
  • 网络wireless city
  1. 在无线城市建设中,无线Mesh网络作为一种新兴技术而越来越受到广泛的关注。

    In the wireless city construction , the Wireless Mesh Networks is known as an emerging technology which has gained widespread attention .

  2. 在电信重组和无线城市两大背景的推动下WLAN市场呈现出了前所未有的、如火如荼的发展局面。

    Driven by the telecom restructuring and Wireless City , WLAN market shows an unprecedented development of the situation .

  3. 无线城市是城市信息化的发展方向。

    Wireless city is the development direction of urban informatization .

  4. 规范基站建设是无线城市发展的重要途径

    An Important Way for the Development of Wireless City

  5. 基于商业生态系统的无线城市建设研究

    An Analysis of Wireless City Based on Business Ecosystem

  6. 无线城市与无线电频谱资源管理的研究

    The Research between Wireless City and Spectrum Management

  7. 全球无线城市浪潮解析

    Analysis of Global Wireless City

  8. 无线城市的概念应运而生,对无线城市技术的研究也在越来越多的地区被关注。

    Then it comes the concept of Wireless City , the technology of wireless city is also being researching into .

  9. 随着通信领域的高速发展,―无线城市‖的概念早已深入人心。

    With the rapid development of communication technology , the concept of " wireless city " has already been well known .

  10. 无线城市已经成为一种世界性的趋势,能将信息快速、多样、方便地传递给各个单位与个人,被视为城市国际竞争力的象征。

    The building of Wireless city is a tendency in world width , which can provide rapid and diversiform information to the enterprise and person .

  11. 接着,从政策环境、经济环境、社会环境和技术环境出发,分析影响无线城市建设的因素。

    Then , it analyzed the factors that affect the building of Wireless City , including policy environment , economic environment , social environment and technological environment .

  12. 作为智慧城市在中国的应用,无线城市项目的提出旨在解决市民生活信息化问题。

    As the application of Smart City ( SC ) in China , Wireless City ( WC ) is proposed to solve the problem of citizen life informatization .

  13. 除了提供便利的生活,无线城市对于提升城市的管理水平和管理效率,促进城市可持续发展有着重大意义。

    Besides providing a convenient life , wireless city is also of great significance in upgrading urban management level and efficiency and in promoting sustainable development of cities .

  14. 因此,无线城市本质上是服务科学管理工程的一个具体的落地和抓手,而本文的研究重点将放在无线城市的第二个层面即无线应用的研究上。

    Therefore , the wireless city is essentially a specific project of SSME . And this paper will focus on the second level of the wireless city & wireless applications .

  15. 无线城市。利用上述创新的城市规划和发展理念,就可以造就一个具有勃勃生机的高原生态商贸城&新玉树。

    By making use of the above innovative urban planning and development concepts , a new Yushu , a commercial plateau eco-city with thriving vitality , shall be erected successfully .

  16. 但由于公共性定位不准、商业模式不合理、脱离城市发展实际情况,很多的无线城市实践以失败告终。

    However , due to the public positioning , business model is unreasonable from the actual situation of city development , many of the wireless city practice ended in failure .

  17. 无线城市首先出现在美国,就是在城市中建设无线宽带城域网络以满足公共接入、公共安全和公共服务的需要。

    Wireless City first appears in the USA , the purpose to build wireless broadband MAN in city are satisfy the requirement of public access , public security and public services .

  18. 因此本文虽然以某城市无线城市的投资运营模式为具体案例,实际上是希望通过这个具体案例能得出具有中国特色的无线城市建设模式。

    Though the paper states the investing and operating mode of H-city wireless city , in fact it means to get the Chinese characteristic wireless city construction mode by the specific case .

  19. 全国正在掀起无线城市的建设高潮,采用“3G+WAPI”技术建设无线城市已经成为广泛共识。

    There is a high tide of wireless city construction concept in nationwide , using the " 3G + WAPI " technical to develop wireless city construction already became a comprehensive consensus .

  20. 无线城市的核心是如何将城市中大量的数据进行收集、整合和处理,并将处理之后的数据转化为信息提供给应用使用。

    With the function of processing data into information and providing support for the application , the core task of WC is the collection , integration and analysis of large amount of data .

  21. 营销策略执行的重点举措主要从加大重点行业信息化拓展、加快无线城市的建设和推进物联网的发展三个方面进行了重要论述。

    Marketing strategy from the implementation of priority initiatives to increase the focus of major expansion of industry information , speed up wireless city construction and advancing the development of things discussed three important aspects .

  22. 通过对无线城市的应用场景、行为需求、用户群等进行深入研究,进一步结合广州的特点,对政府、企业、个人的各种需求、情绪和心理进行分析,挖掘各类用户对无线城市的需求。

    Through the wireless city scenarios , behavioral needs , user groups and other in-depth studies to further features in Guangzhou , the government , business , personal needs , emotional and psychological analysis , mining of various types of user demand for wireless cities .

  23. 无线城市已成为各级政府以及社会关注的重点,其价值在于带给大众新的工作和生活方式、提高政务效率与服务效能、促进产业升级和区域经济繁荣、促进区域文化发展、改变区域地位。

    Wireless city has become the focus of all levels of government and social , its value is to bring new lifestyles of the public , Promote industrial upgrading and regional economic prosperity , the promotion of regional cultural development , and change the status of this region .

  24. 无线城市是城市信息化和现代化的一项基础设施,也是衡量城市现代化水平、市政管理运行效率、信息化程度以及竞争水平的重要标志。

    Municipal wireless city is not only a basic infrastructure of a modern and informational city , but also an important symbol reflects the level of modernization , the operating efficiency of the municipal administration , the level of information technology and the level of competition of the city .

  25. 结合对上海市闵行区无线城市试点建设的网络覆盖范围、建设方案、应用推进等方面现状的详细分析,总结提出适合上海无线城市发展的技术选择、建设与运营模式及建设方案的建议。

    Minhang District , Shanghai city combined with the pilot construction of wireless network coverage , construction programs , applications , etc. to promote the status of a detailed analysis of Sum raised for urban development in Shanghai wireless technology choice , construction and operation mode and construction programs .

  26. 嵌入式信息无线交互城市公交报站控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Control System of Interactive Wireless Bus Station Announcement by Embedded Information

  27. 本论文完成了基于无线通信的城市道路交通信号控制系统的交通信号控制器样机设计与研制工作,GPRS无线MODEM的样机设计与开发;完成了服务器软件的基本功能;

    This thesis has finished prototype design and development of Traffic Signal Control Device of the Traffic Light Control System of Urban Road based on Wireless Telecommunication , the prototype design and development of GPRS Wireless MODEM and the basic function of the server software .

  28. 基于无线通信的城市路灯监控管理系统

    The city street lamps ' monitor and control system based on wireless communication

  29. 中国数字电视应走有线与无线同步发展城市与农村一体建设之路

    Digital TV Industry in China Should Take the Road to Integrative Construction of Urban and Rural Area , on Which Cable Develops with Wireless in Step

  30. 本论文提出设计一种新型的基于无线通信方式的城市道路交通信号控制系统,系统包括交通信号控制器,GPRS无线MODEM和交通信号控制系统服务器软件。

    This thesis puts forward and designs a kind of new-type Traffic Light Control System of Urban Road based on Wireless Telecommunication . This system includes Traffic Signal Control Device , Wireless GPRS MODEM and the software of the server center .