤炭资源整合的发展进程、对煤矿企业进行兼并重组是一项紧迫的任务。

    Therefore , it is an urgent task to enhance development process of integration of coal resources in coalmine enterprises .

  9. 具体应该采取重视人才开发、继续推动煤炭资源整合、充分利用煤基气态能源等措施。

    Specific measures should be focusing on talent development , continuing promoting coal resource consolidation , making full use of coal gas energy , etc.

  10. 煤炭资源整合仅是一种事后处置,应当由事前管制的市场准入制度取代常态化的资源整合。

    Integration of coal resources is only a post-event treatment and shall be replaced by a market access system which is a pre-event regulatory measure .

  11. 本文最佳路径选择和煤矿调配中心的位置配置的研究结果可直接应用于企业的煤炭资源整合方案设计。

    Research results including best choice method and the configuration deployment of coal center position can be directly applied to the integration of coal resources program design .

  12. 特别是在目前山西煤炭资源整合的背景下,研究技术进步与山西煤炭产业转型发展,有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    Particularly , in the background of current coal resource consolidation , researching on technological progress and restructuring development of coal industry has certain theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 立足山西煤炭资源整合和有偿使用现状,剖析存在的问题,从创新机制、完善政策措施等方面,相应提出改进的对策建议。

    Afoothold Shanxi coal resources integration and paid use situation , analysis existing of problem , form innovation mechanism perfect policy measures aspects relevant paper improved of counter measures .

  14. 目前我国法学界对煤炭资源整合的系统研究十分缺乏,尤其缺少对其涉及法律问题的全面和深入的解析。

    At present , China law experts is in the lack of systematic research on the integration of coal resources , particularly in the lack of legal issues involved in a comprehensive and in-depth analysis .

  15. 煤炭资源整合是不同于以往的一项大规模政策措施,因此,对它的效果进行研究不仅对山西省意义重大,同时也为国家解决煤炭产业发展中存在的问题提供了理论指导和宝贵经验。

    The policy of the integration of coal resources is different from the previous policy measures , so it is very significant to study the effect , not only to Shanxi province but also to the whole country .

  16. 第五章为本文的创新之处,因为作为新兴的煤炭资源整合,还没有完善的法学理论,希望通过笔者的努力来为山西省的煤炭资源整合尽一份作为法律人的责任。

    Chapter V contains the innovative contribution of this paper . As the legal theory is yet to be completed for the pioneering coal industry resource integration , the writer seeks to contribute towards the legal integrity of the resource integration procedure .

  17. 在我省成为国家资源型经济转型综合配套改革试验区和煤炭资源整合顺利完成的关键时刻,研究煤炭开采技术的发展对山西省资源型经济转型的意义重大。

    At this critical moment when Shanxi becomes the comprehensive reform trial place in the national economic transition for the resources-oriented areas and coal resources integration completed smoothly , it possesses very important signification to study the development of the coal mining techniques .

  18. 此外,恰逢全国煤炭资源整合之际,山西南关矿业集团作为山西省煤炭资源整合的主要集团之一,对小煤矿整合路径及配置中心的设置成了当务之急。

    In addition , with the occasion of the national coal resource integration , South Gate Mining Group of Shanxi Coal Mining Group as the main groups becomes the path of integration and configuration of small coal mines to set the center become a priority .

  19. 可以说煤炭资源的整合,是发展大型产煤基地的前提条件和资源保障。

    It is said that the integration of coal resources is the development of large coal production bases and resources , a prerequisite for protection .

  20. 其中主要的研究结论如下:(1)对我省煤炭企业资源整合后对组织结构的需求进行研究。

    The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The study of the need of organization structure after the resource integration in the coal enterprises in our province .

  21. 研究结论表明,我省煤炭企业资源整合后形成了新的特点,对组织管理模式提出了新的要求,传统的组织管理模式距离新要求存在一定的差距。

    The results indicate that the coal enterprise in our province have formed a new feature in resource integration . It also indicates new requirements for the organization management and there is some gap between the traditional organization management and the some new requirements .

  22. 随着近年来煤炭业的资源整合和煤炭发展的国际化战略路线,以及以煤炭为主体的其他煤化工产业的建立和发展,煤炭资源的需求量越来越大。

    With the recent integration of coal resources and coal industry development strategy of the international routes , as well as coal as the main body of the other coal chemical industry , the demand of coal resources is growing .

  23. 提高煤炭人才培养质量推进山西煤炭资源整合

    Improving the Quality of Talent Cultivation in Coal Industry to Promote the Resource Integration of Coal Resource in Shanxi Province

  24. 最后选取比较有代表性的山西煤炭运销集团进行研究,并且提出此次煤炭资源整合中存在的一些问题并提出相应的解决对策。

    Lastly , more representative of shanxi coal transportation group , and puts forward the research of coal resources integration of some problems existing in and put forward corresponding solutions .

  25. 首先,前两章详细介绍产业组织理论的流派发展以及山西省煤炭产业的发展现状、存在问题,并且介绍了煤炭资源整合的进展程度。

    First of all , the first two chapters detailed introduction of the development of the theory of industrial organization and coal industry genre of development present situation , the existence question , and introduces the progression of coal resources integration .

  26. 与此同时,《煤炭法》进入修改程序,修改的基本目的是将煤炭资源整合的成果用法律形式固定下来。

    In the same period , the Law of Coal started the revision process , the objective of which was to write the achievements of the coal resource integration into law .